From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]:
Indications of the presence of Evil Spirits in the house and how to expel them.
The infestation of objects and houses is more and more common because people are moving further and further from God.
Many have the sensation of invisible presences in their homes; they experience strange events and don’t know where they’re coming from (whether rarefied family climates, location, who lived there before, or whatever).
And what to do in these cases? A spiritual cleansing of the home.
Here we will talk about how you can do a practical cleaning of the home to ward off evil spirits and to protect against their re-entering or entering to begin with.

The spiritual realm is real, even though we normally can’t see it. There are good and bad spirits, both angels and demons.
There are also human spirits, who bear something that prevents them from quickly leaving the earth after death.
And furthermore, God allows some souls who are still in purgatory to have limited contact with our world, so that we can be aware of their suffering and pray for them and speed their journeys to Heaven.
But these souls, both those we call lost souls and those already in purgatory, sometimes cannot communicate in a way in which we can fully understand.
And the demons try to confuse us by pretending to be them.
So, it must be discerned if what we have in front of us is a supernatural manifestation of a human spirit in need of prayers, or something of a more sinister nature, such as a demon.
Sometimes, both physical places, as well as people, can be affected by strange presences or events, which could come from dead humans or demons.
They can manifest in a variety of ways, such as banging on the walls or floors; stepping sounds; odors (some unpleasant); unexplained sounds in the walls; disturbances in electronic equipment, such as clocks going backward or lights turning on and off; objects moving by themselves, etc.
Sometimes thoughts of despair and suicide come to people in the home; or nightmares; hearing voices inside or outside the head; bad mood and quarrels; experiencing negative feelings when a person is near sacred objects or hears the Name of Jesus or Mary.
The strongest disturbances are probably due to evil beings.
And what to do in these cases?
The best protection against anything strange is to stay close to Jesus, Who is infinitely more powerful than the devil and all demons combined.
Because we alone, apart from God, are no match for these fallen angels, who are smarter and stronger than we are. [scroll for more:]
The further we move from God’s loving protection, the more vulnerable we become to the influence of evil.
So the first thing to remember is that if we come across something that looks like an evil spirit, the most important thing to do is turn to God, repent of any pattern of serious sin in your life, and make amends.
Seek healing from any abuse and addiction in life.
And confess all participation in the occult and other sins to a priest, in the sacrament of Confession.
And then proceed to a spiritual cleansing, which includes removing toxic relationships as well as friendships that cause you to sin, or those that try to drag you down or push you back on your path of faith.
These bad ties can also come from close friendships that didn’t end well.
A good and virtuous life closes most doors to Satan. (But not always all!)
And you also have to clean the home of disturbing spiritual presences.
This will bring you blessings, regardless of whether or not you suspect evil activities.
But sometimes houses may be infested by demons as a result of previous occult-related activities or objects currently in the home that are vehicles for infestations.
The first step in ridding your home of evil is to remove and destroy anything that opposes Christian teachings and points to other spiritualities, which can sometimes be considered irrelevant.
But before making an effort to physically clean your home, pray to the Holy Spirit to help and guide you in the process of identifying the items to remove.
After clearing your home of objects, ask a Catholic priest to come and exorcise your home or say a deliverance prayer or bless it in person.
If a priest is not available, then the spiritual head of the family may do so; and ultimately, it can be done by another member of the household.
Take a Crucifix, salt, water, and oil to a Catholic priest adept at deliverance and ask him to bless them by performing blessing/exorcism prayers over them.
If such a priest is not available, ask your local priest for help in blessing them.
And with those elements, go room by room.
Sprinkle some Holy Water in the room, put a pinch of the blessed salt in each corner, and anoint the door and window frames with oil.
And then, holding a Crucifix in your hands, you can say this prayer:
“I bless this room in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
“In the name of Jesus and by the authority of Jesus, I bind and rebuke all the evil spirits in this room, send them all to the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ, and bind them there, never to return.”
You can also repeat the above procedure in the four corners of the property, replacing the word “room” with “property”.
Also place a thin line of salt at the entrances to your house and property, to block the entry of any evil.
And conclude with a prayer for your home and family, ideally a Rosary or a Chaplet to Divine Mercy.
Ask the Blessed Virgin, as the Queen of Heaven, that together with the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael bring legions of angels, she help protect and free your home from any darkness.
When you pray the Rosary you must invite the Holy Spirit to descend on the occupants of the home.
And use the Holy Water to bless yourself and the other members of the family every day, making the Sign of the Cross and saying, “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen”
And to attract countless more blessings, ask your local pastor to enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in your home.
But if it is not available, again, you can do it yourself.
What we have described is a procedure for homes whose members have the same faith and practice it.
And what to do in cases where it is not?
If you live in a house with other people, you cannot remove their unholy or cursed things from the house unless they agree.
Faced with this difficulty, you must pray and send the Holy Spirit to work in them and convince them to throw away the suspicious objects.
This has to be done step by step and with patience and understanding.
Some members of the household may not understand this and it will take time for them to do so.
A very strong imposition or insistence could cause disturbances and discord in the home.
So calm down and trust the action of the Holy Spirit, sit down with them to talk and teach them, and guide them gently so that they can come to their own understanding.
You can also cover them with the Blood of Jesus, and cover their things with the Blood of Jesus as well.
And ask God to give them grace, mercy, and protection, as He works on them and brings them to understanding that they should remove these objects.
Don’t get hyper-religious in their eyes or judgemental about other people’s things, just be an example of kindness and love.
And when they are not around, you can pray and anoint computers, phones, internet modem, etcetera.
And the belongings of the most rebellious youngsters, if there are children. [scroll for more:]
And in the event that you come across something that you feel is a truly supernatural manifestation of evil and you are unable to dislodge it, please do not call on ghost hunters or a New Age spiritualist or anyone else claiming to offer help in the realm but in actuality dabbling in darkness themselves.
Any Catholic priest can bless your house or say a Mass for anyone who may need prayers.
Any priest can bless the water, oil, and salt.
And when you ask for a Mass to be celebrated for the problem you have at home, simply say that it is for a “Special Intention.”
And then, in the silence of your heart, tell the Lord that it is for any human soul in purgatory who may be attached to your home and who needs your prayers, or for Him to guide you on what to do to evict evil or negativity.
Always remember that the things that make your home less attractive to demons are being in the grace of God, regular prayer and Communion, frequent cleaning of the home with blessed or exorcised water, salt, and oil, daily blessing with Holy Water, and sacramentals such as Crucifixes, medals, religious images, religious literature, etcetera.
Conversely, the things that can make your home more attractive to demons are sinful lifestyles, a lack of prayer, a lack of sacramentals, and anything that could be construed as inviting demons, such as pagan objects.
More than anything, invoke Jesus to stand right before you. Ask Him. Communicate with the Good Lord directly. All it takes is opening up the New Testament for examples of His authority over any evil! Look how demons screamed when He was around, begging Him to leave them alone.
Yesterday’s Mass reading: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, ‘What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?
Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God!’ Jesus rebuked him and said, ‘Quiet! Come out of him!’ The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. All were amazed and asked one another, ‘What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him’” (Mark 1: 21-28).
Well so far what we wanted to talk about how to do the spiritual cleaning of the home and the sealing so that evil spirits do not enter.
And I would like to ask you if it has ever happened to you to feel that there is a spirit in your house that is not visible or not.
[resources: spiritual warfare books]