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20+ Stunning Images of Jesus in the DesertThis Lent, hold thoughts 'captive'


Vatican altering gender ideology?


During Lent, wait on God


Vatican again dismisses Valtorta


Sheen, Kateri honored in federal park


Afterlife: many see Light, others fire


Generational healing: here's a photo


Spiritual 'spring training'

This may contain: a painting of jesus holding the cross in his hands


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Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila with Elizabeth Zelasko, a local sacred artist and Denver Catholic columnist who wrote the "Mary at the Foot of the Cross" icon, following the unveiling ceremony Tuesday afternoon. (Photo by Denver Catholic Staff)

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Psychic freezes with mention of Jesus

'Hide your Crucifix or lose your job'

A pilgrimage to Mont Saint Michel

In defense of Father Ripperger

This is a time of Grace

Catholic schools pass public ones



Pope from hospital: 'I accompany you'


The recording


Gene therapy allow eleven legally blind children to see


Trump postpones tariffs


Vance received ashes at border


South Korean bombs accidentally dropped on homes, Catholic church


Ukrainian bishop: Russia installing Stalin statues


Black 'Mass' outrage in Kansas

Epic Battle of Wills: Jesus vs. The ...


'Fired' CDC workers told to return


God's Creation: ozone hole 'healing'


Pope John Paul II: an incredible account


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