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After 'crisis,' Pope rests 'well'



What miracles tell us


Our Lord spoke in French to reach Russian ears


Judging 'fruits'


Mailbag: lights that impart Grace


Basilicas, shrines, churches in U.S. are Jubilee sites


Rare photo: Jacinta of Fatima


What Sheen said about hearing a nun's Confession


Messages on the future: locutions from the Lord?


Special Report (new): the darkest, deepest 'UFO' secret in government


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A statue of Jesus off Florida coast

Are there really more air accidents?

Exorcist warns someone is impersonating him

Your words and the state of your soul

NY Times exposes Planned Parenthood

Did papal warning relate to 'alien deception'?

Lenten Books

Still 'critical'


Pontiff kept heavy schedule right up to hospital




Pope issues own statement from hospital


Musk tells all federal employees to explain themselves


Kennedy Center will have huge celebration of Christ


Pope on Ukraine: 'painful and shameful'


Trump touts end of 'transgender insanity'


Seven healthiest steps


Horror of African beheadings


Prayer urgency: two priests kidnapped


Europe 'set for political revolution'


North Dakota defeats 'Christ is King' resolution


Bishops: 'IVF destroys human lives'


NASA seeks ways to destroy asteroid


Hurricane forecast


Prayer need: nearly one in ten are homosexual


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About Michael H. Brown