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Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila with Elizabeth Zelasko, a local sacred artist and Denver Catholic columnist who wrote the "Mary at the Foot of the Cross" icon, following the unveiling ceremony Tuesday afternoon. (Photo by Denver Catholic Staff)

We too are called to the desert


'America needs an exorcism'


Mary at the foot of the Cross


Discern: are there figures in the Light?


This Lent, hold thoughts 'captive'


Pope thanks doctors


Remains stable


Pontiff: unborn are 'one of us'


Priest one step closer to sainthood


Special Report (new): the darkest, deepest 'UFO' secret in government


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 Afterlife: many see Light, others fire

 'Take off that Apple watch'

 What daylight savings time does to sleep rhythm

 Last AI: hunting all of us?



Another church attack in France


Japan: when a demon calls


Health watch: coffee may help gut health


New movie: The Last Supper


Winter weather warnings in eight states

This may contain: a painting of jesus holding the cross in his hands


TikTok mystery


Small plane crash near Philadelphia


Health watch: foods not to eat before bed


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About Michael H. Brown