We know from Scripture that heaven — God — can send what He wants to stop what He wants; this.
The Decade In Which Occultism Went Mainstream
The mainstream media has no qualms any longer when it comes to reporting on or dramatizing the supernatural — fewer.
At Christmas, among other things — in the midst of a main message of peace and joy; eternity awaits! —.
That Funeral Homily
It’s a time of joy, is Christmas — overwhelmingly so — while also a time of reckoning. At this moment.
Of Comets And Northern Lights And Radar Blips And A Hum
The sky is an endless mystery — because it’s just that: endless. It grants flashes and shimmerings, affords us the.
The Waters Of Narcissus
Have you noticed how everyone these days is a big deal? So many millions are “legends”! Everyone is transfixed on.
Bezos Photo
‘Monstrous’, ‘Unethical’ And A ‘Huge Blow’ To Chinese Biomedical Research
Is something inherently wrong with China? Is it this nation’s foundation on pagan traditions, and now atheism? Thank God for.
Archives: When Archbishop Who Knew Him Told Us Of JFK’s Hidden Devotion
We all have the memories, the motorcade, the shots ringing out, the riderless horse, the chill winds of November. It was.
The Coming Persecution
While conservative Christians are enjoying very friendly and protective actions, of late, in the U.S. government — a key reason.
America’s Third-World Destiny?
In the end, it may be part of a nation’s destiny. In the news of late: Fox TV host Laura.
Archives: A Totally Amazing Priest
It’s two years ago this week since an incredible priest died. From our archives, his amazing story. by Michael H..
Our Lady In Lebanon
Why is it that so few mention our “secret weapon” in the fight against Islamic terror? Archbishop Fulton Sheen did.
An Astounding Find
[Part 1:] Hear ye, all Protestants: Somehow, in the speed and obfuscations of our time — the division — it.
How Angels And Devils Manifest In Physical
Did you ever wonder how the supernatural manifests — shows itself — in physical terms? Often, we see those reports.
Entertainment Assumes Control
At LaSalette in the French Alps Our Lady told seer Melanie Calvat that before major events, “there will be a.
Notes On The Church
Many are confused about the Church, with some, including priests, openly concerned that it’s crumbling. This is understandable. Much has.
The Meaning Of Chastisement
Is there a single passage from Scripture that explains chastisement — how and why, as we so often see prophesied,.
When It Comes To Ancestors, You Never Know
We know someone who recently had DNA analyzed by ancestry.com, and while there are those who question the accuracy of.
The Tattoo Issue
Maybe you have one. Odds are, someone you know does — perhaps a spouse or son or daughter; a nephew..
Mercy, Mercy: What About The Crowd?
We always wonder where Judas went — Hell? Or through last-minute mercy, purgatory? We can’t judge, but we can ask.
A Deficit Of Miracles
Did you ever wonder why there is such a dividing line and often a gulf between those who tack toward.
Archives: Is It The Most Powerful Spot On Earth?
It is a land that, in its divisiveness (as we will discuss), may be a harbinger for America; it is.
Ever Learning And Treading Water
So: is there some mystical theory explaining why noted astrophysicist Stephen Hawking died on the same day — March 14.
The Danger Of Money
How now Dow? “Dear children!” is a recent message from Mary. “May this time be for you a time of.
Oh Brother: The Potential For Tech Tyranny
We’ve never focused on Facebook as a major platform for this website and though we post occasional items, never will.
Does This Man See Into The Supernatural?
We use the term “allegedly” a lot and it’s necessary but sometimes cumbersome and so perhaps one will simply say:.
The Prophetic Pulse: Of Warming And Cooling And Swerves
Is there global warming? Yes, it is clear. Is there also a swerve toward global cooling? Just step outside this.
Blog: More On Christian Art And ‘UFOs’
Diego Cuoghi ART and UFOs? No thanks, only art… (translation: Daniela Cisi) “Meanwhile the average man had become progressively less.
Christ, The Virgin — And Flying Saucers?
The news last weekend on the front pages of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico about a secret.