The divide in the United States is becoming a “Great Divide,” and all should pay good heed. It isn’t just.
A Most Unpleasant But Urgent Topic
The photo above, via AP, was in the Orange County Register last week, and it is fairly horrendous. The smiling faces, at.
North Korea: Will It Attack Our Electronics?
North Korea doesn’t have to drop a bomb right onto U.S. soil to cause mayhem. For years we have been.
The Pope And The Devil
Recently, much has been made, including on this news site, of the Superior General for the Jesuits and a remark.
The Sound And Power Of Silence
Did you know that Microsoft has built a chamber at its hardware lab that’s just about perfectly silent — billed.
Smoke And Mirrors
We live in a smoke-and-mirrors era, especially when it comes to numbers. Numbers, numbers, and more numbers. It’s all you hear. It’s.
Spiritual Warfare And Ghosts
As periodically we do, it is perhaps opportune to discuss “ghosts,” “hauntings,” “spirits,” and the like — for they are.
Deception In The Rancor
It seemed bewildering: a couple lines from a new, recent “word of knowledge,” sent our way by the recipient, so long.
Going To The Lord About Losing Weight
The other day, Charisma News had an article by a woman who wrote: “My weight became a big issue in my.
What’s In A Name? Much
What’s in a name? Apparently, if your name is Josiah, which means “Fire of the Lord,” quite a lot. Josiah.
And The Smartest Animal Is….
Retreat, northern New Jersey God loves everything He created, and everything He created is precious in His sight, as well.
When Lightning Strikes — A Church
Spiritual warfare books Lent is a time — no? — for spiritual warfare. Sometimes, the devil attacks a church. Literally..
The Evil Side Of Mardi Gras
We heard much, this week, about Mardi Gras, that annual celebration, in cities like Rio and New Orleans (but also.
Oldest Marian Shrine Closed Due To Damage
Is it a sign — a final warning — that much of the nation’s oldest Marian shrine — site of.
‘Visionaries’ Continue To See ‘Serious Times’
An alleged seer named Iveta Fernandes of Fouymount, Ontario, asserts that, despite economic upturn and relieved tension in some spots.
The Last Chance To Reclaim America
There are the divisions. There are the explosive tensions. a great American divide. There’s turmoil in Washington as that city.
Swings And Gyrations And — Confusion: Our Strange Time
We are, let us say, in a time of drastic swings, from one side of the pendulum to the other..
A Spiritual Dimension To Space?
Is there a spiritual dimension — or dimensions — to space? That’s asked for a number of reasons. First, the.
Trends Afoot
Call this “media trends afoot”: There is the Holy Father. The apparent dispute with American Cardinal Raymond Burke is widening.
Retreat Atlanta
Very, very pleased to announce a March 11 retreat, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with Catholic author Michael H. Brown.
An Elephant In The Room
In all the tohubohu over the papal document on remarried and the divorced (Amoris laetitia), no one seems to mention.
Signs — Or Just The Weather?
Spirit Daily Retreat, Vero Beach, February 4 It’s interesting how things are interpreted as “signs” in different ways, if they.
Beautiful Deceptions
Prophecy, spiritual warfare retreat: Atlanta You know how it is: you run into someone who seems to be doing something.
Here And There
February Michael Brown retreat: Vero Beach Let’s call this “here and there on the internet,” and take a glance around.
The Manson Mystique
Charles Manson, the most famous killer in U.S. history, is back in the news, this time due to hospitalization in.
‘If You Want To Live, Show it’
We live forever, and once we realize that, we see that there is never need for despair, depression, or morbidity..
Archbishop Sheen On Death Of Christendom
Michael Brown retreat, Vero Beach If all seems great, in America, now, perhaps we need to recall how in Noah’s.
Attention-Deficit And Autism
It’s flu season and many take vaccinations for it. It’s difficult to discern which is more harmful: the flu (particularly.
Bishop Versus Bishop, Cardinal Versus Cardinal?
Are we entering a time when it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal? Let us hope not..
Occult Watch: The Geller Effect
Recognize the fellow on the right above? Yes, it’s Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, and in the news.