[Earliest posts first; most recent posts at bottom]
Good 'luck' and bad: a tale of two nuns
Beliefs among celebrities are many and widely diverse
Vaccinations In U.S., Canada, And Europe Derived From Babies Aborted In The 1960s
Perhaps without knowing it, Bush will use Bible on loan from Masonic lodge
Why are people waking up at 3 a.m.?
More thoughts on the mystery of 3 a.m.
Deliverance expert confirms 3 a.m. phenomenon and says it's not just happening to Catholics
U.S. Now Has Chance To Ban Its Darkest Evil And Avoid Aspects Of A Purification
Answer To Persecution Is Action Coupled With Prayers Of Devotion And Adoration
Spirit Daily dedication front page
Texas murders: sick or possessed?
Did Christ rise at three a.m.?
Experts foresee great precipitation
Quake in Midwest could cause massive disaster in major urban areas
Only Christianity will keep U.S. united
The day John Paul kissed the Koran -- and taught humble love
From the Pope to seers, warnings about the United Nations
Health tips from the Book of Sirach
Can the election forestall chastisement?
Once more, northern lights span the nations: a 'sign'?
Advent Is Good Time To Prepare In Such A Way That We Avoid Tension In Our Families
Old letter from Thomas Jefferson backs up Bush on government support for religious institutions
A nation in need of deliverance
Search is on: where will first human be cloned?
Mystery in former Soviet republic
Fire at St. John Divine may reflect on wayward cathedral
In Palm Beach, they know it was a miracle
Is the Pope just mentioning Revelation in the course of things or as a message?
Could the White House use some holy water?
A New Evil Becomes A Trend As Singles Go Beyond Dating To On-Line Sperm Donors
The most dangerous place on earth?
A door closes on a year and possibly on a 'period of peace'
Priest shortage result of liberalism
Memo To President Bush: The Real 'Axis Of Evil' Is The Dragon That's Rising In China
Cloning human embryo is challenge to God
The Mandate To Bush: Move Swiftly In Ridding The Nation Of A Tremendous Evil
Notes From All Over: Does The President Really Believe He Receives Locutions?
Terrorist Fears Pushing U.S. Toward Big Brother And One Big World Government
In The Presidential Election, There Is The Pain Of Worldliness Versus Spirituality
U.S. Heads For A Critical Crossroads As Presidential Race Detonates Around Us
Bush Seen As Having Chance to Recover Legacy with Supreme Court Appointment
Is that an icon of Mary and Child on the end table?
Behind President's Victory Was Issue Of Immorality In A Morally Drifting Nation
California Election: There Is 'Magic' In Celebrityhood, And Also Great Dangers
From nurse Who Is Friend of Schindlers
When Mother Teresa helped build a mosque
Secularization Of 'Holidays' Must Be Stopped As Even 'Christmas' Endangered
Discernment Of Supernatural Is Left To Bishops, Who Must Be Strictly Followed
Mr. Clinton, It's Time For You To Rescue The Teens Who Followed Your Example
Last Visit Narrative by Terri Schiavo Attorney Barbara Weller
Both Vatican And White House Must Be Respected In What Is A Global Conflict
You Decide: Has America Taken The Right Course Or Does It Risk Future 'Tragedy'?
Culture Warning: The Winds Of Change Are Changing Into A Whiff Of Persecution
From Evolution To The New Age, Truth Comes When 'Wisdom' Beats 'Knowledge'
Hidden connections: the mystical side of Christopher Columbus
The Secrets of Medjugorje: A Commentary
Time to speak up against those who defame Catholicism
Time to clean up the priesthood
Invoking God, Gore gives gracious speech and Bush takes reins
Terrorism is fruit of spirit of extremism
Illness and strange accidents also 'signs of the times'
Movie On 'Passion' Seems To Be Taking On A Life Of Its Own, With Special Charism
Time For Critics To Back Off Movie That Has Been Accompanied By Peculiar Signs
Rivers Of Light: Movie On The Passion Was Powered By Stream Of The Miraculous
Top expert says human cloning would lead to deformities and death
Passion Is Seen As A Movie With Potential To Cause Profound And Lasting Effects
Gibson In News Again, From Huge Profits To Oscar Talk, Strange Controversies
Last Visit Narrative by Attorney Barbara Weller
When It Comes To The Issue Of War, The Final Answer Is In Spiritual Discernment
Foiled Attack On Basilica Emphasizes Threat To Rome And Need For Prayers
Why do bad things happen to the Beatles?
