After many years of wanting to get there, we're finally able to hold a retreat on Long Island -- home to so many we have known through the years!
It will be a more personal retreat and held by author Michael H. Brown, at the Hilton Garden Inn at 3 Harbor Park Drive in Port Washington/Roslyn, New York, on Saturday, November 11, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The day always flies and there couldn't be more to discuss!
so it is that we'll get right down to signs of the times, recent
societal events, the glimmerings of upheaval, the threats of war, the
quakes and storms, and the hope -- always we end up with such joy, and
such hope -- at the end of the day.
For we have life everlasting and we'll also discuss this: the afterlife, as told by those many who have had actual experiences.
Heaven, hell, purgatory. What happens when we die? What determines where we go? How best to prepare?
And here on earth, how best to discern the future? What's in store for the Church?
Call it the prophetic pulse.
And as we will discuss: spiritual warfare -- such a step-up in this of late! -- will be a major part of our discussion.
A fascinating time it is for New York, for our world, and for our nation! Fear? But yes: preparation.
Autographed books and videos available. Admission can be purchased on-line with button below; or by calling 386-446-8139 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST weekdays or via mail by check to: Spirit Daily, 11 Walter Place, Palm Coast, Florida, 32164. Please note that there are no tickets issued; attendees will be on a list at door. If there is room, there will be door admittance. Priests, nuns, and deacons are free.
Mary Undoer of Knots plus The Holy Cloak novena, $7.25
Michael Brown's books on Kindle or Nook
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