@Spirit Daily
Lost in all the commotion over recent events is the fact that on that on the very morning of September 11, as office workers settled in for coffee and glanced at the newspaper, there on the front page of The New York Times was the headline. "Scientists Urge Bigger Supply Of Stem Cells," it said. "Report Backs Cloning to Create New Lines."
It was what many had feared: with the door to stem-cell research cracked open by a recent decision to allow limited research, scientists were now going to try to barge through -- demanding that human cloning be allowed in the name of "medical breakthroughs."
The trend toward cloning appeared unstoppable. Scientists in the U.S., Italy, and other countries were working feverishly to create the first cloned human, or at least embryos that could be used as a source of stem cells.
That was the headline in The Times, which is located about seven miles from ground zero; meanwhile, in the Washington area, the same headline was splashed on the front page of America's largest daily newspaper, USA Today, which is four miles from the Pentagon.
While it was good that such research was limited, we were concerned back then that scientists would be clamoring for wider use of stem cells and we warned, in our own front-page headline, that as a result America would soon see a chastisement. The Pope himself [see article] warned that the wrong decisions would be "tragic."
It was just 33 days later that September 11 occurred, and it seemed tied to what we have called the 1990 prophecy -- an anonymous prediction allegedly from an angel or the Lord which had foreseen that "in four years there will arise a new evil the likes of which mankind has never before encountered. It will arrive almost imperceptibly, with few people noticing the depth of its evil, for it will appear to have beneficial and convenient aspects. It is an evil comparable to abortion -- that is to say, that even if evils as great and widespread as abortion were to be eliminated, this is enough of an evil that it would present mankind with an enormous challenge... How mankind responds to this new evil will determine the extent, length, and severity of the first chastisements."
It was exactly four years after that prophecy that landmark advances and decisions were made pertinent to both stem cells and cloning. In 1994, the director of National Institutes of Health (NIH) created a Human Embryo Testing Research Panel to recommend guidelines for reviewing applications for federal research funds. The panel endorsed human embryo research, finding that the "promise of human benefit from research is significant, carrying great potential benefit."
We don't carry every prophecy. In fact, we try to limit things rather strictly. But this stands out. This cries out. In coming weeks, we'll be exploring the rest of the prophecy. Has America learned? Our we going to correct our own evil at the same time we're busy eradicating the evil in terrorists? Or are we going to face a heightened phase of the alleged prophecy?
It's a reasonable question in light of the next phase of the prophecy, which said "regional chastisements" would occur according to our response to the "new evil."
Few can deny that since 1990 the U.S. and other nations have seen a baffling array of local disasters. It's not just over genetics. It's over our general morality. It's over our greed. But cloning is clearly a key part. "My greatest nemesis is science, even moreso than the media," said the alleged prophecy. "The science that alters life, the science which creates a counterfeit heaven, the science that toils with the womb and genes, the science that has filled the air with the power of the enemy... the science which seeks to create life but cannot in actuality even sustain it, the science which has denied God.
"This will fall, and all of its creations with it."