It is a whipsawing time and there is a great feeling of unsettlement, a notion that darkness descends. Much of it is from the economy. No question: government has little handle on what is transpiring and that's because it is a purification and away from the "laws" of economics (if truly there are any). In just the past 24 hours we have heard that the global recession is deeper than anticipated, that General Motors is surefire for bankruptcy without a bailout, that American Express too is in distress, that other companies are clamoring for aid (everyone who made a lot of money gouging the public now wants public aid), that the bailout program had to be significantly altered, that we need another economic "stimulus" package, that the bank crisis is more widespread than gauged, that credit card are a rising crisis (to the point where banks want to forgive debts), and that those who already have been granted funds need more. Moreover, the Dow (which a few short decades ago was below 1,000) continues a downward march (despite occasional upward blips).
There is perhaps no use watching the stock market on a daily basis (except for massive changes). It's an erratic indicator (accurate basically at measuring high-roller emotions, especially irrational exuberance), and is not as telling as the unemployment rate, nor does it have a handle on the trillions in debt that swapped hands and made many rich on money that was without a foundation. Pray to the Holy Spirit. The downward pressure is not something government will resolve. Watch for corporate panic. There is politics. The election of Barack Obama has caused uncertainty. It is understandable. He is the first Afro-American president, and proved how versatile the U.S. is -- how dynamic. Many are not sure what to expect. There is his name -- which seems so foreign and Islamic (although no one should judge him on that, and everyone better be careful about the sin of racism). There are his policies -- prime among them, of course, his support of abortion, homosexual rights, and perhaps most significant in the long run: embryonic stem cell research. This God would most despise, for man is not only destroying the smallest among us through such research but in manipulating life forms also playing God (ascending to the Throne), which was the high sin of Lucifer. In Connecticut, a judge okayed homosexual marriage.
A radical shift to such policies causes concern about a third aspect: persecution. Will the new libertine mood embolden gay activists and others? Again, in just the past few days, homosexuals obscenely attacked a Catholic church in Lansing, Michigan (Michigan!), there was horrid vandalism of a statue of Jesus in Texas, atheists began a Christmas campaign on D.C. buses ("Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake"), parishioners in Jensen Beach, Florida, had to stop a man from stealing Hosts from a priest, homosexual activists also targeted churches in California (where voters passed a proposition banning gay marriage), and a prominent pro-life priest (Father Frank Pavone) received a death threat (as have other pro-lifers). We can look back at the prophetic words of Archbishop Sheen.
This all occurs at the same time that the Church has fired shots over the president-elect's bow, as a Vatican representative warned that embryonic stem cell research is worthless as well as nefarious and U.S. bishops have said (boldly) they will not retreat on abortion but fear new policies mandating that health facilities provide for abortions could force them to close Catholic hospitals. As reported, the bishops voted to authorize Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, as president of the bishops' conference, to issue a "strong" and "prophetic" statement on "the present political situation." That's unusual language. Just as the U.S. was within a hair's breadth of overturning Roe v. Wade -- in need of only one more pro-life Supreme Court justice -- it not only loses that opportunity with the new administration but also faces passage of a law known as the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA), which would undo existing restrictions on abortion at the state and federal levels. The bishops -- and the Pope -- are being cordial to President-elect Obama, giving him a chance, as they should, while remaining firm at a time when the landscape is shifting around us.
The only real poll: the one God conducts every single moment, the one that includes every person on earth, and the one that reaches to the unknown depths in the hearts of all of us. Never mind Zogby or Gallup: that poll bodes for interesting times ahead. Will times gyrate? They will gyrate. It is independent of party politics. That's small stuff. There is no fear in this. There is awe of how God will undo evil. There will be (soon) darkness before Light.
[resources: Tower of Light and The Final Hour]
[see also: Is prophecy linked to embryonic stem-cell research?, Parishioners halted Host theft, Biden's bishop won't restrain him, Homosexuals stormed church, Father Pavone gets death threat, Atheist wars: just in time for Christmas, Paulson shifts on bailout plan, Credit card meltdown, Gay marriage legalized in Catholic Connecticut, Martin Luther King's niece: due to abortion, dream not yet fulfilled, Rome warns Obama on embryos, Obama phones Pope, and U.S. bishops: no retreat on abortion; may have to close hospitals and issue 'prophetic statement']
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