From the mailbag:
What's going on with Divine Mercy? For years, the symbol of Jesus shedding grace has predominated as a message of consolation: that no matter what we have done, the Lord Jesus sheds His Light and His Mercy. In fact, the famous image derived from the visions of St. Faustina Kowalska in Poland to do with such mercy came to signify an entire period of special grace.
Is that period of mercy turning into the period of "justice"? Has it already?
We note that there is an image of Divine Mercy in Bosnia-Hercegovina that is near what seemed like a cross that has mysteriously formed on a wall out of a reddish substance. Why blood, in association with His Heart? At St. Michael's Church in Mahim, India [see video], an image of Divine Mercy [left] began "bleeding" on June 27, 2008, the feast day of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor (in this case, not "prompt succor," as in Louisiana, but "perpetual"). "Throngs of people have been visiting this holy ground and the awesome Presence of the Lord can be felt," one correspondent from there informed us.
Is it a time of grace? It certainly seems that way. There is still mercy. But now it intermingles -- greatly -- with justice. See: California wildfires, as one of countless examples. But grace remains. We get this from correspondents on Long Island who in 2006 were witness to a red substance that exuded from a statue of Jesus (the Risen Christ corpus) at Medjugorje and have since observed many seemingly unusual phenomena:
"Our friend planted a rose garden last year and placed all our prayer intentions into the ground with the rose bush. Look at all the faces in the rose when it bloomed," writes Andrea Walshe of Bellmore, New York, who is in the financial industry.
"I have been keeping a journal of some of our experiences, while others I keep by memory. Since I first met my husband in April 2005 on a pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, and Garabandal, our experiences have exploded.
"It was on this original pilgrimage that my husband Patrick began seeing the Face of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He sees the door to Heaven during the consecration, along with angels, saints, and sometimes even the Blessed Mother. (She usually appears as a blue orb above the tabernacle). He also received a special gift where he is able to see holy priests turn gold during the Mass. Sometimes, he will see gold come right out of their heart. On occasion, there will be priests who seem to be very holy but he will not see them turn gold. It usually turns out that they are priests for themselves and not for God. They are very prideful and judgmental, which saddens us. We know they need prayers and masses said for them, which we do.
"There have been many times where Patrick will see things that I do not see, but I will hear them and he doesn't. It seems that the two of us together get to complete the whole picture.
"So now I am sending you pictures of our Sacred Heart. It belonged to my parents who have since died. For as long as I could remember, this picture was always on a large mirror in my parents' bedroom. They both lived with me in a separate apartment in our home. Since their death, we will sometimes spend time in their apartment having dinner.
"As you can see in the picture, the Sacred Heart has been bleeding. The blood comes from the thorns around the heart. There is dried blood all along the bottom part of the picture and oil seems to be spreading all around the Heart as well.
"A friend of ours took our picture in front of this Sacred Heart while we were being blessed by our dear priest, Fr. Michael. We had just finished a 31-day novena to St. Joseph and who shows up in the picture? St. Joseph! The reflection of the flash from the mirror looks like the sun is spinning in Medjugorje. Our Blessed Mother of Medjugorje shows up as well along with many different orbs.
"We don't know what our Lord is trying to tell us, but whatever it is, you can feel the heaviness in the air.
"I know statues and pictures that cry tears and shed blood but I have never heard of the Sacred Heart bleeding, even though, with everything going on in our world today, it makes sense: the pain our Lord is in.
"We have had several priests review this and they are just astonished. They don't really know what to make of it but at the same time they are not unusually surprised.
"God bless,
"Andrea and Patrick Walshe, Bellmore, New York"
For your discernment.
[see also: Video: that huge Divine Mercy statue, More than dead wood? and Family sees image of Christ]
[resources: The God of Miracles]
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