America Must Take The 'Special Way' Of Prayer Or Face Global War With Muslims
Mystery Israel: In Deepest Europe May Have Been Origin Of Many Modern Jews
Talk Of Town: From 'New Age' Prayer In Diocese To Gibson, A Bit Of Commentary
Prayer need: two major Marian devotees die
Pope is not 'green' but he is a true 'conservative'
Memo to Governor Schwarzenegger
Time to grow food in style of Jesus?
Strange animals: a spiritual question?
Are they dabbling with genetics on strange island?
Eyes are on politics, but what of institutional evil?
Curiosities converge with hurricane, politics
On eve of 9/11, a prophetic warning
Politics, religion near boiling point
Start 'spreading the news': N.Y. risks more danger
In 'broken Creation,' there are all kinds of storms
With economy, God is your refuge
Rush to control finances hearkens to warnings of new world order
Hurricanes taught power of prayer
Of numbers, mysticism, Wall Street
Politics and the 'pretense' of evil
Does 'ritual' of abortion doom U.S.?
Election brings worries, even of the anti-christ
Muslims and rise of anti-christ 'spirit'
As Obama moves to center, New Age questions remain
The 'creature' in the heart of Vegas
Passage in Bible pegged current era astonishingly
Notes from all over: one world move
During intense political times, seek Vatican, not those who are worldly
Of abortion, murder, and chastisement around us
Why are 'Bilderbergers' so secret?
Woman says Lord warned about cancer outbreaks
The archives: priest recalled JFK going to Confession just before he died
Archives: And what about a 'curse'
Conspiracy theories: what's paranoid and what's not?
Church issues: of abortion, vaccines, and Ouija board in a chapel
'Spirit of anger' infecting country
Can we put 'price' on human life?
Screenwriter who was 'king of sex and violence' now a Catholic
Fear of population reduction seems less paranoid in light of Rockefellers
The new world order and vaccines
New world: global companies on verge of controlling food
Mailbag: politics, vaccines, dreams
Vaccines: legitimate fear or hysteria?
Prayer need: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?
Prayer need: heads are decapitated in Scottsdale
*Nun: is there anything behind her vaccine fears?
New Michael Brown book: novel: a plague, genetic horrors, timeless entity
Spiritual implications of viruses
Gays need love, prayer -- and spiritual deliverance
For discernment: book by priest warns on microchips
Were vaccines behind pandemics, or was it chastisement?
Are there prophets in Hollywood?
Science creates bizarre 'prophetic' animals
As killers hunted her, woman prayed the Rosary
Christian biochemist warns on chemicals, cell phones, HDTV
Modern Pharisees pervade Church
Haitian quake brings up hidden U.S. threats
Major saint warned about locutions
Ring alarm, O Canada, O Midwest
A culture in disarray; of threats, hate, and a vice president who should apologize
What does Mary mean by being 'ready'?
Unusual 'orbs' of luminosity: are they spiritual?
The deep, dark (spiritual?) mystery of oil
**Thinning veil unveiling spirits around us
Laying on of hands: grace and sometimes peril
Oh, Louisiana, we have been given warnings
Religiosity: when we try to make God in our image
Is it time for Vatican paper to halt worldliness?
Weather and God's good purification
Pollution threatens holy sites
Strange clouds and eerie storms
Commentary: Muslims must atone at Ground Zero
The prophetic pulse: September 11 afterthoughts
'Lady Gaga' and her spiritual manifestations
Vatican bank: conspiracy theories
Viewers note 'signs of times' as veil thins
Make sure not to imitate Pharisees
God in Africa, from humble villagers to gorillas
Special report: woman survived incredible African genocide after visions of Jesus
Frenzy of technology: would Jesus text?
