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Our strange times. Our disoriented society.
In the news: McDonald's employee smashes skull of customer. Lesbians want son on drug to see if they should change his gender. A thief blesses himself before stealing relic from church. Other thieves steal the president's teleprompter.
And more. Much more.
Pedophiles demanding the same rights as homosexuals. Susan Sarandon calls the Pope a Nazi. Another priest killed -- in Central America, then the Philippines.
No use being Pollyanna about it. You can see the rudeness around you -- a sign itself. Everywhere: "haunted" houses. Zombies competing with witches (in Salem, of course). A heavy-metal band, denounced by a priest as "satanic," calls itself "Gregorian" (after the Catholic monastic chant). We live in times that are dark.
But the Blessed Mother has promised protection. "I am with you and I will remain with you," she allegedly said recently at the reputed site of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Hercegovina -- currently under intense Vatican study (with seers being called before a commission).
Matters, however, are serious. Mankind refuses to conform and in fact hardens
itself against warnings. There are constant
natural disasters. This week, the sky turned eerie, frightening red
from a massive dust storm at an old site of alleged apparitions,
in Lubbock, Texas. There is talk of
America's great decline. "Everything
around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of
God remains," is another recent recent message from Medjugorje. "Therefore, renounce everything that distances you from the
Lord. Adore him alone, because He is the only true God."
It turns out that these apparitions were foreseen a year before they occurred by a Muslim Sufi, who also said the Church would be faced with a monumental task in authorizing the apparition, in the face of much skepticism.
"During the period when Mary suffers rejection, earthquakes the like of which have never been seen before will occur," the mystic, Hasan Shushud, had said. "Storms more violent than ever. Thunderstorms. Flooding. Fatal, contagious diseases. And egoism, materialism, and violence will pervert societies. You will see that Mary will suffer, wait, hope and continue to call for a long time, as she is inviting to the way of peace. During this period Satan will get the opportunity for his plans of godlessness, chaos, suffering, death."
This was a Muslim in 1980. The story was unearthed by Danish reporter Jakob Marschner.
And we hear this elsewhere, especially from a general Christian intercessory site where a woman in Texas named Glynda Lomax who asserts to hear from the Lord on October 9, 2011, quoted Him as saying, "They who know Me shall not lack even in the midst of complete disaster. I shall provide for you all miraculously. You and many of My children underestimate the lengths I will go to take care of you during this time."
"The happy days of America will become bygones, never to return again. So will it be for every nation that forgets Me and turns from My righteous ways to their own ways, and to wickedness" (October 2, 2011).
"The enemy of your souls lurks in the darkness, in crevices and cracks in your lives -- places where you have not yet allowed Me to shine My light and cleanse you. These will be the cracks he slips through to destroy you in months to come if you do not lay down your sins and turn to Me with repentant hearts. Partial repentance is not enough -- I require an upright heart of you, not a heart of wicked schemes. You cannot serve Me and the enemy of your souls; you must choose. The time quickly approaches when there will be no more time to choose; you must choose now if you are to be safe.
"Plans are being made behind the scenes that will lead to destruction. Many lives shall be lost. The enemy seeks to sift you, and He shall be allowed to sift some of you that you may come up higher with Me. He will be allowed to attack many of you because you will read this and refuse still to give up your sinful ways.
There is plenty of Scriptural backing. Psalm 9:17 tells us that "the wicked shall be turned into hell, and the nations that forget God."
We hear the same from others -- including the traditional Catholic political commentator Patrick Buchanan, a Latin Mass-goer and former presidential adviser who has just released a major book, Suicide of a Superpower, about America's decline into a far lower stature.
"As the faith that gave birth to the West is dying in the West, peoples of European descent from the steppes of Russia to the coast of California have begun to die out, as the Third World treks north to claim the estate," he writes.
"The last decade provided corroborating if not conclusive proof that we are in the Indian Summer of our civilization."
Will our nation survive as a superpower until 2025, a date others have foreseen for a culmination, or start, of major events, he wonders?
