Take Over! an
anointed, inspirational account of how the Blessed Mother -- as Undoer
of Knots -- should be handed our daily trials large and small as we
watch her work wonders with them -- turning obstacles into miracles! This
booklet is by the same group that brings us 'Mary Undoer of Knots' and
though small brims with powerful examples of how the Virgin Mary can enter
any situation -- can help you against any 'Goliath' -- and make things better than ever. |
Undoer of Knots,
in the Church of Mary the
Door to Heaven in Brazil is a unique painting of Mary undoing a ribbon of
knots, and meditating on its fascinating meaning, this booklet explains the
Blessed Mother's intervention in situations that 'have no exit,' providing
prayers and novenas for miracles that relieve us of entanglement! Many are those who claim it is miraculous! |
(97 pp)
(21 pp) 4.25
Lady of Kibeho,
by Immaculée Ilibagiza,
bestselling author who provides us with a definitive,
compelling, impossible-to-put down account of the apparitions to young
people at the Church-approved site of Kibeho in Rwanda -- where Mary warned
of disaster that indeed struck that nation soon after and also warned of
future events for the entire world! Not to be missed. Perhaps the best
single account of an apparition in modern time -- trips to Heaven, intense
prophecy, beautiful messages, devotion. |
Lion Roars: Prayers for the Remnant, by
Dave VanVickle, a truly inspired and anointed little booklet of a
Catholic's favorite devotional prayers collected over a lifetime --
daily prayers, consecrations, prayer for the Pope, prayer to one's
angel, St. Augustine's prayer to the Holy Spirit, prayer before
Communion, acts before Communion, acts after, Divine praises, Confession
prayers, prayers of various saints, litanies, intercessory prayer,
maxims, virtues and more! |
(206 pp) $13.95
(46 pp) $7.00
Mother of God as Co-Redemptrix, Modern Miracles of the Holy Eucharist,
by Francis Mutsuo Fukushima. In light of the recent
disasters, a fascinating look back at the seer behind the famed Akita
revelations and the mysterious life she led -- sufferings as well as
phenomena, with spiritual reflections and even medical testimonies that
attest to the miraculous (and grant hints)! |
Darkness into the Light,
by Marino Restrepo, a potent, extraordinary book by a man who was converted
after a life of fast living and during a hair-raising episode in which he
was kidnapped in Colombia, surviving that through a series of miracles and
now testifying in a book chock full of intense testimony and remarkable
spiritual insight. The insights and spiritual wisdom in this book, as well
as the actual, near-death-like experience, will lift you! |
(244 pp) $8.50
(201 pp) $14.50
End of the Present World (and the Mysteries of the Future Life),
Father Charles Arminjon, an incredible and inspired lesson on how to
look past the material world and toward the glorious eternal one! What a
book for our times: The signs that will precede the "end." The coming of
anti-christ. Biblical end-times prophecy. St. Therese of Lisieux
commented that 'reading this book was one of the greatest graces of my
Joseph, Patron of the Triumph,
by the late Fr.
Richard Foley, an anointed soul who was widely known at conferences and on
Catholic TV, a book that describes St. Joseph's role, his destiny, how he was
the spouse of Mary, his role in the Holy Family, what he represents as the
Worker, as the Man of Faith -- and much more, granting us examples we can use in
our own lives to achieve true spiritual victory in our families. Let us
recommend anything on this miraculous saint! |
(310 pp) $15.50
(112 pp)
Joseph's Prayer Book,
compiled by Sr. Anne Sophie, for everyone including those who need
larger print: an entire array of prayers: morning prayer, prayers to
saints, prayer to your angel, prayers of hope, faith, reflections from
saints, grandparents' prayer, St. Augustine's prayer to the Holy Spirit,
prayers of mercy, the Scriptural Rosary, litany of the Blessed Mother,
Anima Christi, praises, prayer for the holy souls, and much more! |
Is Forever, by Father
Robert J. Fox, an extremely interesting and powerful book not only with
deep insights on the momentous apparitions of Fatima, but with extremely
fascinating news about how Sister Lucia, the final seer, died and the
way in which her death was tied in with Jjohn Paul II -- who held a
rosary sent to her by the Pope as she died and whose last known act was
reading a fax sent by the great Pontiff! A page-turner for all who are
Marian. |
(179 pp) $12.00
(239 pp) $12.50
Message of Fatima,
by Sister Lucia dos Santos, the famous Fatima seer -- her very last
writings on spirituality as related to one of the most famous mystical
events of the past 2,000 -- her take on the essence of life, of God, of what
we all need to do, of why Mary came to Fatima, and what the Blessed Mother,
with her Son, left for us and our posterity; her last testament and a little
guide for all of us as we search for our missions and duties in this life. |
Memories of Sister Lucia,
by Sister Maria Celina de Jesus Crucificado, the recollections of the
cloistered nuns at Coimbra of their famous colleague, Fatima seer Lucia
dos Santos, with fresh insights and details about her life and an
in-depth description of her final years, especially the last days she
spent on earth -- how she handled her impending end, what occurred
medically, and how in the end this sure-for-sainthood nun passed on. |
(63 pp) $5.00
(43 pp) $4.00
Great Magdalens, by
Msgr. Hugh Francis Blunt, twenty true stories of women guilty of the
abominable -- adultery, murder, fornication, and abortion -- plus the
inner sins of envy, hatred, jealousy -- but rescued from that state due
to the mercy and forgiveness of Christ! Starting with Mary Magdalen, we
progress through true representations of how we all may convert and
whether men or women must always seek a purer spirit. |
Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich, by
Fr. Carl E. Schmoger, a big book packed with dramatic revelations:
on guardian angels and how they hover over people and cities, on
indulgences and her visits to purgatory, on her visions of Heaven, on
the nature of victim souls, on mixed marriages, on the future of the
Church, and much, much more from a mystic who some say was given
unprecedented insights. |
(340 pp)
(two volumes, 698 pp and
599 pp) $40.00
Surrender to Divine Providence, the
secret of peace and happiness, by Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure and Fr. St.
