Is something going to happen in September, or October, or soon after?
"I believe a great shaking is coming, to America and the world," says Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic rabbi and the bestselling author of The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah. "I believe it will involve an economic collapse, a financial collapse, and a shaking even greater than those realms."
The "shemitah" involves a concept drawn from the Old Testament that every seven years there is an economic leveling, an erasing of debts, a shake-up economically. The last was in 2008, when the world found itself in the midst of financial crises. The Harbinger (which is available here) focused on Isaiah 9:10, and how warning to ancient Israel were so alike "harbingers" or signs given today to America and the world to repent or face chastisement.
"Does it have to come in this period coming of autumn, of the 'shemitah'?" Cahn continues in a recent YouTube message.
"It doesn't.
"I've given two cautions: First God is sovereign. He doesn't have to do anything according to our time table or thoughts. I do not want our faith to rest in dates. The 'shemitah' is a pattern or cycle that can manifest more in one cycle, less in another. Nothing could happen. It could be uneventful. The point is not dates but getting right in the Will of God.
"The other caution is that it can coming according to the timing," Cahn adds. "I believe regardless of the timing -- whether during or beyond this time period -- a great shaking is coming. What has happened since The Harbinger was released is that America has not grown closer to God, it has grown farther. And the harbingers have continued to manifest as America has continued on a course away from God. What just recently happened (the decision on gay marriage) is ominous. America crossed the line -- it struck down, through the Supreme Court, the biblical definition of marriage. This was a tectonic event, a seismic event, a culture-changing event with profound ramifications not just for marriage but for America itself. It altered what has been for thousands of years the most basic component of human civilization. It represents a breaking of the order of God's Creation." He calls a conference at which he is featured "The Final Hour."
Indeed, there is a growing feeling, intense in some Catholic circles, and also with Evangelical Christians, but now extending well beyond religious groups, that things will happen in the not-so-distant future -- if not in the fall then sometime soon after for no other reason than the upside-down state of morality most blatantly demonstrated in such things as the videos showing the way baby parts from aborted human children are marketed by Planned Parenthood (an organization that draws funds from the U.S. government). There is also an atmosphere of materialism and debauchery in the media that may exceed any time in American history, with whiffs too of persecution.
It's why we recently ran a new and lengthy "special report" giving air to what some alleged seers and locutionists are saying.
But back to Cahn:
In total, events now are similar but more striking than in the lead-up to what this brilliant writer feels was also a very major prophetic occurrence or "harbinger": the attacks of September 11, 2001, which not only paralleled warnings in Isaiah 9:10 but came during a "shemitah" year.
Cahn, if now hedging his bets, for years has warned about this autumn and especially September.
On the day of his inauguration, notes the author, President George Washington said that a
"propitious smile from Heaven" can never be expected on a nation that
disregards eternal rules of order and right that God Himself has ordained.
He points out that
Washington's inauguration occurred at the Federal Building in Manhattan --
the foundation of which was literally cracked during the collapse of the
trade center -- and consecrated the nation that same day from the Chapel
of St. Paul, which back then included land that later became Ground
You can read our original article on The Harbinger (an astonishing book) here. Or The Shemitah (not as amazing, but of keen interest) here. The books themselves are available through links at the end of this article. A "shemitah" occurred the year of Roe-versus-Wade as well as during significant other events and fluxes in the culture and marketplace.
There is no use repeating what we have said so often: that foreseeing events in time-frames is almost always a doomed pursuit. But times are in flux, and we are entering a period of great tumult -- economically, culturally, politically, sociologically, psychologically, racially, and in nature: with the weather swerves and seismic rumblings around the world, including the places that are usually not shaken.
Something is coming.
It will unfold according to God's time table. Those expecting events sooner rather than later, at least in the financial regard, can point to many global trends from Greece to China (whose devaluation of the yuang could have major future repercussions). Many are those who think the central banks are now unstable.
There will be a "time of testing." As writer John Ficinec pointed out recently in the London Telegraph, "When the banking crisis crippled global markets seven years ago, central bankers stepped in as lenders of last resort. Profligate private-sector loans were moved on to the public-sector balance sheet and vast money-printing gave the global economy room to heal. Time is now rapidly running out. From China to Brazil, the central banks have lost control and at the same time the global economy is grinding to a halt. It is only a matter of time before stock markets collapse under the weight of their lofty expectations and record valuations."
The stock markets are wildly over-valued.
America's debt is more than seventeen trillion (and growing).
There is unease over immigration and situations such a Ferguson -- signs of upheaval.
Tremendous discontent.
Credit markets are increasingly nervous (looking to "reprice" risk).
In England, only two other times in history has the stock market risen for so long. One of those times was just before the "dotcom" bust. The other was in 1929.
Meanwhile, there will be a fourth "blood moon" in September, which fundamentalists believe is also a "harbinger."
We'd be mighty careful with using such augury.
Some -- with derring-do -- even name a specific date.
"What is going to happen on September 23rd, 2015?" asks one prominent (and anti-Catholic) Evangelical blogger). "For months, there has been an incredible amount of buzz on the Internet about the month of September, and in particular there has been a tremendous amount of speculation about the date of September 23rd. For a long time I didn't pay much attention to all of this chatter, because I like to stick to things that I can prove. In law school, I was trained to be very analytical and to greatly value hard evidence. If you follow my articles regularly, you have probably noticed those traits reflected in my writing. Well, today I am going to discuss some things that I cannot prove. I am going to share with you some things that other people are reporting, and I humbly submit them for your consideration. Personally, I do not know what is going to happen on September 23rd, but I have come to the conclusion that there are just way too many 'coincidences' to ignore. Ultimately, you need to do your own research and come to your own conclusions."
Why the 23rd?
It's Yom Kippur. It's also the date that Pope Francis ventures to the White House.
Oh, the air of autumn; perhaps also the guns of October; already we pick up the scent of falling leaves. Already we anticipate its chill.
If we had to bet, from now until 2020 will be a beginning time for a period of major purification that will then transpire for more than a decade.
Where is the "safest place" -- the Midwest, the South, the North? "The safest place," says Cahn, "is in the Will of God."
[resources: Michael H. Brown 'signs of the times,' spiritual warfare retreat, Cincinnati]