What is transpiring in the town called Itapiranga, Brazil -- where the prelate -- an archbishop -- has declared the events "supernatural" (or at least, apparitions between 1994, when they began, and 1998, when apparently they were first evaluated)?
Is a seer seeing Mary at the edge of the world's greatest jungle -- the Amazon?
Are there implications for the world (the seer is said to have foreseen the great 2004 Asian tsunami, see previous article])?
And, for our purposes today, what have been the recent "messages"?
The apparitions at Itapiranga formally ended in 1998 and are now mainly received elsewhere, including the state capital of Manaus (at last report; bear with us as we collect information). In 2006, the Virgin told one of the two seers that she would begin to appear on Sundays at his home after praying the Rosary. She has also appeared on special feast days. For a while -- and perhaps for stretches even today -- her apparitions were daily. Locales and times shift. A crucial plea from Mary: to pray for the alleviation of coming chastisements instead of waiting with anticipation and for the conversion of those who have fallen into darkness.
The latest message we have came Sunday (1/13/13): "Peace, my beloved children! Today, I come from Heaven to give you peace. Pray my children, pray with faith and with confidence, and the grace of God is always with you. You should welcome with love my messages. God is giving you a great grace with my maternal presence in the Amazon. My apparitions are grace coming from Heaven, out of the Heart of My Son, Jesus, for your salvation. Everything that is being done here is for the good of the world and for the salvation of your souls. Pray, pray many Rosaries and you will overcome the devil, his pitfalls, and all evil. God is granting a time for conversion. Do not despise this time of grace, because you will not have another, because what God is doing in the world is something unique, as never occurred in the history of mankind. Open your hearts and come back to God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!"
On December 17, 2012, was an equally serious message. "My children," said Mary, "you live in a world that has chosen to no longer be united with God. Many no longer are interested in the things of Heaven, but live only for the world and the kingdom of darkness. Abandon the wrong things! Do not let Satan destroy everything good that is in you. This is the time of grace; Heaven comes to earth to call men to a life change. I've been in many places in the world to invite them to conversion. Who really wants to hear the cry of my pleas? Who wants to walk this road that leads to Heaven? The road that I [point to] demands sacrifice and strong detachments; it is a road where those who want to serve the Lord do not think of themselves but the good of their neighbors, knowing to help and serve them."
Continued the Virgin: "It is a road of giving and service and not a path where you want to be served... It is a holy highway, which helps those on it overcome the deceptions and vanities of the world.
"Everything that Satan offers is illusion and deception, my children, always remember that. His deceptions and illusions lead to eternal death. Those who let themselves be seduced by him are in danger of never seeing the ever-merciful Face of God, because the enemy is acting in these times with great fury and malice against the children of God.
"Do not give in! Do not be blinded by the devil. Fight with all your might against the kingdom of darkness and against all evil. Welcome my messages in your hearts and my Son Jesus will give you the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit. My Son will give to those [who follow the holy path] drink of the living waters that quenches all the needs of the soul and He gives them to eat of the Bread of Life that satisfies the spiritual hunger that wants to [harm] them and cause them to fall into sin.
"I love all and I tell you with my heart full of blessings and graces of God: love them also, because the person who loves has no fear of the future and will see the shining glory of the Lord, when He reveals His merciful Face to the world.
"In love there is no fear nor eternal death, but peace and hope to many hearts. In love is my Divine Son and the victory over death and sin. In love you will find the true meaning to your lives and all of God's Will. I bless you: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"
Hints of a coming manifestation?
On Christmas Day, the Blessed Mother reportedly came with Saint Joseph and the Christ Child, emphasizing peace.
"My children, this is the hour of his return to God," said Mary, coming as Queen of the Rosary and Peace. "After this probation major changes occur in the world. Do not let the grace of God be wasted in vain. Welcome to my messages in their lives and they perform great miracles of conversion, peace and love. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"
The two main seers are Edson Glauber and his mother Maria do Carmo, to whom she has promised to appear until their deaths. Both have reported messages since 1994, sometimes seeing her together, mainly separately. There is also a reputedly miraculous spring. On November 25, 2012, a message reportedly said, "Peace my dear children! Today I come from Heaven to tell you: Do not fear anything! His Blessed Mother is here to lead you to the Heart of Jesus, source of love and peace. Let God come and never suffer. Welcome my appeals with love, for great graces will be granted by God to those who actually live and puts into practice every teaching your Immaculate Mother informed them.
"Son, do not be afraid of the future and tomorrow: Everything belongs to God! Live in the present moment, united to Him and not fear anything, because it is He Who gives them strength and victory over all evil and it is He who protects them with the power of His arm.