Claude Colombiere, a classic little book that expertly guides you on God's
Will in your life, how the Lord controls events, His supreme wisdom, how
trials and punishments are blessings, how to handle the natural incidents in
our daily lives, overcoming all forms of adversity and even calamities and
much more! |
with God's Will,
by St. Alphonsus
de Liguori, a little booklet that brilliantly explains why many things
happen in life and why we were given what we were given, by a major
saint who explains the path to love of God and perfection -- how that
perfection is achieved only with Divine union and how important it is
for our salvation! |
(136 pp)
(31 pp) $2.50
Pio, Man of Hope,
by Renzo Allegri,
an intimate, professional biography of this truly unusual and historic
saint, a new book by a prize-winning journalist who focuses on the hope that
St. Pio gave -- how even in the most difficult trials he held faith and
looked to the future with a spirit of optimism -- an optimism we could all
use in our personal lives and the world at large! His trials,
tribulations, mysterious events. |
of Peace,
a video by a professional TV team that
interweaves never-before-seen archival footage of Medjugorje with
exclusive interviews with the seers themselves, giving an 'unparalleled
account of the most important event occurring in the world today.' Wayne
Weible calls it a 'must-see documentary!' A great gift for those who
have been there or want to go! (Recommended) |
(270 pp)
hour DVD) $19.99
of Novenas,
by Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik, a collection of prayers every Catholic
should have, a true treasure trove -- more than forty of the most
popular novenas carefully arranged for private prayer in accord with the
liturgical year on the feasts of Jesus and Mary as well as favorite
saints! A terrific daily companion with everything from Christmas
novenas to Lenten prayers, invocations of the Holy Spirit, and much,
much more! |
Prayers To St. Joseph, a
little booklet filled with powerful novenas and prayers to a saint who is as
potent -- and as faithful to us -- as he is hidden and underrated. We urge
more attention to this great saint, who so quickly responds when we call for
his aid. Prayers to obtain special favor, purity, for difficult
problems, for dying persons, conversion, ancient prayer. This saint is so
very powerful and often so hidden and misunderstood! |
quality-bound, 251 pp) $8.00
(64 pp) $3.00
Guardian Angels, Our Heavenly Companions,
a little booklet that reveals the secrets of angels and how they guide
and govern the world. It explains the many services these blessed spirits
perform for us, mostly without our realizing it -- protecting souls and
bodies in a way that can be both ordinary and miraculous. Fascinating
examples from the lives of our holiest saints: how they defend us, how they
form at Mass, how they defeat demons! |
featuring four true, dramatic stories about modern-day miracles --
actual people and re-enactments of accounts that will amaze you: a man is
robbed, then shot in the head and left for dead; a woman hears a voice
telling her to rush for the emergency room; a student who had just one week
to raise a thousand dollars for a mission trip; a baby blinded in an
accident -- and healed. A great gift. The only explanation: God! |
pp) $3.00
(DVD 59 minutes) $19.95  |
here for back to bookstore #1*
Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother,
this booklet explains many things about Our Lady's Sorrows that most
Catholics have never considered. Drawing on Sacred Scripture and holy
traditions of the saints, it outlines the four special favors promised those
devoted to theSorrows of Mary -- so appropriate in our sorrowful time!
"Mary leaves nothing unrewarded that is done in her honor."
Especially in our times, we look to the Blessed Mother and the kind tears
she heals us with. |
Short of a Miracle,
by Patricia Reece,
a brand new book detailing the remarkable, miraculous healings of modern
saints such as John Paul II and Solanus Casey, as well as Brother Andre,
Padre Pio, Francis Xavier Seelos, Fulton Sheen, Mother Cabrini, John Bosco,
and others: incurable disease suddenly cured and even what seemed like a
person brought back from the dead. As Solanus Casey said, 'Don't you know
that God can cure cancer just as easily as the common cold?' |
(278 pp) $19.95  |
Last Help Before the End of Time,
by Dr. Courtney Bartholomew, a handy little review of messages to an mystic
named Berthe Petit, whose cause for beatification is under investigation and
who had messages that Dr. Bartholomew, a well-know Marian writer, relates to
our current times and other revelations!
