There is the need for the power of grace. There is always this need. Before meals, we receive grace when we say grace -- asking God to bless the food we eat.
That grace compounds with giving thanks -- thanksgiving.
And so, at a time when we hear such conflicting advice on what we should eat and how we should treat our bodies -- when we hear so much about health care -- we rely on the Holy Spirit.
What is good for us and what is bad?
For years we were told that eggs were not good for us, that they could cause an overabundance of cholesterol, which then can cause clogged arteries. Now, studies indicate that eggs are good for us (something known by your grandmother).
The same has been true for just about every vitamin -- A, B, C and down the alphabet.
First they are miraculous, then without effect (or even harmful!).
Then, good again.
Omega-three fatty acids found in fish were seen for years as the miracle defense against heart problems and now there is a study calling that into question.
Nuts are too fatty. Then they are great. Now, a study says Brazil nuts can have a negative effect!
We see the need for the power of grace.
If doctors prayed with patients (and some do), there would be a more balanced (and less business-like) approach to "medicine."
We rely too much on chemicals. Sometimes, we "practice" too much medicine.
Is beef as bad as they say? What about milk (which at one point was nearly ostracized)? Is wine good for you -- or not?
What to believe?
Should we take aspirin or not? Should we have a mammogram or PAP smear or prostate test, or what?
First they tell us an annual mammogram is crucial. Now, every two or three years.
There is the need for the power of grace among scientists: they study and restudy and find conflicting results because they do not have the Vision of the God Who created nature.
They study without the power of grace.
As it says in 2 Timothy 3:7: "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
As it also says in 1 Timothy 4: "For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer."
In certain amounts, and with proper balance, nearly everything God made is good for us. The key is praying to Him for guidance, focusing on dark green vegetables, exercising, and never becoming gluttonous.
Simple Bible principles.
Simple means of grace.
If there is one piece of advice that will probably stand the test of time it is that a variety of foods and especially local ones grown without synthetic chemicals and made with no artificial preservatives (or coloring) are best for us.
God made those. In moderation, they are good for you.
So are Brazil nuts.
The average person develops cancer cells ten or more times during a lifetime, we are told, but wipes them out with a healthy immune system -- which often relies on prayer and nutrition (the power of grace).
Go natural. Go with what God created. Use moderation (and drink good water that is not in small plastic bottles, which release too many chemicals). Ask God to bless every meal, thank Him, and blessings (with direction) will come. Have we made medicine into too much of a business that overly relies on synthetic compounds and half-baked studies?
As one expert (and physician) writes, "Jesus ate primarily natural foods in their natural states -- lots of vegetables, especially beans and lentils. He would have eaten wheat bread, fruit, drunk a lot of water and also red wine. And He would only eat meat on special occasions, maybe once a month."
"Rich in appetite-squelching protein and super-low in calories, turkey won’t wreak diet havoc even if we absentmindedly nibble on leftovers throughout the evening," says a newspaper article. "And while turkey breast is our best bet (lowest in calories and fat), dark meat turkey is still a decent option (and certainly better than a second heaping serving of cornbread dressing). Turkey is also a good source of the B vitamins niacin (B3) and pyridoxine (B6), as well as the antioxidant selenium."
Finally, good news (at least this week).
[resources: Healing books and Foods that Jesus Ate]
[see also: New guidelines on pap smears, Only 51 percent of scientists believe in higher power, Drinking moderately in retirement and Five tests you made not need]
[Feedback from viewer Mercine Marshal:
"This is about processed foods again. I have suffered from an underactive thyroid gland for almost 40 years. Now it is coming out that consumption of soy products and canola oil can exacerbate this condition. Well, soybean oil is now ubiquitous in processed foods. Canola oil is being touted even by nutritionists as a healthy alternative to the older fats. I have had an entire year full of hair loss, extreme fatigue, mood changes, fighting weight gain. These are all part of the hypothyroid gland condition. I used to be able to be regulated fairly easily with medication, and within the past year I switched to Armour thyroid, which is porcine thyroid. It was the best thing I ever did, until Forest Labs changed their formula and the meds are now unavailable. (armourthyroid.com) The FDA (surprise) was in there somewhere shutting down labs. My doctor found a small compounding pharmacy near here which has a small supply of my much-needed meds. And by the way, TONS of people are now walking around with thyroid conditions. I was a rarity when I developed mine in the 60's and 70's. Hmmm?
"And the thing about the thyroid condition, at least for me, is that it is so difficult to regulate, and it takes three months at least to know if the dosage is correct. Then another three moths to try to correct. End up overcorrecting, then undercorrect. It is insidious, because the whole year is spent on correcting and not feeling well, and being tired, bloated, hairless and despairing. I think some of our processed foods encourage this type of condition to develop. Rapeseed (canola oil ingredient) caused thyroid problems in sheep, I believe.
"So yes, the foods we eat are problematic. I think canola is a genetically modified food."
"Thanks for listening to my rant."]
[Feedback, from viewer Donna Guzzio:
"Thanks for the article today....1 Timothy 4 also discusses natural food and everything God created is good. My family was originally in farming and always remember my Grandmother eating pork fat and real butter, she and my great grandparents were very healthy. Thanks for all the work you and Lisa do and I enjoyed The Seven. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
[Average doctor salaries:
$259,948- $321,686
Surgery: General
$228,839- 282,504
Obstetrics/gynecology: General
$203,270- 247,348
Psychiatry: General
$173,922- 180,000
Internal medicine: General
$141,912- 166,420
Pediatrics: General
Family practice (without obstetrics)
$137,119- 156,010
(NOTE) Source:
Medical Group Management Association, Physician Compensation and Production
Report, 2005.
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