Look at how many are afflicted by what was relatively unusual half a century ago!
If your head spins at how many “new” (or newly epidemic) afflictions there are — Alzheimer’s, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, arterial damage, heart issues, diabetes, general senility, allergies, asthma; everybody seems to have one — let it spin no more.
The body is afflicted by many disorders that stem from a root cause and a fiery one: inflammation.
Inflammation is the reason you not only see so many newly omnipresent maladies, but the same reasons for them — whether fatty foods, refined sugar, white flour, toxic chemicals, radiation, alcohol, or smoking. What they have in common is the ability to trigger irritations that cause long-term damage in different tissues and organs and the various health problems listed above.
Inflammation is the immune system’s response to an injury or threat — including threats caused by what we eat and expose ourselves to.
It is increasingly obvious that the focus needs to be on anything that causes the body or parts of it to “heat up,” so to speak, chronically.
Let’s focus on the brain, which is so often the reason, along with severe arthritis, that people find themselves in nursing homes.
In the mailbag is this:
“Dear Family and Friends, the picture I am getting from an experienced neurology clinician and now lecturer [Dr. David Perlmutter] is that America and much of the Westernized world comprises of people with the brain suffering silently from chronic, whole body inflammation, causing later life surprises of neurodegenerative conditions like that of Alzheimers Disease, Parkinsons Disease, and many other forms of neuro-cognitive decline. The inflammatory ‘fire’ he describes in his books and lectures is a chronic immune response to the environment we exist in, a major portion of this troubling fire coming from the gut ecology being way out of balance due primarily to a diet high in simple and complex carbohydrates. In short he describes how a gut disbiosis contributes directly to silent, steady and long-term brain inflammation, leading to brain disease conditions.
“It is glaringly obvious we have an enormous health crisis in this country. I feel Dr. Perlmutter has some valuable insights into not only what is happening in the arena of general health decline, but more importantly, how to climb out of the ever-deepening hole we are in [see here for more].
You are not destined to a brain that clogs or decays. You are not destined for cancer. God’s Will is God’s Will, and no one knows what trials he or she faces, but we don’t need unnecessary ones, and chronic inflammation, especially in the way mental deterioration, may be one that can be avoided or ameliorated by eating more dark green vegetables, drinking more clean water, exercising, and reducing sugar, refined flour products, fried food, excessive meat, watching the use of household, garden, and cosmetic chemicals, and being on guard against too much ingestion or exposure (including from cell phones) of anything that causes the immune system to light a match.
[resources: Healing books]