Scriptural Rosary with Luminous Mysteries,
a from Gospa Missions, this includes the entire original Scriptural Rosary
with a passage for each bead plus the new Luminous Ones propagated by the
Pope! This little booklet is one you'll want to keep close at hand in times
that are so turbulent and in need of tranquility. |
(64 pp)
(small softcover)
of Angels,
by Janice T. Connell, the bestselling Medjugorje author who in this new book
-- addressed to a 'tumultuous world' -- provides answers, meditations, and
prayers aimed at illness, anxiety, confusion, happiness, intimacy,
'burn-out,' enemies, bondages and more in this beautiful book to be kept at bedside! |
End of This Era, by
Dr. Courtenay Bartholomew, a fascinating and sweeping look at the origins of
the earth and universe in light of modern diseases, politics, and Catholic
mysticism! Nobel Laureate Baruch Blumberg called it a 'great vision' as the
doctor looks at what chastisements and other events, as well as spiritual
darkness, may await us. |
pp) $16.50
(97 pp)
of Heaven, by
Judith M. Albright, a blind child regained his sight, a young cripple shed his
crutches, and more miracles from Champion, Wisconsin -- home to America's first
fully approved apparition of the Blessed Mother, with a complete and expert
history of the shrine and the most current information. 'Captivating,'
'historically accurate,' inspiring. |
Agony of Jesus, a
meditation on Our Lord's agony in the garden,
by St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
an actual contemplation by one of the greatest Catholic mystics of all-time,
especially potent for Lenten season but useful all year round as we attend
the great mystery St. Pio so loved: the Mass. It is a signal grace to enter
ever more deeply into the mysteries of the Passion of Christ! Keep this not
just for Lent but all year round. |
pp) $7.95
(40 pp)
$3.00  |
and Heavenly Promises
by Joan Carroll Cruz,
A unique little book of powerful
prayers and devotions, including wonderful promises attached that were made
by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to various famous
saints. Includes devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, Precious Blood,
Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, etc. A good resource indeed! |
Rosary is the Answer,
by Fr. Herbert Burke, an anointed discussion of aspects of the Rosary we
don't usually think about, with new insights on its connection to virtues,
deliverance, events in our lives, and events in the world. Also discussions of anything from the
various meditations and Rosary devotions to the meaning of the beads
themselves! With Mary, we never pray alone! |
(130 pp) $5.00
(90 pp)
$8.95  |
here for back to bookstore #1*
by Jonathan Cahn, the huge bestseller with a fascinating claim (for
discerning) that an obscure passage in Isaiah foresaw events from
9/11 to the economic collapse, written in novel fashion; 'though it
sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller -- it's real.' The
claim: that there is an ancient mystery that holds the secret of
America's future, that ancient harbingers are now manifesting, and that
God is sending prophetic messages of what is to come. Nine omens of end
times. |
Jesus, Teach Me to Pray,
by Fr. Robert Faricy and Sr. Lucy Rooney, a charismatic, Marian duo
highly popular for their direct approach to profound prayer and the
miraculous results it can bring! This is a manual for personal prayer, with
Jesus as the Instructor -- and by personal prayer they address private
prayer, the deepest times we spend with God and how we most directly reach
His Son -- for those who hunger to meet Him in peaceful silence. |
(253 pp) $14.99
(111 pp)
here for back to bookstore #1]*
to the Devout Life,
by St. Francis
De Sales, a book some have described as the best ever written for lay
people. First published in 1609, its message is still entirely fresh and
relevant. This popular abridgment, which deletes some extra language,
renders it more powerful still. A classic by a doctor of the Church!
Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
a revelation to Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich on the details of Christ's
Crucifixion -- her potent, lengthy account of the Passion and death of Our
Savior, with all the horrendous sufferings. This is the book that inspired the
Mel Gibson movie.
(354 pp)
(382 pp) $18.00
Holy Bible,
Revised Standard Edition, Catholic Edition, of the Old and New Testaments,
translated from the
original tongues with a forward by His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing and
published by Ignatius Press. There is of course no book as important in
world history, and the Bible should take a prominent place in every
Christian home!
Story of A Soul
Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux One of the all-time favorite
Catholic books. Teaches her "Little Way" of Spiritual Childhood.
Many millions of copies sold worldwide and has been instrumental in bringing down
the "shower of roses" which St. Therese promised to send from
Heaven as a mission of love. |
of stock until February)
(216 pp) $9.00
For Today
by Edward
Connor, A summary of famous Catholic prophecies concerning the
end-of-the-era time frame. The thesis: that this period begins with the
emergence of a great Pope and Christian leader that is followed by the
Anti-Christ. Signs of the times, persecution, St. Malachy, and major global
events such as cosmic happenings and war included in this popular
book. We present this only for discernment -- although it certainly is a
fascinating read!
