Darwin’s theory on natural selection — that mankind evolved from lower animals, all the way back to the one-celled ameba.
Video: When Reagan Mentioned Fatima
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Sheen Was Accused Of Abuse Cover-Up
From Catholic News Agency: The delay of the beatification of Archbishop Fulton Sheen is not related to a 2007 allegation.
Blind Woman Proves She Could See During Near-Death Experience
From Mindmatters: Walter Bradley, researcher: Maybe the most interesting story that I’ve read about is the young lady who was born.
Seer Claims Forces Of Darkness Framed Cardinal Pell
[For cautious discernment only]: House Of Prayer Achill – From a message of Our Blessed Lady to Christina Gallagher on.
Mailbag: Controlled Disruptions?
I saw your post about the brawls over chicken sandwiches and wanted to share a few links. And I apologize.
A Spooky ‘Face’ In Space
From CNN: Although it looks a bit like an eerie, floating face suspended in space, the optical illusion spotted by.
Prayer Need: Bob Dylan’s Bargain
Look at the number (666!) of comments: [For Full Story]
A Robot That Fights Back
Spoof? Funny for how long? [For Full Story]
Mailbag: Unusual Uber Passengers
Use the story if you wish……..of course, keep my name, etc., out of the story…. + I recently picked up.
Backup: Little Flowers
From Catholic News Agency: Pope Francis on several occasions has spoken of his strong devotion to the Little Flower saint.
Archives: When SD Interviewed A NY Cop Who Assisted At Exorcism
It’s not something we like to write about — the demonic — but it’s something that has to be addressed.
Backup: Is It A Coincidence?
Is it a coincidence?For months now, notes a London tabloid, “A snake-like UFO that has been seen across the US.
Here Comes The Synod
[The synod’s importance is obvious: if accepted in the Amazon, married priests may one day also be allowed in Europe,.
Backup: Hidden Mysteries Deep Ago
Every now and then through history — deep history; sometimes not so deep — a series of unusual, even inexplicable, events have.
Backup: When It Rains ‘Cats And Dogs’ (And Fish)
10 Cats and Dog (and Fish) We know.
Backup: experience With Michael
First Story It was the autumn of 1983. The best I can remember, it was September. I don’t know the.
Backup: Angels At The Grand Canyon
September 25, 2019 by sd The Grand Canyon is as dangerous — as daunting — as it is beautiful. More than two.
Backup: Trump
[adapted from Lying Wonders, Strangest Things] With all the ruckus in Washington — and what may be just the fourth U.S..
Angel On A Airplane
Who was it, sitting, during a long flight, next to photographer Linda Schaefer? Let’s back up, for it started.
Video: When An Angel Made Dramatic Rescue
: [resources: The God of Miracles]
Backup: The Greatest Sins
When one thinks of evil people — those destined, in our estimation, for hellfire — the mind often flies to.
The Devil In The City Of Angels
Perhaps, in this time when much of the Church has abdicated its responsibility for spiritual warfare, it is up to.
How You Could Lose Control
If you think technology brings greater freedom, perhaps you should further contemplate the breakneck rush toward artificial intelligence. Are you.
A Picture Is Worth What?
Oh, the feast day for the apparition of Our Blessed Mother at LaSalette is today. Mysticism, anyone? Recently, in Chicago,.
Oh, the feast day for the apparition of Our Blessed Mother at LaSalette. Mysticism, anyone? Recently, when in Chicago, we.
How You Could Lose Control
If you think technology brings greater freedom, perhaps you should think again. Are you now more or less tethered to.
Archives: Near-Death Experiences Show God Can Heal Anything Insights into how and what God heals are sometimes afforded us by.
What You Take To Heaven Is What You Really Are
All spiritual progress, big or “small,” is important. Don’t ever be discouraged. Remember always that we’re spiritual beings having a.
Strange Bedfellows
We don’t like to do politics here, but it so bizarre out there, at all ends of the spectrum, on.