There are countless accounts, in our time, of those who have returned from the “dead” to describe Heaven and other.
Seven Apparitions Okayed By Commission Would Put Medjugorje In Top Ranks
Retreat, northern New Jersey Pope Francis and President Donald J. Trump, who are scheduled to meet soon at the Vatican,.
Pope Acknowledges Huge Abuse Backlog
From Fox News: ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE – Pope Francis acknowledged Saturday that the Vatican has a 2,000-case backlog in.
Pope Prays For Mothers
From Associated Press: VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has invited faithful in St. Peter’s Square to join him in.
Confusion As Pope Indicates Belief In Early Medjugorje Apparitions
From La Stampa (aboard papal plane: press briefing): Question: In Fatima we have seen a great testimony of popular faith,.
The Mailbag: Foreknowledge
Let’s go to the mailbag, this sultry last week of July (already?). Wrote Rosalie Elliott: “Thank you for Spirit Daily..
Pope: I’ll Be Sincere With Trump
From the Daily Republic: ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE – Pope Francis said on Saturday he would be “sincere” with U.S..
Official Lourdes Medical Examiner Strongly Endorses Near-Death Experiences
The Physician of the Lourdes Office of Medical Observations in France — famed for its scrupulous investigations of alleged miracles.
Pathway To Heaven?
From the Daily Mail: Hannah Simmons, 23, her nine month old daughter A’lannah, and friend Lauren Buteau, 28, from.
Fatima Updates
From Associated Press: Pope Francis has added two Portuguese shepherd children to the roster of Catholic saints, honoring young siblings.
Fatima Seer Explained Why Some Prophecies Don’t Materialize
The youngest seer at the famous Fatima apparitions, Jacinta Marto, explained before her death why certain warnings of chastisement, at.
A Few Fatima Items From Our Archives
[Click on title for article or paste link] Fatima events The United Nations International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady.
And The Smartest Animal Is….
Retreat, northern New Jersey God loves everything He created, and everything He created is precious in His sight, as well.
Fatima And Hidden Aspects
Retreat, northern New Jersey While much of Fatima’s history is hashed and rehashed this week, there are elements that are.
Knock Visionary Will Be Re-Buried In New York
The Connaught Telegraph reports that pilgrims will depart Mayo in Ireland for New York Monday on “a very unusual mission”.
Priest’s Body Exhumed For DNA In Murder Of Nun
From the Baltimore Sun: The grave of a priest who died in 2001 was dug up as part of the.
Do Coins Prove Shroud?
From WorldNetDaily: An expert on ancient Roman coins say he has identified those that cover the eyes of the Man.
Occult America?
[adapted from Where the Cross Stands] Though founded and led, overall, by good, God-fearing men, interesting it is how much.
Apparitions Versus The Devil
We have long known that mention of Mary during exorcisms often evokes a strong response. The devil — a serpent.
What Seers Say
Toronto retreat: Michael H. Brown, May 20 In our recent article on a powerful mystical book about the life of.
Images In The Clouds
It’s curious: how most Catholic news outlets tend to hold the supernatural at arm’s length (we live in standardized times).
Mailbag: The Sun, The Sun, The SON
“I just finished photographing the Divine Mercy procession at Our Lady of Peace Shrine in Santa Clara, California, last Sunday,.
Unspoken Terrorism
Retreat announced for northern New Jersey! Have you ever looked around and wondered how many happenings have been terrorism —.
An Incredible Light
Retreat announced, northern New Jersey [adapted from Where the Cross Stands] Many times through history, our forefathers have looked to.
From The Mail (Archives): A Certain Rose Petal
We enjoy hearing from our viewers — twenty years now — and constantly are elevated by the way God operates.
Video: Moment A Statue ‘Weeps’
From YouTube: Published on Apr 21, 2017 Worshipers have been left in shocked after a statue of the Virgin Mary.
Oldest Person And Her Rosaries
From The New York Times: Emma Morano, the last person documented as being born in the 1800s, died peacefully on.
The Sun During Alleged Apparition Of Mary, Uganda
From YouTube (for discernment only): From the mail: “Have you heard of the recent apparitions at Kiwamirembe in Uganda? A.
Bringing The Right Stuff To Heaven
Donations: we need and appreciate it! Excerpted from What You Take To Heaven: God is the genius of all Creation.