His book coincides with one by bestselling author Michael Lewis, a former bond trader whose new book is entitled, "Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World" -- about "the world falling apart," as he put it in an interview. After visiting Iceland, which had the most spectacular banking bust, and Ireland, then Greece, Lewis "finally, and harrowingly, ends his journey back in the U.S., warning that Americans have little reason to feel safe from the danger. Instead, they are simply last in line."
Civil unrest. Occupiers. The threat of national bankruptcies (however much they are temporarily averted).
As a reviewer in the Washington Times
noted (getting back to that other book): "Mr.
Buchanan argues that our leaders have embraced the 'New World
Order.' Unlimited immigration, free trade, open borders, strident
multiculturalism, globalism, a cradle-to-grave welfare state, neo-pagan
morality, massive deficit spending and democratic imperialism -- together
they have triggered the moral, economic and spiritual disintegration of
It all fits spectacularly close to a prophecy that former atheist professor (now Protestant minister) Dr. Howard Storm claims he was told by angels during a famous (Today Show, 20/20) near-death experience: that because it has failed to live up to God's Plan for it, America will be turned into a third-world nation where people will riot and kill each other over a "cup of gasoline," to use his phraseology.
We last saw Howard when we appeared with him in New Orleans at a retreat that was opened and blessed by recently deceased Archbishop Philip Hannan (who famously gave the eulogy for John F. Kennedy, brother Bobby, and later Jackie, all personal friends). Archbishop Hannan -- New Orleans' most famous bishop, -- long has supported various private revelation, especially Dr. Storm (a video about whom Archbishop Hannan's group produced) and Medjugorje. He told Spirit Daily years ago that disasters like "Katrina" -- which, stranded for days, he survived -- have been sent by God as warnings or chastisements.
And here we listen (for discernment) to Glynda quoting the Lord as telling her:
"You justify your sin in your minds and think it does not matter, but truly I tell you, you shall answer to Me for every sin of which you do not honestly repent before Me.
"This year you shall feel My Hand of judgment upon you for your disobedience. This year will be a year of great change for My people. My people will either turn to Me or from Me as adversity increases in the earth. Some of you are ready for what is coming, most are not. Most of you abide in the world and visit Me. I desire you do the reverse. In what is coming, the world cannot save you."
These words were given her as Glynda viewed scenes on the news like the recent Texas wildfires.
"My children, you do not know the greatness of the hour in which you live.
"What you are feeling is grief over all My judgments that are now coming to the earth.
"Tell My people to position themselves for battle. Tell them to get ready to fight the enemy of their souls like never before."
"In the times that are coming there will be no room for sin in your lives. How can you serve two masters who are at war with each other?"
Yet, she points to Psalm 91, and so will we: "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!' For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence."
Two key words here: faith and pestilence.
Those who have submitted to messages of preparation and refinement and "have passed the test" will be greatly rewarded -- even in the commotion that approaches.
There is a sifting. Have you
noticed how strange many folks are acting? Great agitation in the
spirit. We are seeing who is what. We are secure if we are not worldly
-- and that means being careful not to let worldly endeavors morph into
spiritual ones (beware of idolizing those who have "made it" in the
As 1 John 2:15-17 says, "Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever." Selah!
Glynda cites that. As the Lord told her: prepare to fight the enemy of our souls as never before, to fight for the purity of our hearts, that the Lord may exalt us higher and use us in an even greater way. Selah!
And remember, as she quotes on her blog, "Yes, there will be disasters. Yes, there will be hardship [at this point I saw in the spirit a group of many people covered in what appeared to be a wall or wing of feathers] but My Glory shall outshine it all."
[resources: Tower of Light, Michael Brown retreat, Atlanta, and Holy Land pilgrimage in November]
[see also: Blog: Muslim foresaw apparition and The last (true) conservative]
[And: Archives: Archbishop Hannan says 'Katrina' was Divine chastisement]