World watch: For years — decades now — many have fretted of a time when some entity would rise to.
From the archives: laughter, a good medicine indeed
Laugh, grow strong, and chase away the devil The late comedienne Joan Rivers famously used to ask, “Can we talk?”.
About ‘witching’ hours and other things
Discernment-spiritual-warfare beat There is plenty of strangeness out there: bizarre curiosities — whether claims of UFOs, ghosts, aliens, therianthropy. It.
The gift of tears
Retreat announced for San Francisco. THE GIFT OF TEARS We’ve all heard of and perhaps experienced it: the “gift of.
From the archives:
The astonishing apparitions in Nicaragua: an untold story Somehow, in the rush of modern life, in the avalanche of alleged.
God’s colors
From the mail: C O L O R ONLY GOD COULD CREATE Did you ever notice how much modern man tries to copy Heaven?.
Divine Mercy picture sparks grace
From the Mail: 1. Picture of a devotee touching an image of the Divine Mercy inside the Church of the.
Saint Faustina and the ‘second coming’
The archives (2001): Signs, a Pope, and how St. Faustina Foresaw The Second Coming However much we’re wary of overly.
Remembrances of a mystic named Mother Angelica
By Michael H. Brown Not too many if any obituaries on the great nun and Catholic media pioneer, Mother Angelica,.
Triggers in spiritual warfare
Over Easter came a story about how at least fifty people a year require formal medical care in Jerusalem because.
Emmerich and the Crucifixion
From the archives: Dragged And Tossed Into A Torrent: Was This The True Extent Of Jesus’ Suffering? Third Story (2003).
Jesus and the ‘dungeon’
An exudation of ‘myrrh’?
Just before Holy Week, a report came that a holy icon of “John the Forerunner” was exuding a fragrant substance.
Emmerich’s vision of a battle at Gethesame
Archives: Nun Who Inspired Movie Saw Huge Battle Between Jesus And Devils At Gethsemane Second story In her book called.
Modernism versus spirituality
As Lent ends, we strive to embody devotion, love, and self-sacrifice, signs of light and peace everywhere we pass, such.
Strange sounds, lights
On quicksilver In the realm of arcana and all that is catawampus — those many disturbances and mysteries so prevalent.
The cup Jesus used
Spirit Daily __ The Archives Seer Who Inspired Gibson ‘Passion’ Movie Said Christ’s Chalice Still In Jerusalem By Michael H. Brown.
When Saint Joseph comes to help
The Archives: SAINTS: THEY COME TO HELP, OFTEN MYSTERIOUSLY The great untold stories are how frequently saints and angels intervene.
Prayer for Saint Raphael
Here is a prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel, for healing and health: St. Raphael, the Archangel, defend us from.
A key to Heavenly entry: humility Have you ever noticed how edifying it is to pray for those who cause.