Her U.S. Shrines and Their Graces, by Julie Dortch Cragon, a nice and thorough
compilation of the major Marian shrine in America, with a description of each
one and special prayers attached to each! From Emmitsburg, Maryland, to the
National Shrine of the Snows, to a special grotto in Texas as well as ones in
Alabama and Missouri and much more; grand basilicas and little chapels alike.
Says Father Donald Calloway, 'You'll be blessed by these adventures -- and
you'll remember them the rest of your life!' |
(121 pp)
(143 pp) $14.99
Sorrows Rosary,
a CD by Immaculée.
Pray the Rosary this special way with an incredible and holy Rwandan woman who survived
the massacres in that country and became close to the Church-approved
apparitions and seers at Kibeho -- where the Blessed Mother urged
recitation in this specific way to protect and help ourselves during the
current difficult times and those that the Blessed Mother says are
ahead! |
Medjugorje Fasting Book,
by Wayne Weible, the author who brought so many to the famed
and under-study apparition site now provides an anointed look at a central
message from the Blessed Mother concerning the great, hidden power -- and
requirement -- of fasting. Is it tough to do? Sometimes. Can we approach it
in a way that makes it easier? Yes. He unlocks the door to the purpose of
fasting and offers keys to making it an enduring, transforming part of our
lives! |
(CD) $14.50
(103 pp) $14.00  |
here for back to bookstore #1]*
Pio's Spiritual Direction for Every Day,
excerpts from actual letters written by the incredible saint to his
own spiritual directors as well as those who sought his counsel -- 365
reflections that cover some of the very most profound aspects of
spirituality and Catholic devotion for inspiration all year long, compiled
by Gianluigi Pasquale, a Capuchin monk in Italy who teaches at the Lateran
Pontifical University in Rome! |
Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,
by Jonathan Cahn,
an incredible video revealing the hidden symbols, prophecies, and judgment
behind the most spectacular event in modern American times -- collapse of
the World Trade Center. Why did it happen? Did we react to this 'warning'
correctly -- or in a way that augurs future judgment and wore events? |
(251 pp) $13.99
(five DVD discs) $27.00
here for back to bookstore #1*
Rosary with Mystical Mass Prayer,
by a truly anointed priest, Fr. Luke Zimmer, who penned this little pamphlet
of prayer under what he felt was Divine guidance -- and what those who use
it also feel is an unusual gift when prayed with the heart! In a unique
guide, Fr. Zimmer takes a portion of the Mystical Mass Prayer and uses it as
a meditation before each decade -- in what is a greatly enhanced, potent
Rosary! |
and Humility, a handbook,
by William Ullathorne, O.S.B.. Heroism, self-denial, and even martyrdom are
worthless without humility and patience, says the author. This book shows how
to develop these two key virtues, no matter how difficult your circumstances
may be. You'll learn why Jesus said that "to save your life, you must first
lose it," and you'll come to see how the self-surrender in humility brings
(136 pp) $11.95
and Devils by Joan Carroll Cruz
In the most thorough book about
in modern times, Cruz answers virtually every question: when they
were created, their knowledge of the
future, their access to our thoughts -- with facts and insights on
everything from Guardian Angels to demons. Many of life's issues are better
understood when we comprehend the pervasive nature and good and evil
spirits. |
Is That in Tradition?
by Patrick Madrid. When non-Catholics insist that Catholic practices are
just man-made doctrinal aberrations that have been added to Scripture, reach
for this convincing explanation and defense of Catholic Tradition! You'll
see the amazing root of many Catholic practices -- and a clear way to defend
(290 pp) $16.50  |
(210 pp) $10.95
Power is Among Us, compiled
by Patricia A. Kelly, an extraordinary book on healing including subjects
like the importance of applying ancestral prayers to the family, stopping
family disorders as far back as the third and fourth generation. The need
for forgiveness is stressed as the essence of healing.
Me This! Patrick Madrid,
how to answer those folks who knock on the door and challenge your faith
about the virginity of Mary, papal infallibility, devotion to saints,
reliance on tradition as well as Scripture, and the Real Presence. Madrid
has compiled the toughest questions Catholics face and provides powerful
answers! |
(156 pp) $6.95
(241 pp) $11.95
by Linda Schubert, powerful prayers of healing and hope from the bestselling
author of 'Miracle Hour.' This book is an invitation to prayer that will
help us to see, know, and experience the Heart of God. To redeem failure; To
heal relationships; To strengthen marriage; For physical healing.
of the Cosmos,
by Jan Connell, one of the best books ever on Medjugorje, with absolutely
fascinating interviews conducted with each of the seers when they were young
and still divulging information pertinent to the secrets. Must reading for
anyone who has been to Medjugorje, intends to go -- or should. |
(48 pp)
(150 pp)
Confessions, by Linda
Schubert, whose bestselling prayer book Miracle Hour has sold
hundreds of thousands, now a book of prayers "to heal the secrets of your
soul." In it are meditations and prayers on how to invite God into your most
painful emotions and struggles -- into your negativity -- and allow Him
to heal, to close up bad memories, to bring you to greater growth.
