When you have to make major decisions, the simple rule is to decide on what gives you the greatest peace..
Spiritual Wisdom
Some things separate us from God + We seek God’s presence and “they who seek shall find.” It is not.
Archives: Slow Down Time By Heading For Blessed Sacrament
By Michael H. Brown I have this sense that things are accelerating. Do you feel the same way? First, of.
Medj Video Sun
Forums: How Wedding Rings Protect You
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How it is used and the angel that protects the marriage. The Jews,.
The I.C.U. Grandpa
‘Everything Single Thing You Do Matters’
From Visions Of Jesus Christ: December 20, 2018 – Reported [here]. So, seven years ago, I was dying. In the middle.
Imitating Christ: Avoid Idle (And Idol) Talk
From The Imitation of Christ: Shun the gossip of men as much as possible, for discussion of worldly affairs, even.
Video: Nurse Recounts Dramatic Experience
[resources: The Other Side]
Archives: Bless Others And You’ll Be Blessed Too
God has blessings stored up for you. He may be waiting for you to “cast your net off the right.
The Lighter Side
This is what ‘good grief!’ looks like… This is what ‘I can wait’ looks like… This is what impatience looks.
Praying For The Souls This Christmas
by Susan Tassone It’s not too late to take a tip on Christmas gift-giving from two Doctors of the Church:.
How God Gave Miraculous Medal As Protection In ‘End Times’
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Why the Miraculous Medal Protects us in the tribulations of the End Times..
How God Is Guiding You To His Secret Plan For You
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation]: The events through which God guides each person in the Plan he has.
When A Woman Even Cursed Thanksgiving
It’s not exactly appetizing, which is why we run it a bit before we sit down to feast in celebration.
Easy To Discern
WHATEVER leads away from God is contrary to the Will of God. Whatever attracts towards God is in accordance with the.
Be Not Fearful
+ Pray always for purity and love Please report any inappropriate ads or paid content
Medjugorje Message
July 25, 2022 “Dear children! I am with you to lead you on the way of conversion, because, little children, with.
‘The Combat Is Upon Us’
From the Mail: The combat has commenced. + The miseries of this present life are the test to which God.
Are These Keys To Heaven?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Antiago 2:26 says that “faith without works is dead” and the reason Jesus.
Video: Miracles, Miracles
Photo Traveled 130 Miles
From Associated Press: When Katie Posten walked outside Saturday morning to her car parked in her driveway, she saw something.
Near-Death Testimony: Just Keep Moving Forward!
The Advantage Of Being ‘Religious’
Fearlessness in Time of Delta Wanda Skowronska While most think of fear generally in terms of anxiety and agitation caused.
A Prayer Of Deliverance
Prayer of Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1984 (From the U.S. Bishops) Immaculate Heart! Help.
Pope: Listen To Melody Of God In Your Life
From the Vatican: A group of some five hundred young Lutheran pilgrims from Germany greeted Pope Francis with song as.
Nothing Like Waking Up To Heavy Metal
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Miraculous Survival And Message From Heaven
Thought For The Day
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Ant Carrying Miraculous Medal!
[Return to www.spiritdaily.com] Pray always for purity and love Please report any inappropriate ads or paid content