We once had an article about the “gift of tears” (whereby the Holy Spirit incites the flow of cleansing tears.
Archives: Mass And The Gift Of Tears
Another Message From Alleged Apparition In Germany
Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael on 18.06.2024, in Sievernich (Manuela Strack) I see a large golden ball of light.
Prophet: Bizarre Or On The Money?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for discernment only]: Alois Irlmaier’s visions of what will happen before the start.
Mailbag: A Priest During Consecration
“This picture was taken at a Quincenera Mass on Saturday, June 22, at St. Philip the Apostle in Franklin, Tennessee.+.
Medjugorje Becomes Small City
Oh Those Guardian Angels!
From Opus Sanctorum Angelorum: My Guardian Angel saved my life when I was 13. I was caught in an undertow.
God’s Creation: Let It Be!
Joe Giddens/PA Images via Getty Images This sea of red poppies is an example of how beautiful nature can be.
Vigano’s Statement [Translated]
June 28, 2024 I ACCUSE STATEMENT by HE Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Acting Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio on the.
Archives: When Boston Executive Witnessed Miracle
When Arthur Boyle, one time president of Cargo Worldwide in Boston, was told there were three nodules in his lung,.
What Demons Look Like
Recently I developed extremely painful egzema all over my face and scalp for absolutely no reason. While praying during those.
Alleged German Seer Has New Message
Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael on 18.06.2024 in Sievernich, Germany to Manuela Strack [see original story]: + “May God.
The Only Other Time Exact ‘Danger’ Phrase Was Used By Virgin Mary in Medjugorje
November 25, 2015: “Dear children! Today I am calling all of you: pray for my intentions. Peace is in danger, therefore,.
Forums: Is There ‘Plan’ To Ban Latin Mass?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; note Forum viewpoints are own and may or may not reflect SD’s]: The.
Discernment Beat: Strange Photo From Medjugorje
Image of a green heart when the Croatian singer was singing at Medjugorje
More On Unusual Medjugorje Appearances
From Sister Emmanuel: Our Lady’s Apparition to Marija June 23, at 11:30 pm Here are Marija’s words after the apparition.
Mailbag: Detailed Assessment Of Lipa Declaration
Vatican Releases Smudge-laden Handwritten Document as the 1951 Negative Verdict on Lipa Apparitions [unformatted] By Peter I. Galace The Vatican.
Lighter Side: Common Sense
All Calm On Medjugorje Front
From Sister Emmanuel: Apparition of June 20, at 11:30 pm After the apparition of Our Lady, visionary Marija Pavlović-Lunetti said:.
Why Was Medjugorje Seer Emotional?
From the Mail [unedited]: +Laudetur Jesus Christus et Ave Maria Regina Mundi Victoriosa God Bless You and Yours,! + I.
Symbols: How The Devil Distorted The Rainbow
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: As the devil makes modified Christian symbols signs of rebellion against God. The.
Image Of Sacred Heart Was Carved Into Wall At Auschwitz
Using only his fingernails, Stefan Jasieński carved this image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus into the wall of his.
Our Lady Continues To Speak In Aramaic
From MaryTV: Our Lady’s Apparition to Marija – 6/18/2024 June 18, 2024 on Apparition of Our Lady to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti Marija.
Angel Accounts
From Opus Sanctorum Angelorum: Guardian Angel Story+ + On the day my wife and I made our Consecration to the.
Mailbag: From The Sun During Procession To Questions About Gratitude (And Cartoons)
“We took the attached photos in Ontario, Oregon, during the Benediction and blessing of the people by Bishop Liam Cary.
Forums: How Church Silenced Apparitions?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, for discernment only]: What happened in Heroldsbach: German Fatima Silenced by the Apostasy of.
‘Hell On Earth’
On Guadalupe And Motherhood
Motherhood is a trust that can never be broken! The ancient culture of the Aztecs sacrificed adults to their gods.
Seer’s ‘Message’
Word from Manuela Strack, alleged seer in Sievernich, Germany. “Now it is time to remain in love with the beauty.