From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]:
Who are these souls and why are they detained there and what do they expect?
The Afonso Sardinha Mansion, located in the Parque Estadual do Jaraguá, in São Paulo, Brazil, is one of the places in the world with the most paranormal activity.
People who have been there, especially those who spent a night when it had been transformed into a student shelter, felt hands pulling their hair and running over their bodies.
They also heard people crying, the sound of chains being dragged across the ground.
They could see objects thrown against the walls. Noises, screams coming from all corners of the house. And human figures like shadows, walking through the rooms.
Here we will talk about what happens in the Afonso Sardinha Mansion, who are the ones who manifest themselves in that paranormal way in that place, why they do it, and how it agrees with what several exorcists have found dealing with dead souls.

When the Caserón de Afonso Sardinha was a hostel, officials admitted that paranormal things happened on certain nights.
Most were unaware of the hidden history of the place.
But those who knew her had to admit the great weight of the Caserón’s past, which included an old room for slaves, where chains rattled.
Some visitors even said they had been slapped by invisible hands.
Some had their hair pulled out and others were severely pinched.
Park security guards said they sometimes heard footsteps, like a crowd of people coming across the lawn, but never saw anything.
They had the impression that these people were in front of them, but they could not see them.
His dogs were also very agitated during these types of demonstrations.
Other security guards came to see a man who was observing the scene.
And they ambushed him to surprise him, but when they surrounded the shadow, he disappeared, there was no one.
One night, three security guards who were patrolling the property, when it was a museum, heard a loud noise coming from inside.
A sound as if a group of people had broken in and broke everything, it seemed that there were a lot of people and they preferred to call the police.
The police arrived a few minutes later and as they approached the museum they heard the same noises as the security guards.
They asked these people through a megaphone to come out one by one, but nothing.
After some time with no response, the police entered the museum, and at that moment, the noises abruptly stopped.
There was complete silence, everything was in its place, nothing was broken.
And they concluded in their report that they had witnessed unexplained paranormal activity.
These paranormal manifestations do not occur only in what was the house of Afonso Sardinha, but also in the surroundings.
Local residents explain that as night approaches and until 2 am, the animals get into a strange state, they begin to moan, growl and howl.
Everyone who lives around this house has a story to tell.
And there have also been inexplicable accidents with workers in the area.
What had happened there centuries before?
That land had been owned by Afonso Sardinha, a Portuguese who traveled to Brazil in the 1570s.
He settled there because it contained riches and rare metals.
Sardinha built his farm in the place that served as a cemetery for the natives and they deposited offerings to their gods.
And he decided to expel them from their land to build his farm to exploit the gold.
For 10 years there was battle after battle between the people of Sardinha and the indigenous people, until in the end they were exterminated and ended up as construction materials on the walls of Sardinha buildings.
And he earned a reputation as the greatest hunter of the indigenous peoples.
But Afonso Sardinha not only exploited the land, he was the first to commercialize human beings within Brazil.
He forcibly brought in thousands of men and women from Angola, whom he sold to the new elite, who had come mainly from Europe to settle in Brazil.
Sardinha became immensely rich extracting gold from the Pico do Jaraguá, he had several plantations, jam factories, he was a flour, salt and sugar merchant.
But of all the businesses he ran, the most lucrative by far was the slave trade.
He had armies of bandeirantes at his service, who persecuted slaves who managed to escape and lived in camps called quilombos.
And he got rid of the slaves when they reached 25 or 30 years for the most robust, because he judged that they were no longer as effective, so he sold them to other farms.
And when he could not resell a slave, it became part of the beaten earth destined for the construction of his residence.
He had begun construction on his famous 21-room hacienda in 1580 , and chose clay, thinking that beaten earth would hold up better, especially if he added animal bones.
In 1616 Afonso Sardinha finally died and his descendants transformed the farm into a coffee farm until 1929, when the price of coffee plummeted and the farm was abandoned.
After which he went through periods of abandonment and new destinations, but none prospered, and he always returned to abandonment.
In 1994, UNESCO declared Jaraguá Park a World Heritage Site.
And since Sardinha’s house was there, it was protected by international agreements and cannot be demolished.
The case of the Caserón de Sardinha is typical of a place where the spirits of the dead were trapped where their physical death occurred.
Exorcists have found cases of souls that do not have the necessary knowledge or do not receive the expected help to go to Purgatory or to their final home.
The exorcist Father Patrick says that he has come across cases of the dead that are very attached to things here on Earth.
And they wander not knowing where they are, but not leaving, and they are reported as ghosts.
Father Fortea has also encountered what he calls lost spirits.
Souls that are neither demons nor damned souls, at least not yet damned.
And who seek in the midst of great sadness and anguish, light and peace, and sometimes they are angry.
Lost souls who pray, sing and praise God voluntarily, without the need for spells by the exorcist.
Souls that apparently died without asking for forgiveness, but without rejecting or hating God.
And there is a case similar to that of the Sardinha mansion, the Bermuda Triangle, about which we made a video.
The psychiatrist Dr. Kenneth McAll, a charismatic Anglican, came to the conclusion, from a trip he made, that the area was frequented by ships with African slaves, that either by storms or to collect insurance, threw overboard the slaves. slaves on their journey to America.
And he concluded that the deaths and disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle were the consequences of demons attached to that territory and responsible for the tragedies in the area, and that they dominated those souls, hence the moans and cries that were heard in the area.
He then organized a massive international prayer, asking Jesus to free all the victims of the “Bermuda Triangle” slave trade from demons.
And apparently the problem was solved, because no more paranormal phenomena or disappearances are heard in the area.
Well, so far what we wanted to talk about the paranormal phenomena in the Afonso Sardinha Mansion, in the Jaraguá State Park, in São Paulo, Brazil, and what may be the most probable causes of what happens there.
And I would like to ask you if you have met or have dealt first hand with paranormal phenomena that cannot be easily explained, or not.