Books and videos on healing
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Missions, Family Healings,
by Michael H. Brown, a booklet
compilation, overview and close look at the growing claims that family lines
can be plagued by problems caused by spirits that come down through the
generations -- leading to illness, distress of many sorts, and inexplicable
family tendencies! Yet something that a number of priests -- citing
Scripture -- claim can be cast away through recognition of the problems,
partaking of the sacraments, and diligent prayer. Included is an extremely
powerful prayer of deliverance, a family healing prayer, and the blessing
for use of sacramental salt! May your family be blessed by it! (below
for paper version;
here for Kindle or
the Family Tree
by Rev. John
Hampsch A blockbuster on how sin and evil can follow down through the generations,
affecting our families in ways we never knew! Based on an intimate familiarity
with Scripture, Father Hampsch, a renowned psychologist and charismatic priest ,
grants us new tools to approach stubborn problems and curses. This is a
fascinating, almost untouched, powerful area! And this book,
by such a scholar, backs up the principle with tremendously
powerful and in-depth citations from the Bible, Old and New,
making the case in a groundbreaking fashion that should be
considered by any charismatic prayer group or priest!
(65 pp) $5.00
(295 pp) $12.95
Power for the Heart,
by Robert Abel, author of The
Catholic Warrior, on how we can expunge evil from our lives and cause
actual physical as well as emotional healing, with unique perspectives,
examples, and techniques of purging matters from our pasts and darkness that
may afflict our future. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it
more abundantly. he wants to heal our wounds and fill our hearts with love.
Power Prayers,
compiled by Robert Abel,
a little booklet of prayers of surrender, healing,
reconciliation, a prayer to the 'Divine Physician.' This is a booklet by an
expert in spiritual warfare, who includes a 'prayer for a Creative Miracle,' a
'healing prayer of command,' a prayer for inner healing, a prayer for
generational healing, healing Scriptures, and last but not least -- in this
struggle -- a prayer for peace and rest!
(65 pp) $5.99
(25 pp)
and Healed Through Fasting, by Sister Emmanuel, a
little powerhouse of a book that indicates the reason for fasting, how best
to do it -- and its often dramatic effects! When divorce is 'inevitable,'
when a loved one is sick, when someone is hooked on drugs, when fear is
intense, turn to the true power of fasting, through which Heaven so quickly
responds! Highly popular.
Healing of the Family and the Story,
by Fr. Robert DeGrandis, the highly
popular, charismatic priest takes a look at how we can heal our families of
spiritual disorders, how we must learn to pray for this, how to approach inner
healing, and how first we have to heal ourselves. He also discusses how to purge
negative spirits that may be haunting marriages. [click
here for other Fr. DeGrandis books]
pg) $6.95
(47 pp) $5.00
Practice of Healing Prayer,
by Francis MacNutt, a packed, powerful book outlining the role of
healing-deliverance in the Church from ancient times to now and how miracles
are actually effected -- the way to pray with the ill, the manner of laying
on hands, actual testimony, cases, and much more -- endorsed by his bishop.
Healing Through Rosary,
by Father Robert DeGrandis,
with Cecilia Kittley, actually two CDs with music that includes the
"Ave Maria. Fr. DeGrandis is a member of the Society of St. Joseph and has
traveled worldwide in the charismatic Catholic community. He has many gifts,
with deliverance and healing through prayer among them!
here for other Fr. DeGrandis books]
(141 pp)
(two CDs) $17.00
Sing and Praise for Healing, by Fr. Robert DeGrandis and
Cecilia Kittley, a powerful and popular CD of healing using music and a guide
for prayers that effect emotional, intellectual spiritual, relational, and
physical healing -- including how to heal through the Lord's Prayer. Fr.
DeGrandis is a noted charismatic priest who has traveled the world and written popular booklets!
here for other Fr. DeGrandis books]
the Rosary for Inner Healing,
by Fr. Dwight Longnecker, a new,
powerful book showing how to use the Rosary and its mysteries and meditations to
heal inner hurts, emotional distress, memories, trauma, stress, and pain --
replete with testimonies and examples of healing 'miracles' using Mary's way of
prayer! Our highest recommendation.
(CD) $14.95
(hardcover, 158 pp) $14.50
Rosary Heals: Untold Stories of Jesus,
by Fr. Robert DeGrandis and Eugene Koshenina, a dynamic compendium
that shows how the accounts of the life of Jesus can bring a
spiritual force into our lives by meditating on the Joyful,
Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries of Christ, by the
bestselling priest and charismatic expert who has traveled the world
with his potent ministry!
here for other Fr. DeGrandis books]
Moments, by
Linda Schubert, powerful prayers of healing and hope from the bestselling author
of 'Miracle Hour.' This book is an invitation to prayer that will help us to
see, know, and experience the Heart of God. To redeem failure. To heal
relationships. To strengthen marriage. For physical healing. Emotional healing.
