[adapted from The God of Miracles by Michael H. Brown]
There's a shield of power -- an energy transcending all known forces -- that attaches itself to those who attach themselves to the Lord. Grace surrounds that which is of Him. When God wants something for you, you get it. And He watches out for you (often through your guardian angel).
I remember the account of a woman who had a near-death brush and how, when she returned, with a heightened sense of perception, she caught sight of evil spirits trying to approach her. "Suddenly, a huge dome of light, almost like glass, fell over me, and the creatures lunged forward, seeming to recognize its threat to them," she recalled. "The dome protected me as they frantically flailed at it and tried to climb on it to get a better vantage point. But the dome was too high to climb on, and they became frustrated."
When the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Jesuit priests a mile from ground zero survived against all odds.
Protection comes through faith. Protection comes through prayer. Protection comes when we remember to thank our angels. Mostly, protection is there when we are doing His Will.
With that conformity comes the bubble of protection. His Will is the protection. It is the power of every miracle.
The more we go along with His plan, the more wonders we see. Live according to what God has in mind for you, and the larger the wonders will grow.
How do we gain momentum? How do we spark the miraculous?
by praying for what is small. Pray that your
kids clean up their rooms. Or pray that you get a good night’s sleep. Pray until it happens. Pray that what you're
cooking or working at or striving for turns out the way God wants it to
turn out.
Tend to the details.
The Lord is a God of details (look at the fine etchings in the innermost feathers of a bird) and is aware of everything, no matter its size.
So pray for every detail and watch how God tends to those details.
Go through a situation in which you need His help and pray for every nuance.
As those prayers are answered, your faith will be strengthened. You are now entering into His Power. Precede each prayer by praying to do His Will.
Without living in God's Plan, we can't find peace of mind. Doing anything else, praying for something against His Will, is at best a waste of time, however good it may seem on the surface. We may get what we want, but things don’t quite turn out and tension – even tragedies -- come along with it. Pray to know what God wants from you. Do what they call "surrender." Give yourself to Him. It's when we maintain the urge to control our destinies – to shape them as we want to shape them, as we want to create them -- that we stymie miracles. God is in charge of that!
The Holy Spirit even likes to do our praying for us. His Plan may be far "smaller" than you thought. Maybe He "only" wants you to be good. In fact you can be sure of that. What you do is not nearly as important, to the God of wonders, as how you do it. Maybe His Plan is for you to help a certain person, or simply orient and purify your family. No small task! It can be done only through prayer. Start with that prayer – from the heart – for His protective Will.
Most failures in life are the result of jamming our ideas into a situation that requires a different course of action, and the fruit of forcing something is breakage. Look what happens when you try to force a key into the wrong door!
True, there are also times when we're blocked because we’re doing the right thing and it is the enemy impeding us. That occurs. But most of the time we're wasting our time when we push one way despite signs pointing in the other direction.
How do we tell the right course?
How do we discern the "signs"?
A feeling of tranquility is a benchmark. When something is "right" for us, when it fits in God’s Plan, there is a feeling of well-being. There is fullness. Wholeness. We feel right about it. This is God communicating, and He is ready to guide us in any situation.
If we look deeply into our lives, we'll find that the right decisions have tended toward our deepest life purpose. Find your purpose and don’t expect it to be grandiose. God doesn't want for you to do big things to glorify yourself, but to seek big things in "small" acts, and to fulfill His designs without trumping yourself up. He doesn't want you to reach beyond your station. A station in life is our role in life, whether a housewife or an engineer. Remember that there are great spirits with special missions at all levels of society and in every station. Great souls are placed at every level. God has put everyone in spots where they can benefit others. He has placed us to minister. He has positioned us to fight the spiritual war on all levels -- whether in a board room or on a construction site. Our mission in life is to teach and test each other in the way of love. You may have more opportunity to touch others as a cleaning woman than as a stockbroker. Who then has the greater mission? It's when we try to climb out of our assignment that we cause ourselves frustration (or worse).
Seek God. Strive for the big in the little. The Lord is revealed in what's small and such is an ingredient of balance: to know who we are, Who we need, and what we need to accomplish.
The more we go along with His plan for us, the more miraculous is the power around us because God and His angels are around us.
He helps us do His bidding.
Live according to what God has in mind for you, and the larger the wonders will grow, as will the protection. It is the conformity of angels! Seek their help daily.
If we're in perfect conformance with God, not even the sky is the limit; remember, a miracle -- even a "small" one -- is larger than an atom bomb.
[resources: The God of Miracles]
[also: spiritual retreats: Phoenix and New Jersey]
[see also: How Mother Teresa attained greatness by doing small things]
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