By: St. Clement of Alexandria,.(excerpt from Salvation of the Rich Man 22.13): + The Spiritual Sense of Leaving the Family.
Mailbag: Demons And Holy Music
Writes Michael O’Grady of Ireland: > Just sending on another testimony of deliverance from being ‘slimed by demons’ 🙂 >.
Forums: The Amazing Visions Of Cauá Felipe About End Times [For Cautious Discernment]
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views expressed are not necessarily SD’s]: He had visions from the age of.
Supposed Seer Conveys Message On Coming ‘Great Heat’ [For Cautious Discernment]
From After the Warning: February 22nd, 2024 (Vision given to Jennifer from Jesus) I see a haze covering the ground.
Mailbag: Major Hollywood Movie About Medjugorje
From Ann Vucic: Famed Hollywood producer, Lucas Foster has an incredible body of work to his name, including Ford vs. Ferrari, Man.
From Medjugorje USA: Testimony of Andy/Lavalle’s Fasting Breads by Andy LaVallee Some people go through an entire life not knowing.
Alleged Seer Gives Long, Apocalyptic Message
Alleged Message of Jesus to Christina Gallagher of Ireland [for careful scrutiny only]:February 22, 2024. My people, I your Lord.
Medjugorje Message, 2/25/24
“Dear children! Pray and renew your heart so that the good which you have sown may bear the fruit of joy and.
Did Catholic Charismatic Evangelist Raise Woman From ‘Dead’?
From the desk of Fr. Jose Panthaplamthottiyil, pastor, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Palm Coast, Florida + Nurturing Virtues: A.
Seer: When Evil Used To Speak Through Me
From the mail (Australia): Years ago before God came into my life my language was very bad. I would curse,.
Forums: What Devil Likes And Dislikes Most
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Shocking confessions of demons in exorcisms that reveal their most astonishing doctrines. What.
‘If I Were The Devil’
When A.I. Is The ‘Prophet’
Taking off where another publication in England left off, we asked ChatGPT (artificial intelligence) five ways the next world war.
Mailbag: Lenten Ponderings
Patient endurance The apostle Paul writes: With patient endurance we run the race of faith set before us. For what.
Mailbag: Chats With Padre Pio
PADRE PIO and Cleonice: 101 Q&A Statements made by Padre Pio, and his answers to questions by Cleonice Morcaldi. “The.
Forums: When Malachi Martin Spoke Of Three Days Of Darkness [translated; for discernment]
From Forums of the Virgin Mary: [translated for your cautious discernment] What is hidden in the Third Secret of Fatima.
A Priest’s Amazing Death
He was quite some man — Father Mike. We’ve written about him before. That’s the only way he’s identified by.
A Christian’s Near-Death Experience
Archives: Ex-Pentecostal’s Stunning Testimony On Precious Blood
[Part Two of series; see here for Part One] By Michael H. Brown Second story When we left off, we.
Mailbag: Angels At Mass
“Dear Spirit daily, + “I read one recent account of one of your readers explaining how they saw many angels.
Mailbag: The Untold Sufferings Of Nigerian Christians
I’m in Washington, D.C., again. I was here last week for the International Religious Freedom Summit with Nigerians from Plateau.
Forums: The Dark Spirit Of Davos
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for discernment only]: The dark spirit running through the Davos Forum that seeks.
Statue Of LaSalette Virgin Weeping In Canada?
From the mail: On Thursday September 21, 2000, the Lord gave us great grace. We were with Father Bob Dingman.
Mailbag: Quite A Dream
Words of knowledge? + “What if the dark we allowed in becomes part of the atmosphere and day turns to.
Forums: The Mysterious Virgin Of Candelaria
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The Virgin of Candelaria: miracles and apparitions in the New World; the blessing.
Was This Painted By Mary Herself?
From the Navigators Ministry: It is said that Elder Paisios the Athonite, who had seen in vision the Theotokos, once.
Short Messages Can Say A Lot
Time grows short. So do messages. Medjugorje Message, June 25, 1998 “Dear children! Today I desire to thank you for.
Exorcist Comments On Movie ‘Nefarious’
The Only Things More Dangerous Than Ignorance
[resources: Michael Brown online retreat]