From Myrtle Beach Online: About half of a life vest was floating in the water, with something unusual dangling from.
Thousands Attend Mass For Slain Priest
From the Guardian: Thousands of mourners have attended Rouen cathedral for the funeral of the French priest killed while celebrating.
The View From Here: A Religious War
CWIA Annual Charismatic Conference, Alexandria, VA, Aug 12-14, 703-971-3633 Is there currently a war of religions? The short answer: yes..
Pope: ‘I Don’t Know If I’ll Be In Panama’
From Vatican Radio: (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has told young people that he doesn’t know whether he will still be.
[For Full Story] [Return to] Pray always for purity and love +++
Transgenders Set To Give Birth
From the London Daily Mail: Women having sex changes on the NHS are being given free fertility treatment so they.
Horrible Desecration
From Ramblings of a Country Pastor: [The following is from the blog on Thursday of Father Bill Peckman, whose church, St..
Muslims Attend Catholic Masses Across France
From Fox News: In a gesture of solidarity following the gruesome killing of a French priest, Muslims on Sunday attended.
100,000 Celebrate Feast of St. Anne
From the Sun Daily: St Anne and Blessed Virgin Mary statues are seen on a float during the candlelight procession.
Pope To Kids: Get Off The Couch
From Yahoo: Pope Francis warned on July 30, 2016 that sitting on a sofa gives illusion of safety from pain,.
Over A Million Attend Papal Mass
From NBC: Pope Francis and Over a Million People Attend Vigil in Poland SAT. JUL 30 Part of the World.
Prayer Need: No Survivors in Balloon Crash
From CNN: (CNN) A hot air balloon carrying 16 people crashed in central Texas after catching fire in the air Saturday.
Muslims, Christians Join In Mourning Slain Priest
From Dawn: SAINT-ETIENNE-DU-ROUVRAY: Muslims and Christians joined in Friday prayer at the mosque in the Normandy town where an elderly.
Pokemon and Demonic
CWIA Annual Charismatic Conference, Alexandria, VA, Aug 12-14, 703-971-3633 “How strangely can that miscreant enchanter, who is my enemy, transmogrify things.
Occult Watch: ‘Men In Black’
We’d place it in the category of “woolgathering”: UFOs, the Loch Ness monster, and bigfoot and like that, the reports,.
Park Ranger: Don’t Take Gettysburg Rocks: They’re Cursed
Skip to content Home About Cursed Rocks Posted on July 7, 2016by The Staff The packages seem totally innocuous. Not.
Archives: Saint Kateri Accents Spiritual Dynamics of Native Americans
The recent canonization of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, and her feast day this week, brings to the fore the issue of.
Archives: Woman Who Slipped To The ‘Other Side’ Recommends Special Heavenly Praises (2 stories)
First Story By Michael H. Brown Many are those who have spiritual experiences that transform their lives — often granting what.
The Vaccine-Autism-Abortion Question
One has to admit that there’s a lot of autism around these days, or so it seems, unless it’s the.
Vatican To Take Over Medjugorje?
From Croatia News: Pope Francis is expected to name a special administrator for Međugorje. Pope Francis will reportedly soon appoint.
Global Swerves
And so we are in the heat of summer, in those places, that is, where there is not an unseasonable.
The Bizarre UFO Thing
Is it the annual “silly season,” internet sensationalism, just a matter of society gone catawampus, folks at the fringe? Or is.
Notes On New York
There it was, under names like McGovern and Taddonio, next to a fellow named Adam: Daniel Laurence Smith. Danny was.
Cardinal Müller Nullifies Approval Of Lipa
[Last autumn, on September 12, 2015, Archbishop Ramón C. Argüelles of Lipa in the Philippines formally approved apparitions to a.
Mailbag: Eucharistic Miracles
From ChurchPop: Here are some great articles for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Sunday):.
A Splendid Book About Food, God, and Health
Robert Abel has written a splendid, eye-opening, and useful — healthful — new book, Living in the Garden of Eden, that.
A Remarkable Talk
MAILBAG: FROM INSIDE THE VATICAN: Dr. Robert Moynihan Cardinal Sarah’s Remarkable Talk Last Week in Washington (May 26, 2016, Thursday):.
Special report: politics
A Disturbing Encounter With Hillary Clinton By Michael H. Brown Perhaps not in our lifetimes has there been an election.
Apparitions at Belpasso
The other day we received photos of a celebration in Belpasso, Sicily, at the site of alleged apparitions between late.