For now, the chance of a pandemic seems to have faded (at least in the way of swine flu), but it is interesting to note that one major modern mystic, Maria Esperanza de Bianchini, from Venezuela (whose cause for sainthood is soon to be opened), foresaw both a problem with infectious disease and linked one notorious illness, which has caused a pandemic, with sin -- contrary to the politically-correct viewpoint of our society.
We speak here of the virus known as HIV, which leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Millions have died from it. It originated in a part of Africa where the Blessed Mother had appeared, warning of desolation if immorality continued.
"Before AIDS appeared, Our Lady told me, pray, pray, pray, because an illness is going to be discovered, and there won't be a cure at the beginning, but after they will find a way so that the virus will be contained, enclosed in a way that won't harm," said Maria nearly twenty years ago. "It will be a terrible sickness, and it will come through sex.
"That," the mystic had added, "is because people are abusing their passions. They have no control. And now Mary told me another sickness will come, that the person will only last for a month.
"How can you avoid this? Yesterday I met a married couple with AIDS. Already I have seen eight cases, but two people have been healed.
"There are rare sicknesses emerging that have not been seen before," she told interviewer Drew Mariani in the early 1990s. "Every day there is a new virus. Here in Caracas there is a new virus that causes bronchial pneumonia."
Indeed, we now have drug regimens that contain -- "enclose" -- the HIV virus, halting it from being so deadly; at the same time, there are current fears that bubonic plague -- which involved bronchial illness -- will return.
"The heavenly hurricane will come to help the weak ones, a battalion led by Saint Michael the Archangel, who will defend you because he will announce the decisive time, and he will be open to listen to the drums, flutes, and bells, able to stand quickly to fight with the prayer of the Magnificat," said Maria.
"Something is coming, the hour of terrible things during which confused humanity will not find refuge in the human earthly heart. The only refuge will be Mary.
"Misery will ruin nations, sicknesses will cause problems and pain and crying -- will imprison the heart, hurting without mercy. What pain! There will not be a ray of light to help them, and that is why I plead to you, to all Christian families, to get together in your homes and pray. Pray a lot, asking for infinite mercy."
It is a good time, at gatherings, to pray for a bubble of protection over our families. Ring in the new year with that.
Whatever may or may not come, with prayer, we know, we can halt wars and even suspend laws of nature.
[adapted from The Bridge to Heaven]
[resources: Michael Brown retreat, Mass, San Antonio: prophecy, spiritual protection and Announcing retreat in northern California]
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