Author Michael H. Brown will give a retreat in
Danbury, Connecticut, Saturday, August 16, from
a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza, 18 Old Ridgebury Road, Danbury, CT.
[See below for directions].
The retreat will focus on our current time, the "prophetic pulse," family healing, spiritual warfare (protection), and the afterlife -- eternity. There will be priests to bless water and salt. Confessions will be heard.
The Blessed Mother. The Church. The supernatural reality around us (and our families). We have gotten much strong reaction from those who feel the person spiritual aspect has help tremendously.
What's in store for this part of the world -- and our world period?
Times are intensifying! And will become more so. Indeed! They are especially intensifying spiritually. This affects all of us -- and our families. Quakes and whirlwinds and storms are supernatural as well as physical. If we're cleansed, and prepared -- as we will discuss -- there is nothing whatsoever to fear (here or in the hereafter). We can solve deep-seated family issues! We can find peace no matter -- and a buffer -- what swirls around us!
Through prayer darkness can be dispelled! This we will focus upon. Are there hidden things in our homes that attract dark spirits -- in our lives? Have things come down the generations? How do "unclean" forces operate? What's in store for the Northeast? What is the best preparation for Heaven? What about what the Pope is saying? What about most recent "predictions" about the future?
Admission can be purchased on-line with button below; or by calling 386-446-8139 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST weekdays. Please note that there are no tickets issued; attendees will be on a list at door. If there is room, there will be door admittance. The hotel will offer a deli buffet for lunch. Priests and nuns are free! Please let your friends in nearby cities know! Those driving from more than an hour away can call for $5 discount. Books and videos will be available.
retreat, $30
(hit "add to cart" and then, when done,
"complete order" to finalize; include name, phone, and e-mail;
pay no attention to shipping charge; automatic merchant handling/shipping fee of $2
will be credited back to your account; call 386-446-8139 or email
mbrown33@aol.com if any questions).
We will announce it if there will be a blessing of articles, water, and salt.
[Special deliverance prayers will be recited. Books and videos will be available. We pray for you and ask for your prayers! If a priest is available, there will be a Mass and blessings]
[For hotel rooms at a special rate, call and say the discount code is "Michael Brown seminar," ph. (203) 794-0600]
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