Rash of phenomena: can we take it seriously?
The mysterious spiritual dynamic in of Sphinx
From Mount Tabor to New Mexico: what is it about mountains?
At root of Islam, some surprising occult practices
Experiences and even visions of viewers offer more masculine image of Jesus
Will Japan quake trigger others around globe?
Upheaval: recent events in nature could portend societal turmoil
Lenten muse: how much did saints sleep?
While devil can cause illness, seer showed it also can be 'redemptive'
Was quake, tsunami a punishment from God?
Modern music often involves description of strange forces
Hidden 'jewels' in Church help us touch His Grace
He'll be in realm of Pio, Bosco
Catholics and Protestants linked by three a.m. phenomenon
Diabolical end game: is global elite spurring persecution and wars?
Science has mysteries to answer, from comets to bizarre skin disorders
In the mail: reports on three a.m.
Was first Catholic president killed by the CIA?
Signs and 'message': fire destroys Arizona shrine
Updates: from prophetic pilgrimage to new retreats to TV show
Pioneers in 'social media' join with Bilderbergs
Grab bag: prophecy, Church matters
Superstition? Christian bestseller claims spiritual aspect to moon
A visit to mysterious monuments in Georgia
Link between Georgia monument, Denver airport?
Seek balance to avoid dis-ease
Through prayer it's time to consider why there are so many allergies
What does it mean to 'discern'?
Fact or fringe: what about comet, 'planet X'?
Kennedy seemed to have foreseen his death
Book by Catholic makes jarring case that CIA killed Kennedy
The mailbag: (much) more on allergies
Will spirit behind Rwandan tragedy visit U.S.?
Concerns about modern medicine include underuse of natural remedies
Our sad time: economy violated Catholic rules
Times of day and year when 'veil' thins
Mystery pit where Jesus may have been jailed and spot that's perhaps holiest place on earth
Rumor mill: have officials withheld 'secret' in Dead Sea scrolls?
O little town of mystery: the hidden history, conflicts, and a miracle at the site of Nativity
For our discernment: what should we make of dreams?
The debate over 'real' Bethlehem
When is politics worth discussing and when is it worldliness?
Suffering turns to blessings with special Rosary
Of coincidence and faith and doubt
Uncanny sounds around the world: hoaxes, signs?
The mailbag: unnerving sounds remind some of ancient horn
Quick Church response against federal mandate: overdue, welcome
Discernment: from Rome 'infighting' to apparition
Confusion over Vatican document on New Age
Signs of the times and nature, frugality
Mystics described 'dungeon' where Jesus held
Strange things: from 'urban myths' to sun miracles
Alternative healing: what's holy, what's not?
In Austin, holiness and also spiritual challenges; and about the rumbles
Of the Passion of Christ and a human protein
Divine Mercy revelation brings to fore phenomenon of three a.m.
From accidents to a one-year-old's painting, we ponder coincidence
Sad times: explicit talk on sex enters the pulpit
The mysterious role of candles against evil
Spirit Daily releases 'A Life of Blessings'
May is Mary's month: her many titles
Omaha: from rumblings to abortion clinic to richest man in the world
Of Bill Gates, vaccines, and the spirit of control
The hidden power of Confession
From church signs to bulletin bloopers
Mailbag: from Blessed Salt to sky formations
Is something being said in the 'signs' in D.C.?
Hidden in Scripture, message from Mary: the dire effect of violating Sabbath
Of curses and movies and Colorado
Idolatry watch: take down the statues
The difference between 'skeptics' and 'naysayers'
Incredibly venomous political atmosphere: shut off the rancor and read the Sermon on the Mount
Do movies, TV confer a dark 'anointing'?
Bizarre manifestations come when we go to extremes
The secret life (on the slopes) of John Paul II
God's Creation: what to eat and what not?
Abortion wars: an untold story
Are Saint Joseph statues okay?
