From the mailbag:
Let's call this here and there on the internet; mostly, here, in our mail. There are a number of intriguing miscellaneous items. (Or is it beach time?)
There is "coincidence."
We wrote recently of the many coincidences in 1969 -- a year when evil seemed to enter our culture in a special way. "Coincidentally," the prayer to the Archangel Michael was removed from churches the year before. At the least, the Church went into a period of upheaval that we can be excused for believing may have had some relationship.
Few know that when Pope Paul VI died on August 6, 1978, his Polish alarm clock rang the moment he died. And in October that year a Polish Pope took over in Rome! This is well-documented.
Do the deceased send us signs?
We get many reports about that -- as well as "prophecy" and near-death experiences, sometimes a combination thereof. We leave it to your considered judgment.
Some believe they may glimpse the future at night. Others believe they may have "seen" into eternity.
"Thanksgiving weekend of 2007, while visiting my daughter in North Carolina, I woke up about two a.m. on a Sunday morning from a deep sleep to find myself 'in' my mom's hospital room in New Jersey!" wrote viewer Diane Dodd. "I was seated in the corner of her hospital room, along the wall where her head lay.
"I could sense Jesus and Mary standing on either side of
mom caressing her
"As I looked toward the open door [in this dream], I saw my grandmother come into
mom's hospital
room with all the children that both my mom and I had miscarried. It was as if
Jesus and Mary were inviting them to come to my mom. It was so peaceful, beyond
any words I can describe. I could see the joy on my grandmother’s face as she
introduced all the children to my mother. Seeing mom’s room fill with such joy
and happiness, one wonders that if this is what dying is like, where is the
fear? The vision gave me such peace that I was able to go back to sleep.
"Immediately, I was 'back' in my mother's room! Jesus and Mary were still on either side of her bed. I then saw all my mother's relatives coming into the room to welcome her. Some people I did not recognize. Without taking their eyes off my mom, each one told me who they were and how they were related to mom.
"Finally my grandfather
(whom I had never met) peeked into the room. He left the family when my mom was
only four years old. He was the only person I was actually able to have a
conversation with and he 'said' that he could not come into the room until
she was actually gone. If he did, it would bring her great distress. It would
only be when she was finally 'home' that she could fully forgive him for all he
had done to her and the family, and it was not yet time for that.
"How blessed for me to see and
experience my mother's near-death experience;
to see her surrounded, welcomed, and supported in heavenly prayer made visible
to my earthbound eyes!
All of this gave me such peace and
comfort, especially since I was so far away at the time. If we could only
have eyes to see! As Our Lady says, the veil between earth and
Heaven is so
And prophecy?
"I read in one of your articles that an e-mailer was concerned about one of the prophecies given to us by a seer from Garabandal, Spain, concerning the number of popes," wrote viewer Marie Willis. "According to what I understand of the prophecy, Blessed Mother did not indicate there would be no more Popes after John Paul II, she merely said that there would be only three Popes after John XXIII, and then would be the end times."
Added Michael Martin of Australia about another controversial matter of dates, "A thought regarding the Father Stefano Gobbi prophecy of 1998 being the year of Masonic takeover: it seems to be approximate, as are the dates of 666 (for Islam) and 1332 (for Rationalism/ Protestantism). I am unaware of these being key dates per se, just that around these dates, as Our Lady is allegedly saying, the movements she described reached a degree of power and manifestation. The now-open talks of global currency and micro-chipping seems to go along with this."
On August 11, an alleged
seer at a place called Vicente Pires in Brazil claims he was told (by "Blessed Mary"):
"Dear children, I am your Mother and I come from heaven to bring you to
sincere conversion. Do not cross your arms. You live in time of great
spiritual confusion and it is time for your return to the Lord. Know that
Jesus expects much of you. Fall to your knees in prayer and everything will
end well for you. Humanity goes to great abyss and my poor children bear a
heavy cross. There are difficult days ahead for humanity. Go quickly. The Lord
loves you and wants you. Do not feel you are alone. In the most painful
moments for you, the Lord will protect you and you will experience His victory.
"An extraordinary phenomenon will be in Europe. Men will have no explanation. When men witness the emergence of the great light, know that it is close to the great final battle. Men will call it a second sun. What I said to you in the past will take place.
"Courage. I will speak to my Jesus for you. Forward without fear.
"This is the message today that you pass in the
name of the Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me meet you here one more
time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be
at peace Amen."
Pray and fast before "ingesting" any message or seer. If you don't fast, best
to keep away.
"I feel compelled to share with you a vision I had recently during the Easter season of 2009," writes Christina MacDonald. "It was an interior vision, if there is another word for it I can't think of it. That particular type I seem to get when God needs to make me hear something and I haven't had much private time for intense quiet prayer.
"Here is the vision: It was as if I was looking at the earth from outer space. Jesus was rising in all His Glory for all to see and he was much larger than the earth, about three times larger. He was on the outside of the Earth to the right. Jesus was Fire, the fire of burning Love, a consuming fire that burned away anything and everything that was not of God, not of Love simply by His presence and it was instantly. All could see Him in His Glory.
"The people of the earth, Jesus looked at them with Love, longing and sadness. The longing was intense, especially for those who were lost; oh how He cries for lost souls. The fire of His Presence burned away all that had nothing of God in it, most especially souls.
"He searched peoples souls deeply for even a speck of prayer to prevent this burning away in order that they may be saved and even the tiniest spark would save them from being consumed.
"I saw people bending over overwhelmed by His Presence and being completely burned away and some Jesus finding a very tiny spark and He said to me, 'See, this tiny spark? It is prayer. Even this tiny spark will save a soul.' There were some people who were very Holy and prayed much they were like bright flames on earth and could even stand up straight and look at Jesus."
"I've been reading the early books of the Bible, and came across the blessings and curses of God," says Rick Roberson of St. Augustine, Florida. "If these are applicable today, why not have more discussion on them? Typology being a favorite topic about Scripture, maybe some scholars should consider the blessings and curses of God in Deuteronomy and consider Jesus' weeping upon seeing the city of Jerusalem the night before He entered the city! From our vantage point today, do you think Jesus is weeping at the present moment?"
"I dreamed last night that [your website] made that very special announcement from seers," said one last e-mailer. "It was the headline announcing the first chastisement and the sign. 'Time Has Reached Its Fulfillment.'"
"Probably just a dream," added the reader, "but wanted you to know about it."
Whew! Hmmm. We despise (1 Thessalonians 5:29) none of it.
[resources: The Final Hour and Tower of Light]
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