Chants of Mary,
chants of love and devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, the Theotokos,
the Star of the Sea. Beautiful and uplifting. Inspiring. Greet Christ
through His mother. Body, soul and spirit. May we all receive the
blessing of her example, told through these ancient songs of faith! |
(40 pp)
( 65 minutes) $18.95
here for back to bookstore #1*
Secret of the Rosary
by St.
Louis de Montfort, Probably the finest book ever written
about the Rosary; appeals to all ages. Shows the great spiritual power of
the Rosary, which is appreciated by few. More than 4 million sold! A miracle
book. It is with the Rosary that we find the greatest protection against
current evil and this is a book to inspire that tremendous, fruitful,
miraculous devotion!
the Arms of Angels,
by Joan Wester Anderson, an expert, uplifting book of first-hand angel
accounts. Read how angels were involved everywhere from ordinary lives to
situations like the first Gulf War -- where there was a miraculous rescue --
to the Oklahoma City bombing and September 11! Her previous angel book was a
national bestseller. 'A gem to be
(booklet) $5.00
(276 pp) $14.95
here for back to bookstore #1]*
Miraculous Medal, Stories,
Prayers, and Devotions, by Donna-Marie
Cooper O'Boyle, an author who was inspired to do this book years after Mother
Teresa gave her a Miraculous Medal -- and now has given away thousands herself,
logging remarkable accounts, explaining why the medal is considered
'miraculous,' looking at the hidden significance of the potent sacramental, and
telling its history, all in one package. From the creator of the EWTN series
Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms. |
To Tell,
by Imaculée Ilibagiza, the incredible, spirit-filled, anointed
bestseller that recounts a young African woman's devotion to Mary as she
hid for 91 days in a tiny bathroom with six other women while marauding
tribal Hutus were killing -- beheading -- everyone they could find,
including most of those in her family. Through it all, she prayed 27
rosaries daily plus the Divine Mercy chaplets as killers came within
feet! This is a book that in its inspiration will leave you full of faith as
well as breathless. |
(129 pp ) $13.99
(214 pp) $12.00
by Joan Wester
Anderson, America's foremost writer on angels now presents an extremely
timely and almost urgent look at how we can all benefit from knowing about
our guardian angels -- how they function, when they come, what they do, how
to invoke them, through the examples of actual fascinating cases.
Recommended! |
and Revelations of St. Gertrude the Great,
by St. Gertrude and
the religious of her monastery, a classic of Catholic writing, recording
Gertrude's many conversations with Our Lord, wherein He reveals His great desire
to grant mercy to souls and to reward the least good act, the hints
that help with spiritual development, the correct approach to life.
pp) $14.95
(538 pp)
here for back to bookstore #1*
A Disaster!
a splendid manual that covers
preparedness for virtually any kind of event -- from terrorist attacks with
biological weapons to tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and earthquakes. We
recommend it at a time when such events seem to be intensifying. Also advice
on standard needs, everyday problems from bug bites to burns. |
Do Happen, video,
interview with charismatic nun Sister Briege McKenna by the expert TV crew at
"Focus." Sister Briege was once crippled with arthritis but
experienced a remarkable healing and then began to heal others herself! In this
interview she is joined by fellow evangelist Father Kevin Scallon, who joins her
to discuss miracles.
(225 pp) $10.00
hour) $19.95
the Soul of the Family,
by Thomas Petrisko, a thorough and fascinating look at American seer Estela Ruiz
and her miraculous family -- her incredibly devout husband Reyes, the conversion
of a son who was a drug addict, the way in which God through the Virgin can work
in our families -- and how the Virgin has come to warn and save the United
States! (recommended)
God's Will for You, by St.
Francis de Sales. Savor the peaceful certainty that you're on the path He has
chosen for you. If your life seems to make no sense, these pages will console
and inform you. In them, St. Francis de Sales explains God's Will and how He
reveals it -- yes, even to you! -- and even in seemingly random events.
(303 pp)
(147 pp) $12.95
and the Church, by Denis Nolan, a highly valuable booklet with fascinating comments
from scores of priests, bishops, and cardinals -- and the Pope -- about the authenticity of the Medjugorje apparitions -- will surprise those who believe the Church has
rejected this apparition and tremendously bolster those who have been there!
Imitation of Mary, by Abbe
Alexander de Rouville. No sooner had the incomparable Imitation of Christ
appeared than the faithful began to spontaneously wish for an imitation of Our
Lady, and finally, in 1768, a monk pulled together a little powerhouse of
meditation on the different mysteries and circumstances of her life, from the
Immaculate Conception to her Assumption into Heaven!