The spirit of our time is the spirit of nasty commentary
The mail: when Heaven manifests
The mailbag: occult has gone mainstream
The devil's diversion: doomsday cults
Attack on Częstochowa: an omen of sacrilege?
The view from here: pro-lifers should focus on grass roots
Call it what it was: the work of the devil
Is it true department: bizarre coincidences between movies, shootings?
With gay 'marriage,' who'll end up persecuted?
To know how God 'evolved' the universe is to know the wisdom of owls
Our strange time: a further plunge into dark
Of presidents and strange signs
Why did lightning strike the Vatican?
Attack, attack, attack: how harsh language negates Christianity
Saint Teresa's lessons on locutions
Commentary: government secrecy and conspiracy theories
Memo to Islam: if you are an actual religion, allow Jesus, clean up evil
'Bigfoot' or big superstition?
The murder of a priest and the confession of a serial killer
'God's architect': look at this church!
Across New York, amazing 'coincidences'
Occult and calumny watch: of 'UFOs' and the Vatican
Report from Rome: when stones speak
Finding peace as society sinks into 'mud'
The view from here: the real health-care crisis
Commentary: a tale of two countries
Mailbag: concerns and signs of our time
Vast array of agencies paves way for 'Big Brother'
While media stokes up division, black woman stokes up love
The contrast between royal news and papal trip
More on excessive medical costs -- and harvesting organs
Russia's bold moves toward Christianity: the result of consecrations?
Benedict: did an intellectual Pope turn into a mystical one?
Shrine in Maryland has natural beauty as well as a special anointing
One root cause of homosexuality is spiritual
Bizarre world of 'Goth' is evil and costing young lives
Questions raised about organs taken from those who may not be quite dead
When are 'voices' from Heaven voices from Heaven?
Commentary: the Church stands against evil but welcomes and forgives
Why a Catholic surgeon quit transplant surgery
Saints are saints because they were not worldly
Prayer need: evil in the food industry
Mysteries of the Kennedy assassination
Commentary: time to halt the devil's hand signal
Fear is a form of spiritual warfare
Reality check: the Church's own wealth and what it teaches about money
The view from here: with urgency Catholics must move to affect culture
Pharisee watch: make sure the spirit rules over legalism
From Fukushima to rumblings to a manger: in an extreme time, oddities abound
The mailbag: of pets and Heaven and a light at a grave
Does the universe have a spiritual aspect?
Mark of the beast? New technology is erasing privacy
What's this strange pit in Canada?
Prophetic pulse: a currency crisis?
Many are the states of suffering
Is there a specific locale for 'mystery Babylon'?
The mystery of 'giants' in Noah's time
Hidden lessons of the Crucifixion
Movie on boy's glimpse of Heaven: he also saw Virgin
Spiritual undercurrents: cause célèbre of Harvard just tip of a titanic iceberg
Do movies peek into the supernatural?
Big brother: startling developments in private industry
An organization that focuses on 'mystical' eleventh hour
Of John Paul II, NYC, and a cleaner, gentler city
The view from here: that Supreme Court decision
An alleged prophecy and a reflection on foods that may prevent cancer
Occult and superstition raged during World War Two
Discernment beat: spiritual blindness
Summer oddities: a glance at unusual depictions of Mary
Why is Louisiana the 'happiest' state?
The view from here: diabolic disorientation
Mailbag: honoring God the Father
First recognized outbreak of Ebola may have erupted from clinic run by courageous sisters
Discernment watch: do animals sense spirits?
The astonishingly dark history of Planned Parenthood
When it comes to music and the Sixties, a Bible passage may have said it all
Under 'Hollywood' sign, an Adoration chapel
**The view from here: what is it about Islam?
God made everyone with equal 'intelligence'
Mailbag: dark autumnal clouds seem to reflect darkness beneath
Ex-Harvard researcher says 'voice' led him to virus revelations
In New Orleans, does the sky have it?
Startling comment by Gates on vaccines comes ringing back
Dreams: do they always bear meaning?
