It was mysterious. It remains mysterious. In 2004, an anonymous person who had received a previous revelation (in 1990) that has turned out, in important regards, to be true, had another one.
It was equally dramatic.
In a way, it was technical. It was mystifying. Is its meaning now materializing?
In that second missive were these words (which need to be read slowly): "If not for the action of Heaven, what God has created on earth will soon be damaged beyond recovery. A very dramatic effect already is in progress as regards the support structures of what man calls nature. Such cannot be allowed to take the final realization of total realignment when it comes to the very way elements and life forces interact."
Previously, we have spoken of how much of the message seemed related to the meddling with genes: cloning, creation of hybrid animals, genetically-altered crops, embryonic stem cells, and attempts at manufacturing the first synthetic life. There is also nanotechnology -- whereby little machines can be synthesized at nearly the size of a molecule.
These are all strong candidates for a "dramatic effect" on nature's "support structures." So are all the chemicals -- and microwaves -- around us.
But might the alleged prophecy [see Tower of Light] also be related to things like the "super-collider" (also known as an "atom smasher," or particle accelerator) that was built underground at the border of France and Switzerland and fired up for the first time two weeks ago, making international news? It is not going to lead to the end of the world. It is not going to create a "black hole" (as some apparently fear). But it is supposed to probe mysteries ranging from dark matter and missing antimatter to the existence of extra, unseen dimensions. Will that lead to more super-microscopic meddling -- and disruptions of the natural order?
And will our scientific hubris lead God to take His own action?
Has it not been noticed, of late, how much nature has been rebelling?
For that is the word we have been receiving lately: that there will be a disruption in the natural order.
Molecular biologists at Harvard Medical School are building protocells from fatty molecules which can trap bits of nucleic acids that contain the source code for replication. This, combined with a process that harnesses energy from the sun, could form a self-duplicating and evolving system that satisfies the conditions of life: a new, man-made life form -- the first -- in other words.
Our society -- the societies of men -- are out of line. We are not in accordance with the Will of God. We have strayed too far into the synthetic. We are trying to rearrange (to recreate) Creation.
And there are spiritual implications.
We are not here speaking of those who fear this device (which is known as known as CERN, runs for seventeen miles underground, and cost $10 billion) could cause a black hole that swallows earth. That certainly seems like a stretch. But might such doomsday fears be an intuitive reaction to something that will indeed lead to some sort of profound effect on nature, and thus provoke an evil result?
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research near Geneva, Switzerland, suffered a breakdown today (September 19, ironically), but if it works as planned will go online in two months and, according to one science news wire, will "perhaps reveal the existence of the so-called God particle."
Note that in celebration a Hindu statue was placed near the collider in France. It is of Nataraja, "the Cosmic Dancer."
That is the dancing version of "Shiva," whom Hindus revere as the "destroyer of the world."
Do advances in the way we are meddling with nature foretell of purification?
For your discernment!
As the entire passage read: "There is going to be a major disruption in a region of the world that will affect everyone. The world is now seriously out of conformance with the Will of God and what He created and intended. There are those who would reconfigure the very creatures He has formed, and who meddle with the texture of life. For this reason, the Lord will allow a huge reorientation. If not for the action of Heaven, what God has created on earth will soon be damaged beyond recovery. A very dramatic effect already is in progress as regards the support structures of what man calls nature. Such cannot be allowed to take the final realization of total realignment when it comes to the very way elements and life forces interact. The event to come will surprise everyone who has offered a prognostication, and will show even recalcitrant scientists, though not all, that there is a fundamental alarm in Heaven over their arrogant and wayward course. Nothing that is artificial in a way that disrupts what God intended will be allowed to stand."
[resources: Tower of Light]
[see also: Collider's transformer breaks, The 'cosmic dancer'? and Statue of CERN]
[And: Goats that produce spider webs]
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