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On the mysticism watch, a few quick notes -- questions -- on prophecy.
One: Is it too early to tell or is there prophetic significance to the recent upheavals and attacks in Middle Eastern countries?
In Lebanon, bishops have denied that an image of the Virgin of the city of Byblos, north of Beirut, "commenced to mourn blood and oil , as Lebanese media had reported, a phenomenon that coincided with the visit of Pope Benedict XVI," reports 20 Minutos. For now, they believe it was some sort of natural phenomenon (substances from the eye, mouth, and neck).
But did you notice how tensions seemed to plummet once Benedict XVI arrived?
Right now, the crisis seems to have simmered down. But in the midst of it we wondered about harbingers because on March 25, 1985, a seer named Mirjana Dragicevic from Medjugorje (the huge site of apparitions currently under Vatican review and drawing record crowds in former Yugoslavia) said Mary spoke to her about unbelievers and visually reviewed the first secret she had given the girl; according to Father Petar Ljubicic, Mirjana's spiritual director, one video-like image the seer "saw" was of desolation: “It is the upheaval of a region of the world," the visionary reportedly relayed (for our analysis).
One could argue that the current circumstances in places such as Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and elsewhere don't quite qualify because Muslims -- whatever the flaws in their faith --are "believers" in a single God; if not in the same way as Christians (and not in the full Nature of Jesus), believers nonetheless. When the Blessed Mother speaks to Mirjana, it is usually about outright atheists. But the Middle East is certainly the world's prime hotspot, its geopolitical (and geo-spiritual) epicenter. [At right, a photograph taken of sun behind statue at front of church at the apparition site by Bernard Gallagher of UK, who used no filter or special effects in his camera setting; the site has produced countless interesting photographs, along with conversion and healings; last week, the leader of the Canadian senate was among the visitors; in Italy, they closed down school to accommodate crowds when a visionary appeared there; he said Mary's message during an apparition was a special call for peace.]
Meanwhile, at Kibeho, another apparition site, in Africa, where there are also unusual sights, the Lord once told an alleged seer named Emmanuel Segatashya:
"Today this world is full of hatred, and you will know that the time of My return is near, that I am on My way, when you hear of and see the wars of religion. Know then that I come, for nothing will be able to stop these wars. Know, too, that it will not be easy to recognize Me. Tell all men that there is not much time left."
(While Kibeho was approved by Rome, only three of the seven original seers were included in the formal sanction; Segatashya, who died in the 1994 genocide, was not one of them.)
Muslims versus Christians? We're not near that point right now, though explosive escalations are not unknown to history. Back in the days after September 11, we had noted strange displays of the aurora borealis or "northern lights" in the West, as also happened as part of the secrets of Fatima (see our story from twelve years ago); now these lights, and the sun, are flaring again (albeit not to that extent). Back after 9/11, the question was whether they would presage war just like an unusual display of the aurora in 1938 presaged World War Two as foretold by the Virgin of Fatima?
During 9/11, there was the famous photograph of the smoke [at top] that looked like a sinister face on one of the World Trade towers. It was just one of dozens that seemed to show demonic visages during the plane strikes and then the collapse, striking in detail, like an evil signature or taunt.
And then there is Jesus. These are far more prevalent. You may remember the image [also at top] of what seemed like a silhouette of Him on a garage in the U.S.
Does it represent Jesus? And if so, what do such manifestations say to us?
Every year, markers multiply. Call them signs.
Photographically, do angels also show up -- in a campfire [left]? Let's just remember this: Saint Paul told us that love is more important than prophecy -- that prophecy is nothing without it, a message for our divisive times!
For we indeed are in strange moments. Harvard University and the media are currently promoting the notion that Christ was married (from a highly dubious fourth-century Coptic papyrus). There is such spiritual warfare, which we speak about extensively during our retreats. But as for signs:
"Probably for the last few weeks not just me but some other people have been feeling a darkness which has nothing to do with sunlight or how bright the sun is on any given day here in New Jersey," wrote Pam Nicholson from High Bridge, New Jersey, last summer. "It gets darker everyday and we do not know what to make of it. It is a darkness that implies a sense of doom; however, we see the Lord as that bright little flame as hope, and that we should continue to trust and do not worry. The signs of the earth changes are seemingly secondary to this darkness. But, that is because we do not want to believe we can entrust our entire existence and everyday occurrences in our lives to Him. It is a choice, not a command from Our Lord and Our Lady. There must be a 'New Peace'. Where is this peace? It is all around us and within us, but we choose not to acknowledge our part in this peace. Pray, pray hard with all your heart. Peace can only be found when we truly love and trust in God, and we must pray for the grace to see Our Lord in everyone especially our neighbors, otherwise, we choose unwisely, and we are telling God we have no hope that He will intervene for the change that is about to occur. God is all and always will be. There is no room for any other interpretations of what has been true for thousands of years. Wars can end, but it begins with hope and trust in all God has planned for each of His little ones. That is you and me. Please pray much -- never lose hope in anyone's ability to change. Some of the worst sinners have changed or converted to a more peaceful existence with God and co-existence with the world. All is possible with Him. Never forget to meditate on St. Monica's devotion to the hope that her son Saint Augustine would convert, and now, he is one of the most referred-to church fathers/doctor of the Church so many priests expound upon. It is within you to never give up hope and please kindly try to push through the doubts of those who seem as though they have given up on God, their neighbors, and all that God has given us through His grace throughout the pain and suffering He asks us to offer up each day that His Will Be Done."
[resources: Michael Brown retreats (the family tree, deliverance, the afterlife, the prophetic pulse: September 29: Chicago, October 13: Northern New Jersey-New York; and November 3, Minneapolis]
[see also: Sent To Earth]
Our Lady gave five wonderful promises to those who pray for atheists, those
have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father." The promises are:
1. "I will strengthen you."
2. "I will fill you with my graces."
3. "With my love, I will protect you from the evil spirit."
4. "I will be with you."
5. "With my presence, I will console you in difficult moments."
The prayer:
"In the
Name of Jesus, Who said that anything we ask in His Name will be
given to those who believe, I ask that those who have not come to know the
love of the Heavenly Father will be blessed with the knowledge that they are
loved by Him beyond all human reasoning and understanding. Please grant
them the gift to feel His love as it enfolds them to such an extent that they
will be unable to resist or deny it. May the knowledge of the Heavenly
Father's infinite love stir within their hearts the desire to return that love
to Him, and to reflect it to all others. May their lives be a pure
reflection of His resplendent love. I ask this in the Name of the Father, and
the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen"