Before we were even formed in our mothers’ wombs, God had great and wonderful plans for each one of us. It’s common for us to hear: “Follow your heart,” when we ask for advice. But because our hearts and lives are so fragile, they must be handled with prayer. Being human as we all are, we fall short of the perfection and glory of God. The plans we have and make for ourselves and our loved ones are often made to the best of our abilities; but, as those of us who are old enough remember from the love of the sitcom, our heavenly Father Knows Best. Not only does He have the best plans for each and every one of us, but He alone is able to accomplish them in ways that remind us that his love is ever-present. His power is unsurpassable, and his love is unconditional.As we grow — and often groan — into our futures full of hope, it becomes ironically clear that man plans, and God laughs. It’s sad but true that so much of the time we really don’t know what’s good for us. We have bought the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil, when it comes to thinking about what we actually want or need from this life. And then Christ comes, changing everything! Because of his perfect, tremendous and unconditional love, He will never let us falter long, as long as we trust in Him. Good Shepherd of my soul, you always know well the plans you have for me; and my future is in your hands because of your life, death and Resurrection.
Victory is mine, if only I seek your will instead of my own. Thank you for reminding me day by day, Holy Spirit, to give all of my plans to you so that they will all succeed. If you tell me to go right, I will go right. If you tell me to go left, I will go left. When you tell me to be still, I will be still. Day and night I will praise you and trust in your holy Word, so that streams of living water continue to flow through me. Restore me totally to the plan and purpose for which I was created in your love. The only resistance I want to give is to resist every wile of the enemy. Here’s my heart, Lord; speak what is true, conforming my plans to yours. For your lovingkindness, oh Lord, is better than life! Your plans for me are all good. Jesus, have your way in me.