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In a dynamic new book, a medical doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Long, documents the experiences of 1,600 people who "died" and returned -- concluding from the scientific standpoint (in his words) that "there is life after death."
Notice the period at the end of his comment.
"By studying thousands of detailed accounts of near-death experiencers, I found evidence that led to this astounding conclusion: near-death experiencers provide such powerful scientific evidence that it is reasonable to accept the existence of an afterlife. Yes, you read that correctly. I have studied thousands of near-death experiences. I have carefully considered the evidence near-death experiencers present regarding the existence of an afterlife. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that there is life after physical death."
The 1,600 cases were in one formal collection of evidence that Dr. Long, of Houma, Louisiana, conducted through a special research website, in addition to others more informally studied.
"Millions of near-death experiences happen worldwide every year to people who are unconscious and may be clinically dead with a loss of breathing and heartbeat," he writes. "Yet they are still having highly lucid experiences at the time of death, experiences that are clear, logical, and well structured."
In fact, it's estimated that a hundred billion people have died since the beginning of history.
Throughout that time, there have been consistent reports no matter the culture or religion of near-death glimpses.
But those episodes have exploded with the advent of modern medical techniques of resuscitation, especially of heart-attack victims -- ten to twenty percent of whom have near-death glimpses, according to Dr. Long's exciting research.
"The EEG measures electrical activity in the cortex, or outer part of the brain, which is responsible for conscious thought," writes the doctor, who specializes in oncology radiation. "Following cardiac arrest a lucid, organized, and conscious experience should be impossible."
Yet, exactly this occurs. There are long, lucid accounts of the other side. And the consistency -- no matter the culture -- is astonishing. As many as five percent of Americans as a whole may have had the experience, says Dr. Long -- which would tally to fifteen million.
The problem: such experiences are usually ignored by doctors. "I have heard many heartbreaking stories from near-death experiencers who shared highly accurate observations of their own resuscitations, only to have physicians dismiss their experiences as insignificant," he says in a swipe at his own profession.
The book is Evidence of the Afterlife -- not only a fascinating, insightful, uplifting read, but a book to pass on to skeptics (for sure).
Do you have family members struggling with their faith?
Dying is not frightening, emphasizes Dr. Long; it is the opposite; there is no terror (except perhaps for those cases, we might add, where there is condemnation).
And many
involve reunions with deceased family members -- which, he notes, "are almost
always joyous reunions, not horrifying ones like what might be seen in a ghost
"Also, although many deceased loved ones prior to death were elderly and sometimes disfigured by arthritis or other chronic illnesses, the deceased in the near-death experience are virtually always the picture of health and may appear younger -- even decades younger -- than they did at the time of death.
"Those who died as very young children may appear older. But even if the deceased appear to be a very different age than when they died, the near-death experiencers still recognize them."
As Dr. Long points out, that's the opposite of a typical hallucination -- during which the person usually sees someone who is still alive and on earth, not dead people.
In some cases, he says, those going through clinical death encounter people they didn't know were dead, but later find were deceased at the moment of the experience.
Especially intriguing: how those glimpsing across the threshold of death often encounter a "boundary" through which they cannot pass. If they did, they would not be able to return. A gate. A fence. A river. A hedgerow.
A valley?
"There was this door in front of me with this music coming out and people celebrating with utter joy that I knew and recognized as home," said one. "Once I crossed, I couldn't come back. I reached the point where I felt I had to make the choice whether to go back to life or onward into death. My best friend (who had died of cancer two years before) was there, and she told me that this was as far as I could go or I would not be able to turn back. 'You have come to the edge. This is as far as you can go,' she said. 'Now go back and live your life fully and fearlessly.' I wasn't allowed to cross that boundary."
Said a man named Brian who nearly drowned:
"I approached the boundary. No explanation was necessary for me to understand, at the age of ten, that once I crossed the boundary, I could never come back -- period. I was more than thrilled to cross. I intended to cross, but my ancestors over another boundary caught my attention. They were talking in telepathy, which caught my attention. I was born profoundly deaf [but] I could read or communicate with about twenty ancestors of mine and others through telepathic means. It overwhelmed me. I could not believe how many people I could telepathize with simultaneously."
Again, this is all coming to us from a medical professional. In fact, many recent books on the subject are by doctors who are changing their tune.
Dr. Long logs reports from children that are extremely similar to those of adults. "What I saw was Mother Mary," said a witness named Paul who was five when he was hit by a van. "She wore a blue and pink dress with a crown. I felt very comfortable in her hands."
"My relatives (all deceased) were there, all at their prime in life," said a man named Bob who fell three stories out of a building. "They were dressed, I would say, 1940s style, which would have been prime years for most: Relatives I knew of, such as my grandfather, but never knew in life were there, as well as uncles/aunts who passed before I knew them."
And so the accounts go on -- bolstered by Dr. Long's scientific statistics and observations.
When it comes to the supernatural, it is always good to be questioning, but many are now reaching the point of concluding that near-death experiences cannot be explained by normal means; they offer compelling proof of eternity. It was fifteen centuries ago that Pope Gregory the Great logged them.
"I spent many years serving on the board of directors of the International Association for Near-Death Studies," argues Dr. Long. "During our meetings I heard far too many stories of the problems near-death experiencers encountered when they tried to tell their near-death experiences to the medical staff.
"One of the classic stories was a patient who told his doctor about his near-death experience in front of several nurses.
"When the patient finished telling his story, the doctor looked up from his clipboard and said, 'Don't think too much about it. It was just fantasy.'
"When the doctor left the room, the nurses closed in around the crushed patient and said, 'It's not fantasy. We hear about these events all the time from patients. Doctors like him live in fantasy. They never hear these because they don't listen to their patients."
[resources: Evidence of the Afterlife ]
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