REVISED, EXPANDED (214 pp.) $12.00
(small hardback, 319 pp)
Rosary of Pope John Paul II, a
little booklet that serves as as very useful companion to the Rosary,
explaining the development of the 'mysteries of light' with a prayer guide
for all twenty mysteries of the Rosary. Those who cherish the Rosary as a
special prayer, as well as those who would like an introduction, will find
inspiration and spiritual joy in this little guide. We also recommend
the little hardcover Rosary [click here] |
Praise and Worship,
by Robert Abel, a little booklet filled with simple but powerful
praises taken right out of the Bible. Nothing is more powerful against the enemy
than praising God, and this bedside (or pew) companion sets us in the right
spirit for uniting and connecting with the Force of God that is so infinitely
more powerful than the forces of any and all evil. |
small pages) $1.95
(25 pp booklet) $1.00
here for back to bookstore #1]*
Images of Our Lady,
by Joan Carroll Cruz, another splendid compilation
by a popular author of more than a hundred cases of Church-approved
miraculous statues, paintings, and other images of Our Blessed Mother from
around the world -- spanning 2,000 years! |
to the Holy Spirit,
a dynamic little booklet
that explains the many gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to obtain them --
the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety,
and fear -- showing what each does for the soul. A 'golden key to a rich
(441 pp) $21.50
(70 pp) $3.00
here for back to bookstore #1*
of John Paul II,
by Pawel Zuchniewicz, extraordinary, the bestseller that swept Poland as details
arrived about numerous miracles attributed to the late John Paul II -- miracles
that in some cases occurred while he was still alive! This book serves as
prelude to what is certain to be the canonization as we see splendid new
insights into his life and signs that followed him. A 'fascinating read.' |
How She Loves Us,
Fifty Approved Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, new, by Joan Carroll
Cruz, ranging across twenty-two countries and many centuries, meticulous
fascinating details you have never heard and apparitions you may never
before have encountered, showing her love and caring for man and the
Church -- with Our Lady's powerful messages and intercessions! |
(194 pp)
The Great Means of Grace,
a dynamic little booklet that brings home the tremendous benefit -- and
results -- of prayer. According to the great St. Alphonsus Liguori, our
choice between heaven and hell depends on whether we pray. And St. Teresa of
Avila wanted to stand on a high mountain to cry out constantly to the world:
"Pray, pray, pray!" Full of Catholic teachings and the
words of saints, this booklet moves us to improve our prayer life, no matter
how extensive it already is.
Art of Loving God,
by St. Francis de Sales, a classic work that every Catholic should read and
re-read, showing us the importance of confidence in God's Mercy, embracing
His Will, how to practice humility, obeying authorities, the way to
patience, abandoning yourself totally to God, learning exterior and interior
modesty, and how to accept reproof. Mostly, this great saint shows us how to
simply love our Great Creator! |
(69 pp)
(150 pp) $9.95 |
To Divine Providence,
a classic by Fr. J.P de Caussade, how God teaches the soul by pain and obstacles,
and how there is only one answer -- to do the Will of God. How many of us
find such trials? How many go through the "dark night"? (abridged) |
Life of Catherine of Siena, by
Blessed Raymond of Capua, the classic on her life and accomplishments as
recorded by her spiritual director, how she had incredible, mystical
experiences as a youth and developed into a person so holy that she could
'smell' a person's sin, could read souls, is believed never to have
committed a serious sin herself -- ever -- and lived for years on
Communion alone! |
(128 pp) $7.50
(384 pp)
Abandonment, by
Fr. Dom V. Lehodey, a profound, soul-stirring restatement of
self-abandonment to Divine Providence, something we all must do and
desperately need, something that leads to great grace. Key to this powerful
practice is the realization that every single thing that happens has been
allowed by God, and has been sent for some kind of special lesson. |
Miracles, and Heavenly Encounters, by
James Stuart Bell, an amazing, inspiring collection of true
and truly phenomenal accounts from those who in some way have had
experiences with the supernatural, eyewitnesses to God's endless power even
here in this place of blindness called earth! |
(470 pp) $21.00
(240 pp) $12.99
Two Divine Promises,
by Fr. Roman Hoppe,
the two Divine promises are a powerful devotion relying on God's Mercy which
originates with revelations in 1954 and which is now spread worldwide.
Tapping into the primary sources of grace -- Mass, Eucharist, prayer -- sure ways to holiness. |
Wonders of the Holy Name,
by Fr. Paul
O'Sullivan, perhaps the most valuable of the highly-popular priest's
soul-stirring books, revealing the simplest secret of holiness and
happiness ever. Scarcely one in a million Catholics has heard about the
amazing power of the Holy Name of Jesus! |
(52 pp) $2.50
(45 pp) $2.50
Sinner's Guide,
by Venerable Louis of
Granada, a classic on virtue and how we find our way to Heaven -- this
book was written by the favorite spiritual writer of St. John of the
Cross and St. Teresa of Avila! Granada reviews Heaven and Hell and even
takes the reader on a dress rehearsal of judgment. It's a book of
crystal-clear clarity that cuts through the religious fog so prevalent
in our time and in the Church. |
of a Soul, The letters from
St. Padre Pio to his own spiritual directors! This book offers a rare
glimpse into the heart and soul of the incredible Italian priest and mystic.
