From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Peru; views are those of Forums]: The Masonic Rituals and their Connection.
Intervention Of An Angel
From Opus Sanctorum Angelorum: Notes a woman named Michelle: I was recently attending a Silent Retreat of Opus Angelorum. On.
Mailbag: Scholar Documents Padre Pio’s Alleged Comments On Extraterrestrial Life
From the Mail, Dr. Paul Thigpen: ++ I noticed with interest your recent blogpost of 5/1/23, “Did Padre Pio and.
Eucharistic Miracle In Canada?
Occult Watch: Evil Eye
From the Times of Israel: Jews call it the ayin hara, Italians know it as mal’occhio, and among Latinos, it’s mal de ojo. It’s one.
Forums: How Wedding Rings Protect You
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How it is used and the angel that protects the marriage. The Jews,.
Mailbag: Watch Out For False Apparition Videos
From Bruce Dougherty: Stop Watching Private Revelation on YouTube Channels May 23, 2023 + A few months ago, like many.
How Demons Are Attacking Families
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: What things are the demons doing to destroy families. The current destabilization of.
That Remarkable Grotto Picture
About Beauraing
Archives: Claim Your Blessing
There was once an eight-year-old boy who claimed to have “visited” Heaven and seen a place, there, of “unclaimed blessings.”.
A Day Marked With Significance
The apparitions of Mary begin in Portugal From ChatGPT: May 13: A Day Marked by Significance Introduction: Throughout history, certain.
Forums: Revelations On How Darkness Attacks Families
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Visions given to Fulla Horak about the strategy that satan applies to each.
Forums: Where Are Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin In Afterlife?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views not necessarily Spirit Daily’s]: Revelations of the judgment that Jesus makes. When.
A.I.: Summoning A Demon?
Joy Campbell from the Campbell family healing ministry admitted recently on their youtube channel that she had a spiritual attack.
Exorcist Comments on Movie
Sr. Lucia’s Assessment Of Her Faults Is One We Could All Use
From World Apostolate of Fatima: It’s always refreshing to know that the saints or saintly people had a human side..
Alleged Italian Seer Facing A Number Of Legal
From Italian Online [translation]: The list of legal troubles of the alleged Trevignano seer, Gisella Cardia, is getting longer: a.
Mailbag: Rules Of Humility
The Good Shepherd Calls, Protects
From Catholic Exchange: GAYLE SOMERS Today’s readings teach us about the care of sheep—they need a gate to protect their.
Little Gilles Bouhours -The 5 Year Old Who Delivered A Heavenly Message To The Pope
From: Mystics of the Church: This website is devoted to the extraordinary mystics and visionaries of the Church, especially those.
Voice Of An Angel
From Opus Sanctorum Angelorum: It was the day that Pope Benedict XVI was elected in 2005. I was a student.
Mailbag: ‘There Is No Miraculous Spring’
From the Mail: The news report being spread “Healing spring at Medjugorje” is presenting false information. I was at that.
Healing Spring At Medjugorje?
[Note: there are disputes about healing properties of this spring]
Saint Faustina’s Vision
After The Fire Of Affliction Comes Joy
It often seems weird when we hear people say that one of God’s gifts is suffering. How can that be okay?.
Emmerich’s Vision Of Jesus On The Cross
Excerpts From from The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (by Anne Catherine Emmerich, for discernment)]: A LITTLE hail.
Be Converted With A Sincere Heart
From St. Francis de Paola: Fix your minds on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Inflamed with love for.
Anne Emmerich’s Revelations: The Lord At Pilate’s Palace
From the Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ [by mystic Anne Catherine Emmerich; for your discernment]: THE palace of.