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For your discernment:
We've been running articles on Ned Dougherty, who once owned the famous Club Marakesh in a wealthy suburb of New York City but gave that up and is now a devout Catholic who runs a charitable group and volunteers at a Marian shrine on Long Island. Ned clinically "died" from respiratory or cardiac arrest on July 2, 1984, and during that episode allegedly had an experience with the hereafter and a heavenly entity he identifies as the Virgin Mary.
"She became known to me as the Lady of Light, and she radiated an incredibly golden light far brighter and of a much greater magnitude than the light of any of the other angelic or spiritual beings," he wrote in a book called Fast Lane to Heaven. "Clearly, the Lady of Light held a very high place in the spiritual hierarchy of this heavenly realm."
We've covered some of this in previous stories. What we'd like to focus on now are alleged predictions from that experience -- as well as revelations that Dougherty says he has received in the years since. As with any such revelation, there is bound to be controversy. We ourselves have many questions about near-death episodes, including the idea, contradictory to many schools of theology, that our souls are made in heaven before we are born. We must always be on guard against deception, and, unfortunately, as with secular publishers, many of those who publish such accounts also stray into dubious realms. We present it, as always, for your discernment. We do it because Dougherty has transformed his life and in his book -- which came out last March -- he foresaw the terrorist attack in striking language.
His prophecies also correctly foresaw episodes in his life. He says that during his afterlife experience he was shown a vision in which he was addressing researchers and medical doctors in a university auditorium. That materialized in 1995 when he addressed the North American Conference of the International Association for Near-Death Studies at the University of Hartford in Connecticut. He was shown himself at the bedside of sick people. This came to be when he entered a hospice-training program. He was shown a specific hilly area -- and years later he came across just such land in Pennsylvania and ended up establishing something else that he says had been prophesied to him -- a charitable pro-life foundation called Mission of Angels.
That doesn't mean we have to accept all subsequent revelations, but the Bible admonishes us not to reject prophecy, but rather to test it and keep what's good. We say this because some of the predictions are dramatic. Dougherty had predicted that "a major terrorist attack may befall New York City or Washington, D.C., severely impacting the way we live in the United States" -- a prediction that has been fulfilled in only too obvious a fashion.
"The only thing I was unsure of was whether it was 'New York or Washington' or 'New York and Washington,'" he told Spirit Daily. "What I saw were buildings toppling over and people running in chaos and confusion. I lived for 17 years with those visions in my mind. I saw from the street level. In this vision I was on the street watching this toppling over without an understanding of which buildings they were. Every time I tried to go into Manhattan, I had difficulty breathing. It seemed like there was a negative cloud over that city for me."
What else had he been told? What else does he assert will happen?
As we reported, Dougherty sees aggression in the Middle East, China, Africa, and Europe, while the Western Hemisphere encounters natural disasters. He says that without prayer and a strong return to a pro-life society, there will be destruction.
"Freakish, erratic, and unseasonable weather patterns will create severe tidal flooding and erosion," Dougherty asserts in Fast Lane to Heaven. "There will be devastating tornadoes and wind storms; severe winter conditions with record snowfalls and freezing temperatures; record summer heat waves with severe drought; and an increase in destructive storms and hurricanes."
Dougherty is not talking about mere "signs of the times." He says he was shown visions of massive events and claims that he was shown that the banking and financial institutions could collapse "due in large part to the failure of the insurance companies as a result of natural disasters." In the end he sees the U.S. in "political, economic, and social chaos" -- unless there is spiritual change. "I had a sense that the future would involve devastation on both coasts," he says. "It would destroy all of our military bases, which are all located in low-lying areas." In the wake of destruction, he says, "shadowy and publicly-unknown world figures will attempt to establish a 'new world order' by creating a worldwide government supposedly for the benefit of humanity."
He warns especially of geophysical disturbances in the eastern Atlantic -- which we have previously reported when we excerpted Sent To Earth, a book about the return of ancient disasters.
He says the United States government "will fail to meet its financial obligations as a result of its staggering national debt and will collapse."
He said the Lady showed him the world shaking. He doesn't know if this was a geophysical or spiritual event, but it was dramatic and worldwide. He saw "massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and huge tidal waves on both the east and west coasts of the United States, as well as around the world."
What we do right now will determine, he says, what happens next. If there is not a radical conversion -- and a great proliferation of prayer groups -- the events could affect a whole seacoast. He said he was shown visions of a terrific ocean surge in Manhattan, on Long Island, and in Florida (at a bridge he believes is the span between the mainland and Key Biscayne). He believes that in the future coastal and other low-lying or unstable areas will diminish in population while mountainous and other "stable" areas become more desirable. It's his further belief that the "critical period of transition" will be completed prior to the year 2034.
This struck home because there has long been the speculation that while events may occur throughout this century, major ones will be seen between now and 2040 based on the longevity of the seers at Medjugorje ( who are currently in their thirties and who say that they will live to see the secrets). Dougherty believes that spiritually-minded people "will be drawn together to create self-supporting and self-sustaining communities" and will serve as the architect's for God's plan -- which is at great odds with a world of abortion, immorality, and materialism. We might add that in all likelihood if these situations play out there will be smaller series of events within the larger scope of purification, and these may peak sooner.
Dougherty -- whose visions came without any association with prophecy groups, and indeed before situations like Medjugorje were even widely known -- stresses that right now the Lord is giving us the opportunity to change the course of events. "Although my future visions of a global nature seemed unbelievable even to me, I learned that many other near-death experiencers throughout the world were coming back from the Other Side with the same or similar visions and messages," he says, adding, however, that the wrong reaction right now (including the way we handle war) "could trigger natural disasters."
"I saw events in New York City that were not only from terrorism but also from natural disasters that may befall New York City in the future," he wrote many months ago in his book. "I saw that we're not facing geopolitical events but geophysical events, involving what I saw as a massive tidal wave, and I saw visions of this happening from different locations and one of them in particular was from the clearing of the shrine in Eastport [see previous story]. I lived with these visions for years, but until 1994 or 1995 I didn't feel the call to investigate further."
As for the Vatican, "I believe that a similar terrorist attack will occur in the future in Italy, specifically in Rome. I believe that a fanatical religious group on a much larger scale will conduct the attack although it will be directed against one world leader. The focus of the attack will be upon the Vatican and the papacy."
"None of these events need happen," Dougherty stresses. The Virgin told him that "the most powerful weapon in the human arsenal is through prayer -- not through our political leaders or power brokers. It's really up to what we do from here. Simply the most important thing we can do now is pray. I was shown we would have the ability to change the world for the better. That's the way I prefer to see things."
As for September 11 and his visions of destruction in New York, he told Spirit Daily, "When it happened (September 11), it was very painful. I saw that as a wake-up call for us all. I view all the people lost as victim souls. On that day their lives had to be sacrificed for this wake-up call, but they were not sacrificed in vain."