From the National Catholic Register: Throughout the centuries, humanity has relished in ghostly accounts such as these. Some listeners instinctively.
Archives: One Woman’s Snapshot Of Eternity
There were no harps. There were no angels winging about in the ether. But a woman who experienced what is.
The Levels Of Purgatory (Archives)
For years, since the beginning of this website a quarter of a century ago, we have been distributing a booklet.
When The Soul Leaves A Body
The highly informative and interesting social media site Quora, whereby members pose questions (and get tons of answers), recently had.
Forums: ‘Amazing’ Revelations On Purgatory
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated for discernment]: The amazing revelations made by the souls in Purgatory to Natuzza.
Elvis On The Other Side?
[Books on afterlife experiences]
Policeman Glimpsed Heaven
God Is Always There
The social media site Medium recently carried a post about a woman named Amanda Wideman whose car had flipped upside.
A Computer Scientist’s Near-Death Experience
From God Reports: He was a computer scientist-engineer working on avionics for the F-22 stealth fighter aircraft when he suffered.
Forums: When John Paul II Discerned Deceased Spirits At Auschwitz
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The Message that the souls manifesting in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp are giving. Today.
The Safest Walk On Earth
From What You Take To Heaven: When Saint Anthony the hermit saw how many snares there are in the world,.
The Near-Death Light: Many Identify It As Jesus
From Fox News: Imagine all the love you’ve experienced in your entire life, from parents, spouses, friends, family — and.
Revelations On Purgatory
[resources: An Unpublished Manuscript On Purgatory]
Punishments For Souls In Purgatory
Forums: How Souls Suffer In Purgatory
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: How time passes in Purgatory. A shiver will probably run through.
A Priest’s Amazing Death
He was quite some man — Father Mike. We’ve written about him before. That’s the only way he’s identified by.
A Christian’s Near-Death Experience
Forums: Banshees
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Who are these souls and why are they detained there and what do.
Forums: Purgatorial Souls Who Visit Churches
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: The souls that spend their purgatory in the Churches reveal themselves.
Forums: Where Are Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin In Afterlife?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views not necessarily Spirit Daily’s]: Revelations of the judgment that Jesus makes. When.
When Near-Death Experiences Are Distressing
Distressing Near-Death Experiences: The Basics Nancy Evans Bush, MA Nancy Evans Bush, MA, is President Emerita, International Association for Near-Death.
A Near-Death Glimpse Of Heaven, Hell, And Purgatory
What The Church Has Said About ‘Ghosts’
[adapted from The Spirits Around Us]: Note that Christ mentioned both demons and ghosts, which one can also call “revenants.”.
Priests And Religious In Purgatory (Translated, For Your Discernment)
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [initial translation]: How these souls have shaped the Catholic practice of helping purgative souls..
Video: What Is A Ghost?
[From Spiritual]: + +
Woman Went From Catholicism To Atheism To Belief After Near-death Experience
Nancy Ryan grew up in a midwestern Catholic family, we are informed (in an episode aired by Megyn Kelly), but.
Woman Saw Heaven, Hell
Those near-death experiences continue to inform. And fascinate. Most recently, on a Christian network, a woman named Charlotte, Holmes of.
Blind Woman Proves She Could See During Near-Death Experience
From Mindmatters: Walter Bradley, researcher: Maybe the most interesting story that I’ve read about is the young lady who was born.
What You Take To Heaven Is What You Really Are
All spiritual progress, big or “small,” is important. Don’t ever be discouraged. Remember always that we’re spiritual beings having a.