Beyond the miraculous, the letters testify to his personal struggles,
worries, temptations, and fears -- giving us all guidance and showing how
struggles lead to holiness. |
(395 pp) $15.00
(193 pp) $12.95
Mother, and Mystic,
by Albert Bessieres,
SJ, the life of an extraordinary mystic named Anna Maria Taigi who has
been beatified and whose life and gifts are enthralling. It is said a
golden globe appeared to her as a sun of matchless light; "in this all
things were revealed to her. Past and future were to her an open book.'
Even bishops came to her for advice.
(in reprint) |
Reign of Antichrist,
by Fr. Gerald Culleton,
a book about various scenarios in which the anti-christ might arrive,
submitted for your discernment. What might the antichrist be like?
What will he do? How will he allegedly operate? Has this priest pulled
together plausible theories taken from Scripture on the rise of an evil
individual who will wage war on God's people? |
temp unavailable (256 pp) $10.00
(224 pp) $15.00
Ten Who Show Us the Ways of God, by
Fr. Murray Bodo, OFM, a new book on some of the famous ones as well as
ones of whom you have not heard -- with the lessons that they grant us,
the marvels, the reasons for faith , and the vicarious experiences of
God! Centuries of insight into our mysterious faith! |
Eucharistic Amazement,
by Kathleen Beckman -- healing and holiness -- deliverance -- through
Mass and the Holy Hour, with testimonies, teachings, and prayers that
range from deep Marian Catholicism to powerful charismatic devotions in
a potent book endorsed by Sr. Briege McKenna
and Johnette Benkovic --healing the inner child, the brain,
the emotions! |
(224 pp) $15.00
(253 pp)
$16.50  |
Lady Speaks From Medjugorje,
by Andrew Jerome Yeung, a comprehensive
swift-flowing package of the Blessed Mother's messages at the famous
apparition site of Medjugorje, arranged by subject for easy access and
repeated reference -- the type of book that is re-read and re-visited for many
years -- great too as a little gift of introduction to those who have not been
to the famous shrine, where Mary has been appearing with
messages on holiness, prayer, peace, love, and warning! |
of Heart,
by Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo, an
extremely popular classic full of wisdom and gems of instruction on how we
attain one of the most important characteristics of holiness -- humility
deep in our spirits. From every direction, Fr. Bergamo marshals up reasons
to practice humility and why it was so important in the lives of saints. No
one enters Heaven without it -- and so we must know how to assess ourselves
and how to build this powerful characteristic in the depth of our souls! |
(141 pp) $7.95
(203 pp) $10.00
Boy Who Met Jesus, by
Immaculee Ilibagiza, it's the 'greatest story never told':
that of a boy in deepest Africa who reputedly met Jesus as
part of apparitions linked to Kibeho -- a pagan boy who then
dared to ask Him questions that have consumed mankind for
2,000 years! Powerful and fascinating! |
Writings of St. Francis: a testament to peace,
from the Franciscan archive, available for the first time here, his letters,
his meditations, his salutations to Mary, his Office of the Passion, his
praises, his blessings, his advice on the holy life! |
(hardcover, 216 pp)
(182 pp) $14.00
Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
as seen in the incredible revelations of Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich, the
19th-century stigmatic whose visions form the basis for a major coming movie
and whose supernatural insights of the Virgin led to discovery of the house
in Ephesus where she spent her last years with John! Incredibly revealing,
edifying. Certainly a book that
causes us to contemplate deeper and discern. |
to the Precious Blood,
a little but powerful booklet that gives a whole new appreciation for
the Blood of Our Lord -- a treasure of infinite value if used in the
proper way. Included are inspiring promises of Our Lord, intriguing
stories from the lives of saints, poignant revelations, plus many classic Catholic prayers powerful in
spiritual warfare . |
(400 pp) $18.00
(56 pp)
The Way Home,
DVD, an informative update on events in Medjugorje after twenty-nine
years of reported apparitions and messages from the Blessed Mother,
including footage of visit from famed Cardinal and interviews with seers
who grant new insights into messages, along with dramatic testimony of
man who despite no faith in God found his way to the apparition site and
was spiritually and physically healed! By the creator of acclaimed
documentary 'Mary's House.' |
is God Punishing Me?,
new from Fr. Joseph
Esper, the acclaimed author of works on spiritual warfare and prophecy, a
booklet that addresses an issue that we all confront: why suffering? Why
repeated suffering? Pain. Sorrow. We often struggle with them. Is it Divine
punishment? Or an opportunity to grow -- and to offer that suffering up? What
does the Bible say? What does the Church say? What does psychology say? Not only
how to cope with suffering but also with the other biggie: guilt. |
(53 minutes) $19.95
(69 pp) $8.50
Your Sufferings; Others Could Use Them,
by Father John Hampsch, a
little pamphlet that adresses an issue we all face from time to time,
lending us quick insights on how we can turn what seems like a negative
-- and painful -- experience into one that helps others and goes for the
glory of God! |
Power of Praise and Worship,
by Terry Law, a Protestant who was invited of John
Paul II to minister at the Vatican due to his incredible knack for pulling
down 'strongholds' while praising and worshipping God. What are strongholds?
How do they affect you -- and your city? How best to break free of them?
