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Vatican excommunicates Vigano



Michael H. Brown online retreat, July 13


'Stop the diabolic disorientation'


Mail: a priest transfigured during Consecration?


How, where, and why we pick up spirits


Another message from alleged apparition in Germany


A prayer over tattoos


Those strange symbols for medicine: one or two snakes?


Novena: patron saints of marriage


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Spirit Daily pilgrimage to Medjugorje


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A star cluster is shown in and around a gas cloud that
looks like an oyster. The rollover image shows the same cluster
not only in visible light, but X-ray and infrared too. 
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Hermitage in middle of volcano

Fifty thousand altar servers head for Rome

Is there a face?

Lourdes bishop wants to remove mosaics by alleged abuse priest

'Celebrities' to Vatican: preserve Latin Mass

Health watch: benefits and risks of canned tuna

In glimmer of sun, images that could be taken to be holy ones

On-line Michael Brown retreat, 7/13!

This may contain: a painting of the virgin mary holding a child in her arms, with text that reads our lady of mount carmel

Go to Joseph!



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Vigano case: a rare punishment


Sad times: satanists at 'pride' march


Saudis involved with 9/11?


Occult watch: Mexican witch killed


A second American revolution?


Report: Cardinal Pell's body handled with 'disrespect'


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Seventy-four congressmen have perfect pro-life record


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During Fourth weekend, worst time to drive is...


Health watch: these are real fruits?


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