Special Report: Strange And Eerie Places
By Michael H. Brown
Our heads turned back to the prophetic pulse when recently we read the striking new addition to a short but powerful series of locutions granted to a person who has remained anonymous for now twenty-seven years.
We'll analyze what that prophecy might mean. Did it have to do with Trump? His enemies? What is the "new and great evil" it mentions? And the "deception"?
What exactly (or nearly exactly) did it mean by prophecies already "materializing around you"?
Meanwhile, what's in store as far as the prophetic pulse and events from Syria to Moscow to North Korea?
As a correspondent who forwards news to us from a mystic in Syria informed us this week, oil is starting to flow for the first time in 16 years at the mystic's home. She brought up to us how Mary and Jesus seem to appear in places where something huge is about to occur -- as a comfort, and often, in preparation.
During Holy Week were several reported miracles, including in Argentina -- the Pope's homeland (and homeland also for a recently approved apparition) -- where, as one newspaper reported, "Hundreds of worshipers have flocked to a remote town in Argentina after footage of the weeping statue went viral. Priests have called for calm but Catholics around the world are labeling the mystery an 'act of God.' While some of the faithful believe the tears are an Easter miracle, others have raised concerns that it could be a 'warning or punishment.'" At the same time, a boy has been making the rounds via a YouTube clip, relating his presumed vision of a "flaming asteroid" heading for our planet (and an ocean).
Might there be significance that this is the hundredth anniversary of Fatima?
The Philippines: another supposed statue secreting blood. Back in Argentina: a bleeding Host being investigated.
Many are now nearly numbed into disinterest, Or lulled into false security. It's certainly no time for that. The prophetic pulse fully maintains its validity. As for specific predictions from seers, have they materialized? Some have not -- but more to the issue, some have -- and show every indication of further materialization, as we will see, in this new "special report."
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