From What You Take To Heaven: When Saint Anthony the hermit saw how many snares there are in the world,.
The Safest Walk On Earth
Are Ornaments Bringing Spirits Into Your Home?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How to distinguish objects that bring you closer to the devil from those.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer: Make The Sign Of The Cross
“My sins are forgiven through the blood of Jesus, and I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus out of.
When You Hit ‘Rock Bottom,’ Find Your Foundation There
When you hit rock bottom, then you have located a foundation on which to build. A concrete pad. Can you.
Discernment: Did This Man ‘See’ Future Refuges?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for careful adjudication only]: What the shelters will be like inside, and who.
Forums: The ‘Secret’ Of Sacramentals
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The secret that is hidden in the sacramentals. Catholics generally use medals, Crucifixes and.
Consecration Prayer
During our recent retreat, in St. Augustine, Florida (the nation’s oldest city, where Catholicism in the U.S. was literally first.
The Near-Death Light: Many Identify It As Jesus
From Fox News: Imagine all the love you’ve experienced in your entire life, from parents, spouses, friends, family — and.
Miraculous Image Snapped On Pentecost Sunday?
From the Mail: “I just received these images today from some friends who were on our Medjugorje pilgrimage last October,”.
How To Know When Demons Are Around
@spiritdaily1 How to tell demons are around #fyp #paranormaltiktok #medjugorje #catholicTikTok #Demons #viral #Christian #spiritualtiktok ♬ original sound – Michael.
Forums: The Apparitions Reported By Carlos Acutis
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Revelations and Apparitions of Padre Pio and Saint Francis of Assisi. In a.
Mailbag: A Vision
Forums: Did Seer Learn Details About ‘Warning’? (Offered For Discernment Only)
From Forums of The Virgin Mary [translated]: How the Warning will come, how to prepare and what will happen next..
Deliverance Prayer
================================================== POWERFUL EXORCISM PRAYER Kyrie eleison. God, our Lord, King of ages, All-powerful and Almighty, You Who made everything and.
Lucia Enlightenment
Beyond what’s going on in the weather and with the quakes or volcanoes and the simple strangeness around us is.
Video Commentary
[Note: Spirit Daily is seeking to reach young; your support is appreciated.] @spiritdaily1 Part two: Northern lights can be great.
Oiling Statue?
[resources: Michael Brown retreat]
Miscellany From The Mail: Appreciating God’s Grace
Appreciating God’s Grace + Be grateful, therefore, for the least gift and you will be worthy to receive a greater. Consider.
Forums: Proof Of The Catholic Truth
From Forums Of The Virgin Mary [translated; discernment]: Jesus and the Devil Confirm That Protestants Are Mistaken Have you ever.
Did Mel Gibson Meet An Anti-Christ?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Mel Gibson’s revelation of an evil force at work in Hollywood. Have you ever.
Mailbag: The Incredible Mass Of Padre Pio
From Frank Rega: Serving the Holy Mass of Padre Pio “The Mass of Padre Pio! No one will be.
When Tribulation Was Revealed
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated for your judicious discernment only]: Prophetic Alert: the Signs and Times of Purification.
Medjugorje Message
April 25, 2024 “Dear children! I am with you to tell you that I love you and to encourage you to.
Amazing Bees
[Technical note: ‘x’ out of any ad that pops up at bottom unless they are after this article] It’s a.
Forums: The Deep Connection Between Lourdes And A Chocolate
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The incredible story of Michele Ferrero guided by the Virgin to develop the.
Thoughts On Frailty Of Man
Thoughts on the Frailty of Man + The saints of God and all devout friends of Christ did not look to.
Forums: How Intervention Of Mary Is Changing World, Church
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation]: How the Intervention of the Virgin Mary in the last 500 years is.
Mailbag: Eclipse Emotions
Well, I just have to share my thoughts after witnessing the eclipse yesterday here in Dallas. It was an Absolutely.