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Forgiveness, someone once said, is the "land of the brave." It is also the "lent" of the brave. It takes sacrifice but ends up with power. It takes a view that is spiritual instead of natural.
Big points here: spirit over nature.
Let's think here a moment over how the Lord prepared in the desert. He must have thought ahead to what He might say, and to forgiveness from the Cross. It is so important to forgive. When we don't forgive someone, we are tied to the person -- and to what the person has done. We have woundedness. We hide in our own wounds -- instead of His.
Forgive. This Holy Week, this finale to the Easter season, start a new "you." Begin a new way of life. Crucify the old self.
Also, forgive yourself. Did you know that those who have "deathbed visions" often accent the importance of forgiving oneself?
Without it, we are bound to the sin and may be bound to this earth.
Remember that Satan is the great accuser.
He wants to negate the power of the Cross.
On Good Friday -- but really always -- think back on everything for which you feel guilt and release it to God. Take all your sins and one by one place them in the wounds of Jesus. Forgive, forgive, and then forgive some more -- opening the door to love of God, love of yourself (in the holy way), and love of others.
If you have trouble loving others, or in gaining peace (or healing), see if you need to shed guilt.
You can't love well if you can't love yourself (again, in a holy and unselfish way).
Forgive yourself (after Confession) and move on.
Last week we spoke about the "living waters," and water is symbolized in the blue rays emanating from the image of Divine Mercy. So is Crucifixion.
It's in the red rays and we can say that to receive the full grace or "waters" from the Lord, we too need crucifixion; we need to "crucify" the old self, the selfish nature, the old unforgiving self. We need -- in other words -- to take on a new nature.
Distance yourself from those who are from your unholy side, who feed the wrong self, and move on with your life -- and toward a better hereafter.
According to a book called Into the Light, a doctor named Dr. Jean Pierre who saw the Archangel Michael as he neared death said the angel reminded him of "God's infinite love and how He never ceases from working to set us free from our self-indictment. Dr. Jean Pierre said he spoke to several people who had been rescued by God. They told him to forgive himself immediately by truly believing that Christ died for our sins."
Look at your fruits. Look at what surrounds you. "The things we love tell us who we are." Cleanse deeply.
Find out who you really are.
Often, we can't forgive ourselves because we don't remember our true selves and the reason we don't know who we really are is because we are always trying to be someone else.
Find peace in your role. Love what God wanted for you. Be the true you. And follow the Lord to resurrection.
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