From Aleteia: The Lebanese saint, Charbel, is known the world over as a miracle worker. He’s also revered for his role in.
The Lighter Side: Quite A Testament
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Mailbag: Another Brush With The ‘Other Side’
Mailbag: Another Brush With The ‘Other Side’ August 22, 2019 by sd A viewer named Joel from eastern Ontario writes (regarding healing;.
The Lighter Side
Signs: Water Water Everywhere
Those who deny God’s signs cannot deny the rain — the floods, from the D.C. area (lost in the news).
Medjugorje: No One Believed In Maté But His Prophecy Came True
From La Luce di Maria: Who was Matè Sego? A very humble man who had prophesied about the apparitions that.
Rising Faces
Is it just us, or does there seem to be a somewhat chilling cast to the visages of those rising.
Do The Eyes Have It?
Religious Curiosities
It’s both curious and distressing in our time how the devil has attacked religion, first, for decades, from the liberal.
When A Storm Saved The White House
We know from Scripture that heaven — God — can send what He wants to stop what He wants; this.
The Decade In Which Occultism Went Mainstream
The mainstream media has no qualms any longer when it comes to reporting on or dramatizing the supernatural — fewer.
Health Watch: 10 Ways That Poor Sleep Can Affect Your Physical and Mental Health
[Editor’s note: Sleep, as we see below, is crucial. When we have trouble sleeping, we should remember to watch what.
At Christmas, among other things — in the midst of a main message of peace and joy; eternity awaits! —.
That Funeral Homily
It’s a time of joy, is Christmas — overwhelmingly so — while also a time of reckoning. At this moment.
Of Comets And Northern Lights And Radar Blips And A Hum
The sky is an endless mystery — because it’s just that: endless. It grants flashes and shimmerings, affords us the.
The Waters Of Narcissus
Have you noticed how everyone these days is a big deal? So many millions are “legends”! Everyone is transfixed on.
Video: Beating Cancer
It’s said that when he became gravely ill with cancer of the pancreas, billionaire Steve Jobs, who died at age.
Donations can be made to Spirit Daily, 11 Walter Place, Palm Coast, Fl. 32164 or by credit card or phone.
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‘Monstrous’, ‘Unethical’ And A ‘Huge Blow’ To Chinese Biomedical Research
Is something inherently wrong with China? Is it this nation’s foundation on pagan traditions, and now atheism? Thank God for.
Mailbag: When The Wrong Door Was The Right One
I’m 73 now and looking back I see serendipity happening all the time. Sometimes the smallest action or decision led.
Archives: When Archbishop Who Knew Him Told Us Of JFK’s Hidden Devotion
We all have the memories, the motorcade, the shots ringing out, the riderless horse, the chill winds of November. It was.
From The Mail: Will U.S. Heed Her Call?
Archives: Remembering The Dead
[adapted from After Life by Michael H. Brown] We should thank God for everything in life. We thank Him.
About ‘Little Nellie’
Mailbag: The Holy Eucharist, Fatima & Little Nellie By Kate Barry-Murphy Jesus, “You have hidden these things from the wise.
Ghouls And Ghosts
‘Tis the season of ghouls and ghosts, and so a question: We know spirits can attach to people and places..
A Prayer For Happiness And Joy
(A prayer for happiness and joy) Lord, take my heart on a journey, Into your goodness and grace. Where I.
All That Glitters (And Oils)
There is the expression, “all that glitters isn’t gold.” Is all that glitters real, and if so — good? We.
Angels To The Rescue
Strength beyond strength — strength beyond what seems like the limits of physical power. When twenty-two-year-old Lauren Kornacki discovered her.