Time to stop idolizing 'celebrities'
Indian Catholics: 'steal the devil's knowledge'
The devil backstage: of mega-preachers and horns and music awards
Quibbling over 'global warming' obscures Mary's words
Fatima and what's going on in Russia
Evil: does it cause 'celebrities' to rise -- and fall?
**Lead actor in famous play had remarkable conversion, encounter with Manson
Man in the red bandana: a Good Friday lesson, from 9/11
When a dad dies, sometimes there is a message
Tension or rejection may be because you are 'not of world'
Retreat brought back memories of Esperanza
Commentary (6/8/15): Pope indicates closer control of seers
Events and trends in the world heighten concern over global governance
The view from here: climate is changing, but both humans and nature have a role
Rainbows are all over the place, but so is lightning
Founder of Planned Parenthood had links to the occult
Mail: help from purgatory, a growl at an abortion mill
Politics, politics; circus circus, as many Catholics join entertaining new approach to governance
Pope about to wade into America's turbulent waters
Upheaval watch: invoking Saint Michael for our police
Lightning versus a rainbow: will mercy or justice prevail?
Of mountains, strange clouds, and a spiritual component
When Lincoln warned of 'Divine chastisement'
Challenge in tumultuous times: should we 'prepare'?
Prayer, preparation: what and how much?
How evil entered the modern era
Spirit Daily releases new book on staying well, spiritual and natural healing
Tucked away in a corner of the Vatican is what is said to be Veronica's veil, with healing power
Newsman warns on national electrical grid and terrorist attack
Interview: a Rosary-praying commander fighting ISIS
Of D.C. and a museum and praying in the White House
Of 'ghosts' and the White House and Christmases past, 1226
The Nativity: have mystics actually experienced its power?
Is there something 'dark' at the base of Islam?
Catholic doctor discovered brain damage in NFL
Death of rock star points up dangers of exalting links to the occult
The mysterious origin of modern Indians and Jews
The 'confusion of Babylon' (and division): is current society a repeat?
In West Palm Beach, unsettled souls at a mansion
Trying to imitate the grandeur of Heaven
Probing the deeper mysteries of Guadalupe
As U.S. hurtles down an uncertain path, chore of each Christian is to send light
Of the mega-rich and time for mercy
Mulling mysteries: sounds from other spheres
Politics, lightning, Trump, and a skyscraper in Chicago
'Modernism' versus the supernatural: getting down to a hidden part of that crisis
Discernment and near-death experiences
The great diversion: about technology
Upheaval watch: 'coarse discourse'
Caskets, quiet monks, and a holy death
A remembrance of Mother Angelica
Upheaval watch: the coming uprisings
Looking out for Big (Tech) Brother
Do you believe in coincidence?
Oh, Orlando, shed ye any evil that may be attracting 'bad luck'
At 911 memorial: emotions and 'signs'
From the Bible to current accounts, spiritual interactions with animals
Tale of two V-P candidates is tale of Church woes
Viewpoint: yes, there is a religious war
Pray satanism out of the limelight
The view from here: truth is vanishing
Time of mercy should always be time for deliverance
The astonishing Scripture found at Ground Zero
Why does Mary appear with and in color blue?
Western Church must rediscover its 'supernaturalism'
Signs: 'bad moon' over the Atlantic
The dilemma of an unprecedented election
San Francisco: signs of darkness
The view from here: the Pope and election chaos
How will the new president treat Catholics?
When a meteor and quake coincide, do we give it heed?
Discerning apparitions: first discern yourself
Mysteries, mysteries: stranger than science
Sometimes things aren't what they seem
Trump's pastor: the master of 'positive thinking'
Signs: was it just the weather on Inauguration day?
A true Joseph: Maria Esperanza's miraculous marriage
Media trends afoot: from Vatican dispute to 'Gaga'
The view from here: that envoy to Medjugorje
The view from here: swings and gyrations, from Rome to Washington
Ezekiel's fiery wheel: also in recent times?
Unspoken terrorism: is there a cover-up?