"Who can stand against the Lord? Who can stand against your immense love and power? ... Fight, fight to reach the kingdom of Heaven, because He is closest to you, this time, as never happened in the history of mankind. Thank you for your presence here tonight. Return to their homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"
Said Edson: "Today the Virgin was very beautiful: she wore a white veil and had a very long white robe. She held in her hands a globe, representing the world. Our Lady maternally looked at us with her eyes full of love and mercy. Suddenly, a person began appearing on the right and left of the Virgin -- two scenes. On the right, the sky appeared and a light left hell. From the various lights began to go out in the form of people who went to these two directions [Heaven and hell]. The lights represented people who were dying at that moment: Many went to hell, but while Our Lady was present among us through his appearances, this scene changed and people began to go skyward. I realized that during the apparitions Our Lady is in different parts of the world and a great power of intercession occurs in the world and many people who would be virtually doomed to hellfire, before they die, sincerely repent and ask forgiveness of their sins, receiving the holy sacraments. Others, who were spiritually dead, their feet almost at the gates of hell, receive the grace of conversion and the great miracle of God to restore the health and life, to spread to others the eternal truths of Heaven, converting them to God through their words and witness.
"When the Virgin said that the kingdom of Heaven is closer to us, as never happened in the history of mankind, I understood that she was referring to her appearances, taking place every day in many parts of the world. The presence of the Virgin is a great grace of mercy and blessing. When Our Lady comes into the world to talk to their children it is the moment of grace that heals and saves many hearts, because God, through your Immaculate Mother, begins to transform the hearts and lives of many people."
[Note: while the bishop has approved the four years that apparitions occurred in his district, please note this does not imply endorsement of other phenomena, such as stigmata, nor healing practices such as the laying on the hand, all of which must be discerned separately.]
[resources: The Last Secret and Michael Brown retreat: Signs of the times: Michael Brown retreats: Lakeland, Fl, January 27, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Houston: prophecy, afterlife, spiritual warfare, healing]
[See also: see previous article]
144 - c.p. 143
Itacoatiara (AM) BRAZIL Itacoatiara,
May 31, 2009
Solemnity of Pentecost
In response to questions about the apparitions of Our Lady Queen of the Rosary
and peace in Itapiranga as Bishop of Itacoatiara / Amazonas (Brazil) I was asked
to express my views about the authenticity of the apparitions of Mary as Our
Lady Queen of S. Rosario and Peace to Itapiranga during the years 1994-1998.
Many believers and some bishops have pointed out the urgent need for
clarification in this regard. I am also personally aware that the development
of devotion, which spans a period of 15 years, so requires. As for the
supernatural character and content of the messages, I see that this devotion
has taken place in the life of faith of thousands of faithful. I have also
been given testimonies of conversion and reconciliation, as well as healing
and special protection. In full recognition of the responsibility of the Holy
See, it is primarily the task of the local bishop to decide, according to
their conscience, the authenticity of private revelations that are occurring
or have occurred in his diocese. For this reason, with regard to the results
of previous investigations and questions and objections arising from them, I
once again asked the advice of some theologians and psychologists. I testify
that in their opinion that there are no fundamental theological and
psychological impediments to the recognition of the authenticity supernatural.
THERE IN APPEARANCES Itapiranga a supernatural origin. Of course, there is
still the influence of the human factor. Even authentic image and visions pass
as said Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, through the filter of our senses, which carry out a
process of translation ... "and" ... are influenced by the possibilities and
limitations of the perceiving subject "(Cardinal Ratzinger, Theological
Commentary in preparation for the publication of the Third Secret of Fatima.
L'Osservatore Romano, June 28, 2000). Instead of Sacred Scripture, the private
revelation is never binding on the conscience of the faithful. It is to be
seen as an aid to understand the signs of the times and to live more fully the
Gospel in its actuality (cf. Luke 12:56; Catechism of the Catholic Church, n.
67). And the signs of our times are dramatic. You my sincere belief that
devotion to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, and Queen of Peace can help us, the
drama of our time, to find the right path, the path towards a new and unique
coming of the Holy Spirit, He who alone can heal the great plagues of our
time. A member of the "Legion of Sacrorum Cordium" dedicated to the work of
the three joined the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and Joseph, my blessing
and encouragement in the first edition in Portuguese and Italian messages of
Our Lady. Hopefully this has taken action to provide sufficient information
and clarity.
(Seal) Preemption de Itacoatiara
+ Archbishop Carillo Gritti Itacoatiara - Am Bishop of Itacoatiara.
Source: latheotokos.it
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