From Forums of the Virgin Mary: [translated for your cautious discernment]
What is hidden in the Third Secret of Fatima about the three days of Darkness?
If you are Catholic, perhaps you have heard about the mysterious “three days of darkness.”
This prophecy has resonated throughout Christian history, from the words of Jesus Christ Himself.
Basically, we know that not the sun or anything natural will give light for three days.
And, supposedly, you have to lock yourself at home, not open it to anyone, light your surroundings with blessed candles, and pray without rest.
But have you wondered how these days without light are intertwined with the apostasy in the Church, the tribulation that stalks the world, and the purification of humanity?
Here we will talk about what famed Jesuit author Malachi Martin revealed about the three days of darkness, which, supposedly [and great care must be taken with many of these claims], he read in the Third Secret of Fatima, from the hands of John XXIII himself. [SD note: these words were spoken before the Vatican released the actual secret in 2000, and before Sister Lucia’s elucidation, in 1944, since made public, and what it meant: see Future Events]
We will see why it could happen, when it will happen, and what, if we subscribe to the prediction, will come next.
Please join us!

Saint Matthew records in Chapter 24 of his Gospel the words of Jesus saying, “Immediately after the anguish of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will be shaken.”
And Our Lady said in Akita, Japan, to a deaf mystic, Sister Agnes Sasagawa, in 1973, “If men do not repent and improve, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.
“It will be a punishment greater than the flood, the likes of which has never been seen before.”
This event is often associated with the “Three Days of Darkness,” a punishment that if true would engulf the world, eradicating all those who followed the beast and rejected the One Who was sent to save us.
And are these three days of darkness included within the part of the third secret of Fatima that [some claim] has not yet been fully revealed by the Vatican?
When John Paul II gave a lecture in Fulda, Germany in 1980, he was asked, “Holy Father, have you read the secret?”
And he said, “Yes, I’ve read it twice.”
“Will you tell us what it contains?”
And he said, “No, I won’t, because if I answer that question, I’ll be sensational.”
“Suppose I told you that volcanoes were to erupt and there would be three days of darkness and an entire nation would be completely wiped out, could you live with that?”
“Then what’s the point of telling him?”
And then they asked him, “Holy Father, will there be punishments then?”
And he answered, “There will be punishments.” [scroll for more:]
[Did he actually mention “three days of darkness, and specifically use words like “volcano?]
Then they asked him, “Can we avoid those punishments?”
And he said, “No, we can’t. It’s too late. But we can mitigate them.”
Then he took the rosary out of his pocket and said, “This is the only protection you have, recite this every day of your life.”
And this closes with a shocking revelation from Malachi Martin, which he allegedly read in the third secret of Fatima from the hands of John XXIII.
In 1997 Bernard Jansen interviewed Father Malachi Martin and related the three days of darkness for the Church.
He said, “Today, unfortunately, the denial of the Revelation of Christ is in the Church, in the organization because there is a distinction between the union of all believers who practice their faith and the organization that conveys that.
“The Roman Catholic Church is the vehicle for believers in Christ, but it is just an organization and it is fading.”
And he said, provocatively, “In a short time, humanly speaking, there will be no organization of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. There won’t be any. And we have to deal with that.”
Will the visible Church then disappear? How can the visible church as an institution disappear if Christ promised that the forces of hell will not prevail against it?
Might it be that it will be replaced by a simile of the Church, as Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and other mystics warned?
Catherine Emmerich fretted that a type of internal adversary of the Church would lead her to apostasy and renunciation her faith. She warned about it a century before the crisis of modernism appeared, which would infiltrate the church, subvert it, and build a false building on the ruins of the Church, making it look like the Church.
This supposedly false church would call itself the Catholic Church, but this it would not be.
And Archbishop Fulton Sheen warned of this as well, saying that they would build something that looks Catholic but is emptied of its Divine essence; he used the term “Church ape.”
But yet Blessed Emmerich and the others who spoke of this said that ultimately they would fail, the ape of the Church would collapse, and the true Church would be restored from a faithful remnant.
And what did Father Malachi Martin say specifically about the three days of darkness event?
The broadcaster Art Bell asked him that in 1996.
And Martin asserted that there will be two events of darkening of the sun, the first of which will be a warning to all, which will precede the second, which are the three specific days of darkness.
Art Bell asked him, “Father Martin, Three Days of Darkness?”
And Malachi answered “Yes, there is no doubt that they will happen.
“There will be three days when there is great darkness over our earth and during which it will be dangerous to be outside, to be away from your home, and even your home can be dangerous.”
And Art Bell asked him, “Three days without the sun?”
And Malachi responded, “Three days without the natural light we are used to, yes, without that.
But it’s like everything else: when it happens, they — that is, the forces of the world, our rulers — “will try to give it an astronomical and geophysical explanation.”
So Father Martin spoke of two events.
The first, which most people will survive and will act as a warning.
Because let us remember that God does nothing without warning us first.
And there will be a second event, which will be the truly lethal one, and for which the powers of the world will try to give a purely natural explanation, for an event that will be purely or at least largely supernatural.
The following year, Father Martin went into more detail about this, in another interview with Art Bell.
The radio host asked him, “Father, we talked some time ago about the three days of darkness.
“You said it would be dangerous to be outside, outside your homes, or even inside your home.
“Someone is asking what the nature of the danger is: Is it civil, natural, or spiritual?”
And Malachi Martin responded, “It’s spiritual.
“That particular prophetic fact is based on a private revelation made in various places, for example in the year 1846 in La Salette, France, and in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, and then in various other places since then.”
And Malachi continued, “Art, there will be a time when a figure called the antichrist will be in the world.”
And he concluded by saying, “The real danger during those three days of total darkness on earth, of complete obscuration of the sun and no light, is that it will be the moment when demons will make the last efforts to direct our lives and take souls away from the salvation that Christ has worked.”
And what will happen after the three days of darkness?
A new dawn will supposedly arise for humanity in which nations will live in peace.
The Holy Catholic Church will flourish again. Entire nations will be converted and united to the Church, and humanity will finally be granted an era of peace.
The greatest darkness that has trapped the hearts of so many will finally be dispelled, replaced by the love of Jesus present in the Eucharist, which will reign in the hearts of men for several generations.
Well, that’s it for the revelation that Father Malachi Martin made about the three days of darkness, which he read in the third Secret of Fatima.
And we at Forums would like to ask you what other things you have heard about the three days of darkness?