"Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11)
as always to do a retreat in New Jersey -- this time the northern part,
on Saturday, June 24, at the Saddle Brook Marriott, 138 New Pehle
Avenue, Saddle Brook, New Jersey (below for directions), within easy
read of New York and Connecticut, as well as those in the Garden State.
Naturally, there is new information -- and certainly a dramatically changing world situation -- to discuss.
The "prophetic pulse" is quickening, and we have just released a new book and special report precisely on this.
A fascinating time it is! Did you know Columbus was a third-order Franciscan? That a comet guided the foundation of America's oldest city -- its foundation on Mary's birthday? That the Mississippi was once the River of the Immaculate Conception?
That's scratching the surface. Throughout the nation's history -- and especially in our current time -- there has been a battle, a war, between good and evil -- often a direct one between the angels of God and the occult (often hidden).
We will be discussing spiritual warfare -- how it affects our homes, our families.
We'll be discussing the afterlife: new information from those who have glimpsed the hereafter, including very sobering accounts of hell.
How we can heal of family -- and perhaps our ancestral family lineages!
The future of this nation -- including interesting if unnerving scenarios of various disasters, and how to discern them.
And so forth, with a question-answer period.
The retreat will begin at ten a.m. and end around four p.m., with autographed books and videos available.
Special attention
be paid to the hundredth anniversary of Fatima as well as other
supernatural events and messages from around the world. If you think
we're out of the woods, we are not -- though in the coming
consternation, prayer will protect and illuminate.
Admission is only $25 if
purchased in advance, $30 at door).
The morning: two sessions (unedited), the afternoon, two sessions:
Session A: what it likes in heaven, hell and purgatory and the factors that historic mystics, saints, and those who recently have had near-death experiences tell us about them. Descriptions literally out of this world. What does it take? What does get us into Heaven directly? Do we see loved ones again? What is it like to see ones entire life in review? How do we find our missions in life and destiny?
Session B: Spiritual warfare and protection. Our current times and the
manifestations of evil not just in society but also in our own homes and
families. I will discuss evil that comes through generations, and recite
a number of deliverance prayers. I will discuss everything from the
occult to pop culture: how these things cleverly enter our lives and how
to rid of them.
God's peace!
Session 3: the Blessed Mother, the prophetic pulse: an update. What have reputable seers around the world been saying most recently, and how might a period of warning and chastisement play out? What was the mystery in Wisconsin that may inform us of the future? And in Africa? Climate swerves. Strange phenomena. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones and Bohemian Grove. At its hundredth anniversary, is Fatima once more compellingly relevant? Are we hearing the rumblings of war as well as the rumblings of nature?
Session 4: the Catholic foundation of the United States with amazing, virtually unknown facts about the role of the Virgin Marty and of course Jesus and Popes in founding this nation a story that goes back to the 14th century and is completely pertinent today. This session will dovetail back with all the previous discussions as we survey the spiritual landscape and most importantly discuss what is truly important for our own lives, for our own futures, for our children, for no matter what happens in the world, we know for certain that one day the world ends for all of us and we can prepare in such a way with Jesus that the transition to eternity brings no fear but rather total utter joy.