From The New York Times: A man jogged through Miami Beach on Friday. The five new Zika cases there included.
Was It A Ritual Or A Prank?
Hillary Has Narrow Lead
From CNN: Washington (CNN) Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has a narrow nationwide lead against her Republican rival, Donald Trump, in a.
Where Is President Obama?
From Yahoo: President Obama declared a major disaster in Louisiana earlier this week, ordering the Federal Emergency Management Agency to.
Angels Caught On Tape
In and around the internet and particularly YouTube are videos and snippets alleging to show or hint at the presence,.
Did This Russian Woman Have Psychic Powers?
From the London Mirror: Worshippers at a rural church were stunned to see the statue of the Virgin Mary weep.
High Water
From the Newsrooms: In the department of “signs” — so utterly ignored in the “mainstream” — is certainly water. Has it.
Sunken Virgin Makes Brief Appearance Above Water
From Real News: A beloved statue of the Virgin Mary made a short look on Monday in a southern Spanish.
25,000 At Lourdes Despite Security
From RT News: Security checkpoints were set up along the route of the procession, which is understood to have.
Raised Catholic
From The New York Post: The man accused of fatally shooting an imam and his aide on a Queens street.
When A Bluebird Falls
Occasionally we see a beautiful piece of email, here is one. Birds are so fragile and vulnerable. These amazing photos.
‘Angels Were Protecting Her’
From the East Idaho News: BLACKFOOT – A Blackfoot family says angels were protecting their little girl when a mountain.
Will It Turn Into A Tropical Storm?
From the Palm Beach Post: Check The Palm Beach Post radar map. Track hurricanes on The Palm Beach Post storm tracking.
Poll: White Catholic Voters Swinging Back To Clinton
From ABC: Reversal of popularity White US Catholics have shifted their vote back in favor of Hillary Clinton, raising the.
The Pope’s Mystery
One priest called it the Pope’s “mysterious” remark: Aboard a plane returning from Poland recently, the Holy Father said that.
Priest Put On Leave For ‘Sexting’
From CBS: Pastor Lawrence McGovern. STOCKTON, Calif. — A Northern California Catholic church is embroiled in a sexting scandal. A.
Bobby Kennedy, Family ‘Priest’
From the Independent: One arena in which Bobby Kennedy had always shown his softer side was his faith. Ritual played an.
Pope In Surprise Visit To Trafficked Prostitutes
From the Independent: The Pope has made a surprise visit to women once forced into sex work, where he blessed them and told.
Catholic Ledecky Dominates As Never
From CNN: (CNN) As much as the swimming portion of the Olympics has been about saying goodbye to the legendary Michael.
Satanic Outrage
It gets more blatant — and outrageous — by the day. The rise and bullying of direct, bona fide, devil-worshiping.
Site Of Priest’s Slaying Becomes Pilgrimage Site
From Breitbart: The Archbishop of Rouen, France, is encouraging pilgrims to visit the tomb of martyred priest Father Jacques Hamel,.
Buffet Has Given $1.8 Billion To Abort Groups
From Lifenews: When Warren Buffett promised to make his tax returns public if Donald Trump did the same, the media.
Is This For Real?
From the London Mirror (caution, tabloid): Spooky footage of a Jesus statue opening its eyes has left some believers claiming.
Why ‘Exorcist’ Crew Met With ‘Stony’ Church Silence
From the Hollywood Reporter: During the development process, the executive producers of the new drama [Fox’s The Exorcist] starring Geena.
Father Joe Whalen Dies
From the Mail (courtesy Mary Ann Wichmann]: REV. JOSEPH F. WHALEN, M.S. – HARTFORD – Rev. Joseph F. Whalen, M.S.,93.
Which Religion Has Most Golds?
From Religion News Service: Religion Gold Silver Bronze Buddhist 3 1 3 Christian 10 13 9 Folk religon 1 1.
It Was The Virgin, Not A ‘Goddess’
CWIA Annual Charismatic Conference, Alexandria, VA, Aug 12-14, 703-971-3633 From the Ahmedabad Mirror: She is the Virgin Mary, mother of.
Abuse Priest Was Told Only To Say Prayers
From the Star-Tribune: HAGATNA, Guam — A 95-year-old Catholic priest admitted to sexually abusing boys decades ago on Guam. He.
Church Using Drones To Drop Bibles On Iraq
From Christian Today: A major evangelical free church in Sweden is preparing to use drones to drop thousands of Bibles into.