Recommended! |
(pamphlet, 16 pp $1.95)
(253 pp) $15.99  |
Pio's Rosary,
CDs, with Fr. Pio Mandato, a relative of the famed St. Pio who directs
retreats and healing Masses and now presents this audio version of a
powerful prayer -- one that can cast out evil and heal! There is nothing
more powerful against evil than praising Jesus and reciting the Rosary! |
Triumph, DVD,
by Sean Bloomfield, a powerful, popular documentary on one young, troubled man's
remarkable transformation at that reputed site of apparitions that is constantly
in public debate -- and constantly the center of miraculous claims: Medjugorje.
Own this movie that first opened in movie theatres! |
Hope for the States: Our Lady of America,
by Dan Lynch, an exploration of prayers, messages, and implications
for 'Our Lady of America' -- the alleged apparition to a Midwestern nun
that had the sanction of a local archbishop and words of wisdom for the
future of the country Our Blessed Mother loves! In recent times,
the mission of this alleged apparition has gained momentum in the United
States. |
of God's Love: Touching
the Lives of Loved Ones After Death, by Mitch Finley, a quality book that
looks at interaction with deceased loved ones in the Catholic tradition and
accounts of those who have felt or otherwise sensed messages from those who have
passed -- including visions and help at crucial times and the "scent of flowers
not there." A wonderful, uplifting collection complete with reflections that
heal hurts left by deaths! |
(181 pp)
(158 pp) $14.95
Holy Rosary for Purity of Body, Mind, and Spirit,
Praying for the Healing of Sexual Sins, by Kathleen Beckman, praying
with the most pure woman in history -- the Immaculate Virgin -- as we
seek to purge the last stains -- sometimes decades old, often
unrecognized -- from our spirits; a powerful sacramental use that
focuses like a laser deep into areas of the soul that often suffer in a
hidden way! Nor is it just sexual sin that sullies, but so many other
things we need to purify! |
for and Maintaining Peace, by Fr. Jacques Philippe, a
splendid and small but potent treatise on how we gain that inner peace
we so often hear about and then keep feelings of spiritual tranquility
in these times when the opposite swirls around us and our households
have turmoil.
This book greatly helps in that pursuit, inspiring as well as providing
practical tips! Recommended...
(booklet, 57 pp) $5,95
(110 pp)
Last Apparition, by Wayne Weible, the
bestselling expert on Medjugorje pens a book focusing on the
extraordinary phenomena, basic, forgotten elements of its history, and how it
portends to change the world. 'What an incredible book about the love of
the Blessed Mother for her children,' says author Immaculee Ilibagiza.
the Rosary with Wayne Weible,
CD, with music, from the bestselling expert on the apparitions, a Rosary
that comes from the heart, from the depth of the soul, as a wonderful
accompaniment in the car or wherever instead of getting lost in the noise of
radio, cell phones, and the world! All four mysteries. |
(233 pp, $15.95)
(CD) $17.95
Prayers: True Stories of Change,
by Marion Amberg, an expertly written, fascinating, inspiring read on cases
where found pennies -- and sometimes other mysteriously dispensed coins -- have
caused effects in the lives of those involved, often spurring them to simple
prayer (such as 'In God We Trust') that has lead to a deeper, more powerful
walk with God! Penny Prayers comprises special miraculous moments that
testify not only to the mysteries of life, but the abundance and faithfulness
of God! You'll want friends to read this also. |
is Time to Meet St. Philomena,
by Dr. Mark Miravalle, a truly worthwhile and informed look at this enigmatic
yet powerful saint, an early virgin-martyr whose miraculous intercessions
are spoken about everywhere -- with testimonies from her shrine detailed in
the book and indicating there just may be something behind the claim that no
requests to her go unanswered! By a well-known theologian who also details
the Church's actions and positions on her. |
(103 pp) $8.95
(51 pp) $5.95
I Get It, by
Claire Furia Smith, recalling childhood memories of her own religious education,
the author relates to readers with wit, humor, and loads of encouragement simple
explanations of key concepts of the faith -- things that often pass us by! Smith
tackles misconceptions about Catholicism, especially by those just coming back
to the faith -- great to give those in your family or friends who are
edging their way into conversion. |
Holy Face,
DVD, a fascinating interview with a woman who has studied the Shroud of Turin
and other 'miraculous' images of the Lord, plus mystics who said Jesus appeared
to them, and has compiled a theory not just on why He appears in certain ways
but also what it means for our times, for our Church, for our spiritual
development, focusing on a devotion Saint John Paul II in large part inspired;
remarkable connections between the past and the ever-changing, now even rushing
present. |
(252 pp) $12.95
) |
(DVD $10.00
Sound of His Voice,
Everyday Principles for Listening to God, by Carol Marquardt, (forward by
Fr. Michael Scanlan), a book many have been waiting for -- with
practical advice on prayer, awakening to God's promptings, how to tell when
it's Him, how the Holy Spirit brings personal revelation, listening through
symbols, Scripture, circumstances, how to become attentive and much
more! |
(coming soon...) |
(112 pp)
(DVD $10.00
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