From Fox News 2: A Franciscan Friar within the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis was badly beaten not far from.
Retreat Atlanta
Very, very pleased to announce a March 11 retreat, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with Catholic author Michael H. Brown.
Rich Preparing For Meltdown
‘Apparition Hill,’ Irving, TX, 2/4/17, get tickets now! Interesting it was, last week, when the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved their.
An Elephant In The Room
In all the tohubohu over the papal document on remarried and the divorced (Amoris laetitia), no one seems to mention.
Whipped Around By Enemy, Saved By God
From Our Archives First story Let us hear, intensely, the words of this priest named Father Anthony Bus, author.
Signs — Or Just The Weather?
Spirit Daily Retreat, Vero Beach, February 4 It’s interesting how things are interpreted as “signs” in different ways, if they.
Beautiful Deceptions
Prophecy, spiritual warfare retreat: Atlanta You know how it is: you run into someone who seems to be doing something.
Here And There
February Michael Brown retreat: Vero Beach Let’s call this “here and there on the internet,” and take a glance around.
Various And Sundry Oddities
Some anomalous matters, of late, from the news: In Nigeria, reports the Daily Post, “there was shock recently outside the gates.
The Manson Mystique
Charles Manson, the most famous killer in U.S. history, is back in the news, this time due to hospitalization in.
‘If You Want To Live, Show it’
We live forever, and once we realize that, we see that there is never need for despair, depression, or morbidity..
Archbishop Sheen On Death Of Christendom
Michael Brown retreat, Vero Beach If all seems great, in America, now, perhaps we need to recall how in Noah’s.
Attention-Deficit And Autism
It’s flu season and many take vaccinations for it. It’s difficult to discern which is more harmful: the flu (particularly.
Bishop Versus Bishop, Cardinal Versus Cardinal?
Are we entering a time when it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal? Let us hope not..
Occult Watch: The Geller Effect
Recognize the fellow on the right above? Yes, it’s Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, and in the news.
Mailbag December 2016
We haven’t delved into the mailbag for a while, and so we’ll go there now — which means,.
Apparitions As Forerunners
Donations: we need and appreciate it! First there was Myrna Nazzour in Syria [above] — the stigmatic who saw Mary.
Those Who Live To Be A Hundred
You hear more and more these days of those who are a hundred — or older. In the Bible, some folks.
Archives: Was It Mary?
From The Mail [after winter]: The photos below were sent by viewer Theresa Thomas. They were originally posted on her.
Trump’s Pastor
The religious figure most identified with Donald J. Trump is not an Evangelical, but the famed master of “positive thinking,”.
Mailbag: ‘Strange Things Can Happen Christmas Night’
Donations: we need and appreciate it! The archives: +J.M.J.+ Monsignor Charles M. Mangan Father Segundo Llorente (1906-1989) was a Spanish.
The (Eternal) Danger Of Materialism
Those who have had near-death experiences, virtually to a person, return with no more regard for money or anything else.
Why They Call It A ‘Hail Mary’ Pass
From Aleteia: On a cold December Sunday at Minnesota’s Metropolitan Stadium in 1975, the Vikings were on the verge of winning.
God And The Afterlife
There’s a new book out there by Dr. Jeffrey Long of Louisiana, and once again it brings home of powerfully.
A Miraculous Image?
From the mail (for viewer discretion): THE MIRACULOUS IMAGE: On August 3, 2008, while on retreat at Mount St. Mary’s.
Curses In Peculiar Trends?
One wonders at times if hidden curses operate behind famous things. We have previously reported [see here or video below] about.
Things Sometimes Are Not — And Sometimes Are — What They Seem
Sometimes, things aren’t what they seem. For instance, the photo above might at first glance seem like a miraculous manifestation:.
Of Trump And A Seer
I was reading a story on your website today (Jan 28) that mentioned Charlie Johnston. The author stated that Johnston.
Healing Power
There are spiritual Catholic doctors out there, and it’s always wonderful to hear from them. For, too often, medicine follows.
The Mailbag: At An Altar
Through the Window of my Soul by Mike Dial This sharing come in two parts. It’s a.