Have you ever had a prayer answered, but not in the way you wanted -- or less than you wanted?
This can be for many reasons. It may be because you did not pray enough. It may be that there was not enough faith. It can be because what we seek is not good for us -- not in God's Plan.
Or, it can be that when the prayer is "answered," but less than we sought, in a minor fashion, what we are seeing are signs of a bigger blessing or answer just over the horizon -- out of sight but coming our way.
The example was given of a woman who had "spoken the word" for a set of dishes. Soon after, and out of the blue, a friend gave her a dish that was old and cracked. It wasn't what she'd asked for...
But was it just a "day of small things" -- or perhaps one might phrase it, a "sign of land"?
Remember Columbus: he couldn't see the New World, but he had his indications of it when, aboard the Santa Maria, he and crew spotted a bird and twigs and perhaps seaweed. That could only indicate that there was land ahead -- and land large enough for trees. The New World -- La Florida soon opened before them, after they sighted a second signal, a strange light on the horizon that historians have yet to explain.
Or one can use the similar example of Noah and how the dove bespoke of an end to the great trial of inundation.
Thus, embrace the "day of small things" -- but keep expecting the best, if it's needed, if it's the best thing for you, if God in His design wishes to answer a prayer for your needs and comfort, for your relief, it will arrive in due order and time.
Fear does the opposite. As one writer noted, "The
lion takes its fierceness from your fear." Jesus said, "Why are ye
fearful, O ye of little faith?" "All things are possible to him that
believeth." Fear is misdirected energy and must be redirected or
transmuted into: faith. A key ingredient is persistence. We get what we
desire when we wait for the right thing.
"Speak the word." Believe on it. Speak goodness and success, for others and yourself. The woman who received the cracked plate? Not too long after, an entire set of dishes came her way. Her spoken words were honored. Doubt is the opposite. Expect to reap.
God provides. In due time, we reap. Build it and they will come. Loosen enough to leave room for Him. Children are always "making believe," and Scripture says that "except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
[resources: The God of Miracles, In Sinu Jesu, and A Life of Blessings]