Michael H. Brown will be giving an all-day retreat Saturday, September 16, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 11811 Calhoun Road, Omaha.
location is a retreat center and home to
a lay
community of powerful full-time prayer warriors and intercessors
who will join us for the day, with special prayers!
(Below for directions.)
There will be a Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes, 32nd Street and Francis, in Omaha, at 8 a.m. for those who wish to attend the liturgy beforehand.
is new information -- and certainly a dramatically changing world
situation -- to discuss.
A fascinating time it is for our world and nation.
We will be discussing spiritual warfare -- how it affects our homes, our families.
We'll be discussing the afterlife: new information from those who have glimpsed the hereafter, including very sobering accounts of hell.
How we can heal of family
-- and perhaps our ancestral family lineages.
We will discuss the powerful gifts our Church offers in troubled times -- and how we must grasp and appreciate and employ them!
Autographed books and videos available. Breakfast will be provided by the community, which appreciates donations. Lunch will also be served on site as part of the day.
Admission can be purchased on-line with button below; or by calling 386-446-8139 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST weekdays or via mail by check to: Spirit Daily, 11 Walter Place, Palm Coast, Florida, 32164. Please note that there are no tickets issued; attendees will be on a list at door. If there is room, there will be door admittance. Priests, nuns, and deacons are free.
Donations: we need and appreciate them!
Mary Undoer of Knots plus The Holy Cloak novena, $7.25
Michael Brown's books on Kindle or Nook
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