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by Sr. Mary Francisca
The blessed Cross has but one purpose and that is to empty our hearts of
worldliness and self, that we may be filled to overflowing with the love
of Jesus Christ.
Nothing else in life will have mattered, neither what we possessed nor
what we became nor what we had accomplished. If love is lacking,
everything is for naught. Hell is hell because it contains no love. The
devil is keenly aware that if he can seed hate in the hearts of men,
love will be driven out and his victory assured.
Suffering on a natural and human level causes narrowness, bitterness,
self-centeredness and discontent; whereas suffering, elevated by grace to
the supernatural level, unites us intimately with the sufferings in the
Heart of our Crucified Savior, empties our own hearts of self, and fills
us to overflowing with the pure substance of the love of the Heart of
Jesus Christ. This abundance of the love of Christ will then overflow from
our hearts to all souls.
We must beg Our Lady for the courage and grace to be transformed by our
crosses and pains - to make us better not bitter! We must have a living
faith that realizes the Word of Christ applies to us now and forever:
Christ loves me! Ponder often the Altar of Love, study your Crucifix! How
very much we are loved! The devil gains a victory each time he can plant
in our hearts and souls a doubt that the love of God for us is
unconditional and constant. He will then devour that soul. Even when we
are sinful and unworthy, God loves us!
The only cure for doubt and hate is an intense awareness of being loved,
both by God and Our Blessed Mother. Love is the only cure for hate!! Those
who are the most unlovable and the most filled with self, need this divine
remedy more than all others. The Divine Physician sought out those who
were most sick in mind, body and soul, went to them and poured upon them
the medicine of His love: that medicine which cures both the body and
To the sickest and the most unlovable, He poured out His healing remedy
ever more abundantly and freely. Therefore, let us give to each other all
that we have, not counting the cost. Pray for one another without ceasing,
beg from Jesus Crucified and from the Immaculata, all the graces needed
that our many trials, crosses and pains here below, will make of us, "GOD
May we go forth with Mary carrying the adorable presence of Jesus Christ
into the whole world!
[resources: Patience and Humility]
[resources: Father DeGrandis books]
[From Wednesday's Mass reading: "Do everything without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine like lights in the world, as you hold on to the word of life, so that my boast for the day of Christ may be that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. But, even if I am poured out as a libation upon the sacrificial service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with all of you. In the same way you also should rejoice and share your joy with me." And also: "In the same way, everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple."]