Times of trouble. Linda always provides useful insights and potent way of
here for other Fr. DeGrandis books]
(122 pp) $7.95
(48 pp)
the Haunted by Kenneth
M.D. A fascinating
collection of
case studies from Dr. McAll's work in ancestral healing and haunted houses. Follow Dr. McAll's
incredible journey as he identifies the ancestor who is doing the
haunting and treats them as a soul in need of help and release. In
short accounts he investigates everything from possession to the Bermuda
Triangle. A short but fascinating read into areas most never even
by Theresa Parker, the amazing way a woman lost 250
pounds through prayer and guidance of the Holy Spirit on what and how to eat!
She had tried everything, before hearing the Lord 'tell her' to stop eating so
much sugar and bread and instead more meat, vegetables, and fruit -- which led
her to plummet from a sugar-addicted woman of 430 pounds to one who now
maintains a normal, inspired, Spirit-filled life! (general Christian)
( 96 pp) $6.95
Guide to Healing the Family Tree
Kenneth McAll, M.D, The
ideal book for anyone interested in learning about Ancestral Healing. Dr. McAll
shows us that people suffering from a variety of illnesses are being influenced
by disturbed souls from previous generations. The author tells us that healing
lies in confession, forgiveness, Mass, God, and
devotion for the Eucharist. This is a very unique and no doubt
controversial book with astonishing alleged claims.
To Heal,
Laura Wright, the stories of gifted
Catholics -- a priest who lays on hands, a woman in Virginia, a simple
Texas man, a former gangster, a priest who had a near-death experience --
who have healing ministries and have seen many miracles: how it happened
to them, what has happened, the miracles, the way they reportedly
heal, and the way their accounts help heal this broken world!
(230 pp) $8.95
(127 pp) $8.99
Bible Cure for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain,
by Dr. Don Colbert, a Christian physician
whose books on health are runaway bestsellers. This book teaches the biblical
secrets behind obesity, your healthy weight, the right exercise and lifestyle,
the role of vitamins, all with a base in the Bible! It has sold two million
Every Day, by
Maura Poston Zagrans, the truly inspiring, fascinating account of a highly
devout Catholic doctor who combines medicine with the supernatural in healing
patients -- countless of them, each day, by laying on his hands! This is the
story of Dr. Issam Nemeh of Cleveland, who has helped with the impossible:
injuries healed, cancers cured, sight restored. Recommended!
(hardcover pp 231) $17.00
is for You,
by Maria Vadia,
another anointed can't put me down book from a charismatic who takes us through
glimpses of her own powerful conversion to many attributes of the Spirit,
discussing why healing is your inheritance, how curses can interfere, how to
release faith, the problem of unconfessed sins, how to access your
healing, healing in gifts of the Holy Spirit, healing in the Eucharist, healing
in the Word of God!
for Healing Your Family and You,
by Fr. Yozefu Semakula, the priest who authored the smash bestseller,
The Healing of Families, a powerful
eight-page glossy prayer card with 'quick' as well as involved prayers in a
format that lends easy access wherever you are -- prayers to identify areas of
sin, cancel agreements with evil, infill with the Holy Spirit, and build a
shield of protection -- and invoke the Archangel Michael!
(97 pp)
(eight pp) $2.50
w/book $23
More Orphans!
by Maria Vadia, another dynamic and charismatic book
that tells us how we need to possess our inheritance -- our right to
happiness, our destiny of health -- in Jesus. Read personal testimonies of
those who have been miraculously cured because they stepped out in faith
-- truly believed as
in the early days of Christianity, proclaiming and living the power of the
Gospel, realizing their destiny was victory!
in Jesus: Healing Generational Defects,
by Patricia A. McLaughlin, a book that deals with spiritual baggage and
'insoluble' problems that affect families through the generations. Are you
haunted by issues that seem to pervade your family? Have you looked at the
spiritual-warfare aspect of rooting out such issues -- health or others?
McLaughlin tackles these aspects of spirituality -- as well as how to bless
-- with insight!
(149 pp)
(182 pp) $8.95
St. Benedict Rosary
with 1.5" Crucifix
Beautiful handmade rosary comes in brown or black beads.
St. Benedict Rosary with 3" Crucifix
Beautiful, unique handmade rosary comes
in black or brown wooden beads. Crucifix also comes in black and brown.