When Catholics arrived in America, they were signaled by an amazing light
Occult America? The hidden undercurrent
Revelation: the hidden, heavy life of Joseph
God's Creation: the smartest animal is...
Numbers are 'smoke and mirrors' of our strange time
What a Jesuit named Francis said about Satan
Upheaval alert: are we careening toward a civil war?
The occult and the attack on masculinity
Assisted suicide: a horror in our time
Challenges and wonders: a return to Manhattan
In Maryland, Mary stands beside troubled highway
Summer thoughts: riding life's waves
The view from here: signs of coming chaos
Signs: sky will show a divided nation Monday
City's website details oddities of quakes, eclipses
If 'sign' in sky portends war, can it be a civil one?
Prayer need: in the shadow of an eclipse
Lurid New Age festival hits high stride in desert
A prediction of great ocean storms
Perhaps a storm is His Mercy: report from a hurricane zone
Bestselling author links Clintons to Ahab, Jezebel
Author points out astounding links between evil in ancient and modern times
God's Creation: the secret life of trees
In Las Vegas, perhaps the 'motive' was simple demonism
How the sun did what it did at Fatima
'Testimony': a glimpse of the hereafter
Deeper things: what's behind 'magic' of Hollywood?
In Trump, Christians find an unlikely warrior
Anti-christ and the new 'artificial intelligence'
Of scary tales and spooky trees
Artificial intelligence as new religion
As in time of Moses: 'Hard times coming'
Rare photos: no, it wasn't Mother Teresa!
Veil lifts on the shame in fame
The hidden power of anointing oil
At death celebrity reminded us of wasted time
Mammon warning: an era paved with gold
Should we tweak the 'Lord's Prayer'?
Was same-sex marriage the 'tipping point' in Noah's time?
Prayer need: those who take their own lives
Christ, the Virgin, and strange aerial objects
Is 'little big brother' watching you?
Church tumult: the role of communication
Famed St. Joseph chapel offering homosexual marriage
Recent murders of billionaires remind us of a 'passing world'
The bizarre 'creatures' spotted before disasters
No matter how dark, Jesus shines bright
Prophetic pulse: the new 'cold Civil War'
Occult watch: the bizarre case of the Winchester house
Do bells have a hidden spiritual power?
In the midst of Church confusion, clarity of Mary
Mysterious poisonings cast doubt on Russia's 'conversion'
The world: are we really that smart?
The view from here: 'stormy' U.S. times
In new movie, two Catholics and a 'curse'
Of strange gods and nations oppressed
Dehumanization: lost in cyberspace
Of 'gods,' a pagan curse, and a volcano
View from here: that 'Catholic' Met gala
Is there link between Denver airport and secret 'fortress'?
Prayer urgency: the battle for Ireland
At the root of America's rocket technology, a dark occultist
Busboy gave dying Bobby famous rosary
Strangeness all over, especially at movies
Actors may rule 'earthly' roost, but there are no celebrities in Heaven
Cyber overload: standing on a 'cloud'
God's Creation: for whom the bell tolls
Upheaval watch: the 'Divided States of America'?
Bizarre: those 'crystal skulls'
Signs: in smoky ruins, one building remains
The 'Roaring Twenties' join the 'Civil War'
The shameful face of the devil's 'Christmas'
Through the ages: of DNA and generational healing
Mailbag: in outer space, hidden things?
JFK's final Confession: was it a grace from First Saturday devotion?
Feedback: niece of priest believes he heard JFK's 'eleventh-hour' Confession
Our debauched times: 'Oh generation of vipers'!
Of sociopaths, psychopaths, and 'perfect possession'
Who is the biggest spider on the worldwide 'web'?
New book: the 'Age of Anti-Mary'
Pope's calling out of devil goes to heart of crisis
Mysterious 'force' behind a priest's murder?
In New Orleans, voodoo ritual at Catholic university
Jesus was the ultimate in masculine
The mystery of the 'Wandering Jew'
Is there a spiritual side to outer space?
Odds and ends: from vaccines to a Muslim 'invasion'
Signs: strange flurry of vandalism preceded fire
For rare moment, world was transfixed on a Cross
Is 'Crown of Thorns' at Notre Dame the real thing?
