From Essentially Sports:
Let’s look at some worrying stats. As per a Statista survey from 2019, 90 percent of adults in the country between 18-22 said they were addicted to social media. Interestingly, oversharing comes in many forms: Updating your friends about your life, and literally telling the world where you are at all times. Case in point: Snapchat’s Snap Map, that has been linked to increased stalking instances and predatory behavior. According to UK’s The Children’s Society, there has been an 82% rise in online grooming crimes against children in the last five years. What’s more worrying? A staggering 73% of cases occurred on Snapchat or Meta. Apart from that, another report states how, in adolescent girls, overuse of social media is also related to cyberbullying-related depression, body image issues, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and poor sleep quality. No wonder Rogan is ticked off by what he’s witnessing at home.