It’s the national theme for Costa Rica. You see it all over. In parks. On business signs. Roadside. At the.
Forums: Why Is Our Lady Of LaSalette Crying?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How to understand the reopening of Notre Dame de Paris and the Virgin.
Let’s get it out of the way right here up front: this involves what hundreds of podcasters, YouTubers, television shows,.
There is strangeness in our time, special strangeness, as should be apparent by now to all. “A thick, ‘mysterious’ fog.
California Ski Resort Owner Builds Massive Virgin Mary Statue, Angering Locals
It was revered by Native Americans, who focused rituals there. It is believed by arcanists to be the portal to.
Signs As 2025 Begins
Oh, if the weather has something to say!—perhaps something is in the wind. And lightning? As the New Year ticked.
Catholics Celebrate Gaudete Sunday: A Mid-Advent Pause for Joy
As Advent unfolds, Catholic churches around the world observe Gaudete Sunday, a liturgical celebration that offers a moment of joy.
A Little Ditty
How about this for a little ditty? (Repeat a few times.) Life… is… very tem-por-ary So true. Our current-day “geniuses,”.
Elon Musk’s ‘Demons’
Lennon And The Devil?
We know one famous “Lenin” who was in league with the devil—Vladimir, founder of Communism, genius behind the soulless, murderous.
Pro-Life All The Way
The pro-life movement needs to expand into other areas that cause death due, like abortion, to immorality (often in the.
If You Were Satan
We asked ChatGPT A.I. two questions: + One: If you were Satan, how would you convince people that God doesn’t.
Quite The Coincidence
+ [resources: Lying Wonders, Strangest Things]
As smoke billowed, many saw various forms and images in it (demons, faces perhaps also of the deceased—and whatever). .
What Artificial Intelligence Says About End Of World
We asked ChatGPT, the most popular generative A.I. tool (next to Google!), several questions recently. Call it a lark as.
Forums: About The Inverted Cross
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, for discernment; all views expressed are Forum’s]: The revolution that the use of.
Forums: Is There ‘Plan’ To Ban Latin Mass?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; note Forum viewpoints are own and may or may not reflect SD’s]: The.
Symbols: How The Devil Distorted The Rainbow
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: As the devil makes modified Christian symbols signs of rebellion against God. The.
Lucia Enlightenment
Beyond what’s going on in the weather and with the quakes or volcanoes and the simple strangeness around us is.
Did Mel Gibson Meet An Anti-Christ?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Mel Gibson’s revelation of an evil force at work in Hollywood. Have you ever.
When A.I. Is The ‘Prophet’
Taking off where another publication in England left off, we asked ChatGPT (artificial intelligence) five ways the next world war.
Forums: The Dark Spirit Of Davos
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for discernment only]: The dark spirit running through the Davos Forum that seeks.
Selling One’s Soul
Christina Chaney
The Hidden Spiritual Danger Of Tattoos
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for discernment only]: The best kept secrets of tattoos. We can define our.
O Holy Night: What’s The Best Version?
What recording of ‘O Holy Night’ do you think is best, from the clips below, or wherever, by whomever? Do.
Okay, AI: What Is The ‘Feast Of The Immaculate Conception’?
We decided, since it’s all the rage, to ask ChatGPT to write an essay on the Feast of the Immaculate.
Sister Lucia’s Incredible List Of What She Needed To Confess
Many think Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fátima fame was a saint. In that, we concur. But she wasn’t a born.
Forums: Is This Modernist Plan To Take Over The Church?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; for discernment; views expressed are Forum’s]: The Modernists’ Master Plan to.
Occult Watch: The ‘Alaska Triangle’
When is it going to stop? The reports — of flying saucers and bigfoot and associated “Fortean phenomena” — continue.
Forums: The Truth About Natural Disasters And Sin
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views expressed are Forum’s]: The heavenly remedy for natural disasters caused by the.