Cremation can take bizarre turns
The Pope amidst a most mysterious forest
Review of book on Church underscores harsh cultural tone
July meditation: nations and chastisement
The view from here: a Church in crisis-purification
Mysterious disasters in Turkey
In the U.S. skies, a mystery grows
Mystic detailed 'life' of Jesus
Was 2015 the year that sparked 'Great Division'?
Ponderings: that Apple with a bite out of it
A 'chat' about God with artificial intelligence
Dear scientists: your answer is spelled G-O-D
Mystery of a doctor-'robber' in New Orleans
The Virgin, Padre Pio, and life on other planets
Dear A.I.: how do you intend on ending the world?
Of rock stars and bizarre dreams
Only God knows far reaches of the universe
Trans madness morphs into silliness
When pictures say more than a thousand words
Permanent birth control causes major medical disaster
Occult watch: alien 'orbs' make television news
The spiritual undercurrent to Barbie
Instead of humility, reaction to covid was materialism
Strangest things: monstrous relics
Stop already: the 'universe' nonsense
New world order: hints north of San Francisco?
Strangest things: walls that 'speak'
Mary's birthday: notes from afar
Strangest things: the Harvard professor who studied aliens
When pictures say more than a thousand words
Signs galore in climate, weather
Coincidence and the Pope's visit to Fatima
The spiritual undercurrent to Barbie
Instead of humility, reaction to covid was materialism
Stop already: the 'universe' nonsense
New world order: hints north of San Francisco?
Mary's birthday: notes from afar
Unsolved mystery: the power of blood
Mailbag: prompts in the Spirit
Will global warming become global cooling?
Great deception? UFOs enter mainstream
Okay, AI: what's the 'Feast of Immaculate Conception'?
Tech hex: overdosing on technology
Mankind stumbles toward the 'high sin of Lucifer'
Drowned during rafting trip, atheist doctor learned the truth
Former president financed a movie about coming apocalypse
Time of excess: we are ignoring Bible
Anger gets clicks, but blessed are the meek
A look at number: how many LGBT are there?
Prayer need: will an enemy target DNA of specific ethnicities?
Tech tyranny: are social media giants erasing free speech?
From the mail: a dream, a candle, a storm
Dear A.I.: how might world war be fought?
When social issues bring nation to brink of insanity
Dear A.I.: what do you think of pedophilia?
Remembering that this is a fallen world
Hitler was obsessed with alleged relic of Crucifixion
How much of the future should we know?
Remembering that this is a fallen world
Case closed: there can no longer be doubt about the Shroud of Turin
Why is the executioner who pierced Jesus a saint?
At apparition site was strange darkness
The eclipse: beyond the hype, hidden messages?
'Devil comet' visible April 8 has curious past
A bridge, a quake, a statue: signs of the times
Signs and omens: when events in sky were tied to ones on earth
At time of unease, America's oldest city stands as refuge
What happened to Jesus's robe?
In secular world, the calm before the storm?
Hurricane watch: beware ye shores of mammon
Why doesn't Scripture mention the Great Pyramids?
When do we heed 'signs in the sky'?
Mystic predicted arrival of Padre Pio
Those strange symbols for medicine: one or two snakes?
America's divisive, decisive time: will it now change?
Paris and our 'diabolic disorientation'
Prophetic pulse: the great danger of IVF
A most relevant Scriptural passage
Did the occult figure into Asheville?
A legend on how Tampa dodges bullets
The Dorito 'communion' uproar: she's a governor
It's time for pro-lifers to expand vision
Catholic Church remains a giant force on earth
It's time for pro-lifers to expand vision
Short take: review of new Vatican movie
Mystery: the holy man who held Jesus
Fantastic wealth and our strange time
Miracles didn't stop with the Bible!
'My daughter Ukraine': an apocalyptic nation?
Election: it was the Catholics
What in the world is the 'world'?
When does one pay attention to numbers?
Signs of the times as new year begins